Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, p. 36

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Richard -Buck Are maffiédTebruary 2 The marriage of Miss Mar- jorie, Nelson, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin NelsonP* of Wmnnetka, to Richard Buck, son of Mrs. F. HË. Gallagherof'Glen-. coec, took plce Saturday, Febru- ary 2, at 3:30 o'clock, in the hi- brary of. the Wininetka Congre- gational church, with the Re.. Samnuel D. Harkness officiating. Miss Nelson had but onet*attendant, Mass Helen Manley of Wilmiette, while Hanny Clark of Glencoe served- as best man. The bride wore a beige àilk suit w *th brown bat and, accessories and ber bouquet was of lavender orchids. Miss Manley was in a blw print druss with brown hat a-nd accessories and gardenias. After the ceremony, the young couple neceived froi 4' to 5, at the home of the bride's parents. Mn. and lirs. Buck will be at home after IFebruary 10, in thein new apartment at 4815* Elan street, Niles Center. The bride was the. guest of bonor at a number of pre-nuptial festivities, aînonil thein beinoe a red and white tained at a luncbeoni and linen shower.- Miss Betty Kinwan and Miss Rose Faucett of Glencoe gave a miscellane-. ous shower and breakfast at the home of Mis s Kirwan in 'Wilmette. Miss. Gretel Knupfen and Miss Virginia *Kloepfer of Winnetka were hostesses at a pantny shower and evening bridge at the home of the former in Wilmette. $uests of Hoanor 1 Mrs..Byron Knapp, Jr., 1004 Pon- tiac road, entertained at a dessert bridge luncheon Wednesday in honor of ber busban4ds mother, Mns. B. IL Kuapp of Evanston, who la mvving ta .Wate ad ins. Arthur nppage -"Wçb ved tô the vlae 1'hulane Photo Mrs. John Arthur Bennsnghani u t/w former Hogel Dimick of Kawas City, Mo. Her marrioge to Mr. Ber- mingharn, tho is the son of Mrs. Witer P. Bermtinghoen of 718 Laurel avenue, took place January 19. nesclay of next week a IZ :3U o7clocac at the Chicago Woman's Athletic club, will bave as its guests of honor, Miss' Donotby Waldo, associate headmistress of Tenacre, Dana hall 1 and Pnue Manor, and Mademoiselle Marie Louise Reuche, head of the French departmient at Dana hall.: Bridge Dinner Mr. and lira. Harry Weese, 141 Kenlworth v e nune, Kenilwonth, entertained twenty-four business. friendu of Mn. Weese at a buffet brdg«e *Ismer Satudy. for WeII.sI.ey Counedil Mrs., Ralph Browu' of Winnetlca, president of the" Wellesley Coflege Alumnae association, together with Mirs.. W. Hamiton Walter of Glen- coe, treasurer, I eft .Tuesday, morn- ing for Wellesley to attend the an- nual, Aluninae council in session february 7, 8, and 9. ýOther officers serving with. Mrs. Brown are Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Glencoe, first vice- president; Mrs. William Sherman Hay of Winnetka, second vice-presi- dent; and Mrs. Alfred. H. Taylor, (Joy Scheidenhelm) of Glencoe, sec retary. Coing- east > for the council were Mrs. Charles Ray McCallum of Mil- waukee, who resided in Wilmette for a few years, and Mrs. William A. Vawteri II of 'Benton Harbor, Mrs. McCallutn, who is -chairman of the clubs. committee, and Mrs. Vawteri,- who, as 'chairman of the fund coin- mittee, is en the board, went to Wel- lesley to lead part of the council. Thbe Alumnae council, with its representatives froin ail over the country, and froff each Wellesley. club, meets to get information: and discuss the activities. of the clubs,'-the alumnae fund, and -any other aluffinae problems, Mrs. Brown will preside at the for- mat dinner opening the council .to- night (Thursday), and will welcome the assemblage. Miss Ellen Fitz Pen- Ieton, _president of Wellesley col- give tuvir reports. Ani iuîriuaî Gn- ner will be, held Friday night with a visiting prof essor at college the speaker. A monning session will be: held Saturday, conclucing with .a lincheon. Mrs' Walter, (Eleanon' Dawes) Who plans to be- away about a week, expècts to spçnd two or three days with her sister, Mrs. Donald Walker (Marian Dawes) who has moved to Merion, Pa.. just outside of. Phila- deiphia. served a necep- The bride anrd bidegroom are now at home at the Haven Hill apantients, 7m West Fortyrseventh strèetP Kan- sas Cty Elected to Board of Park Ridge School Philanthropic women of the north shore again play an im-* portant role in the aff airs of the well known 'charitable 'girls' school, the Park Ridge School for Girls. At the recent annual meeting, of the board of dire c- tors of the school held at the, Chicago Wo man's club, the, fol- lowing officers we ré elected: Mrs. Charles Ware, of Keniilworthf president; :Mn. Charles Keller- of' Winnetka, first vice-president; Mrs. Chauncey T. Lamb, of Hinsdale, sec- -ond vice-president; Mrs. Herbent B.* Mulford of Minmette, third vice-prési- dent; Mns. O. J. Buck of Evanston, fourth vice-president; Mns. George 'Fores ofHubaidWoods, MitTi vice- president; Mrs. W. C. Gilbert of Ev- anston, recording secretary; Mrs., Howard Greer of Glencot, cornes- ponding secretary; Mrs. Walter Cowan of Evanston, auditor; Bentley G. McCloud of Kenilwortb, treasurer. . Reports read at tbe meeting indi-' .cated mucb practical progress at the school, notwithstanding extremel.y serious financial handicaps. Although the maiority o f the girls rame. from at me euaiot meyear was carnug *ur completely, with living and education, 133 dependent girls.. Recent intelli- gence tests show an above-avenage mentality level,. indicating in the minds of the officens, the worthwhile- ness of this type of 'chanity. buning the year -the high scbool wa s.placed. on the accredited list. -. ----- u -.. litira. A ineweUUaing w~ii take place in the early spring. Miss Helen Boz, daught er of Mn. and Mrs.. Norton A. Booz, 919 Forest avenue, wili be hosteis today at lunch- eon anid bridg oréïht

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