Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Feb 1935, p. 28

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$hlscwToe: $2 PM TU iSINGLEConnus5 Cz»m Au ç.k*ons and oew*ributioms teuded for publi- cai..on q beas, ttMman a uu of the sothor, mot me.mil#Y foi publiadon, but for.our fi". Such mateeial mm uit aséthae "tor by Tuesday Bom to be in ne -for Boy SCOUT BurTIDÀY' 0& the north soras esweethroughout America, the BOY Scout. movenient has had a marvelons effect upon tht 'itizenship of the coin- muities. In the years of its existence it bas, turned into the ' Stream. of.commercial, Social and civic life many men who are, better fitted forý thé dulies of citiienship because of the training received in Scout association during the formative period of their lives. As February 8 cornes around this yeir, we are oneagain. reminded that the Boy Scouts are liaving a birthday, this turne an' officially imnport- ant one, the twenty-fifth, which wilI usher in its Lilver Ani'veray Year. celebaUig a quarter century of Scouting, during which 6,530,330 boys and'Men have in ail branches followcd its happy, healthy, outdoor. prograin and comnritted, thein- selves to the great Oath and Law, which has been described as the finest code for conduct that has bee. proclaimed since the Sermon on the Mount. C~ongratulations to every Boy Scout of Anierica 1 Congratulations to Arnerica that it bas Boy Scouts 1 *Scouting was devised as a garne and is played in that spirit, but underneath the gaine, permne- seiz,888 8ememBrance i te La i tzscani~ . '~. 'Také one Scout law atonie and set wbat it means te American life as a wliole, where it is rnultipiied'- mor e than a thousanti fold, as, it annually is: "A, Scout is clean. Hie keeps dlean in body and thought,' stands. for dlean speech, dlean sport, cIta n habits and travels with a dea 1n crowd." If this is par t cf a gaine, it is a gaine every Americaen parent wili Covet for bis son.Othewhc vy We listen to tht Scout ahtwiceer Scout andi Scouter throughout the country wilI re- subscribe on Friday evening, February 8. su d bec lators can andi new measures, good stase. r the decree as Gtinedtne Inity of living a normal life. encies of thte'law that legis- 1 correct 'by the passage of n in tht liglit of sanity and z2EEVATED'HIGHWAYS* No person who bhas experienced tht difflcultie.s of traveling by automiobile ,frorni Chicago's city lirnits'te thé centers of its business activities can view with indifference the efforts now being made- te secure elevated highways. To residents cf tht metropolitan area Who are familiar with tht ha2-ý ards-,and'absurdities cf the journey, and know tht *shortcuts a"d bypasses that Mih shorten tht dis- tance and reduce thet ture ordinariIy required, the job is fraught with rnany nerve wracking obstacles and tirying e xperiences. How much greater, then, must it be for tht stranger, tht touirist, who makes the atteanpt for the first tume. President Roosevelt bas been given a fund of It lias .* i e is' to spend for public works. I a been placed in bis bands by congress without any restrictions, without even an ad- vance indicatio*n as te how or for what the rnoney is to be spent. This rnoney will have te be repaid eventually eut of taxes. If Chicago is successful in securing an appropriation that will make pos- sible the construction of much needed elevated bighways that will permit the swift movement of automobile traffic without present confusions andi uncertainties, it will only be getting sorne- thing, for which it "Il have to pay, whether it are its guests at ont tinit or another. They wopuld 'ail sharé in the proposed adjunct to safe and pleasant motoring within tht metropolis. IMPORTANT News et tht assassination' on Monday of Thomnas E. Maloy, boss of tht' Motion Picture Operators' union, executed in tht most apDroved fashion of w Mxourioing a step. For this rea- g of Malopy is an event Of major every law-abiding citizen. that Anci through of that! astate NRA, law law. Just think We have given up ail hope of convincing news- papers of the incongruîty ofpublishing pictuesf divorced couples takcen on their wtdding day. To thus embellish news of busted romances seerns flot at ail fair. While, February is a short month,, its day-s bid fair to be crowded with excitement for tht ,deni-" zens of. Chicagoland., Without- attempting to recount ail the delicicus, de- lightfui, delectable scandais an d crimes in, store, fordevo- tees of tht sensational prints, there might be mnentioned tht mysteriouis murder cf the bar- tender at tht Saddle and,,Cy- cie club,.andtht more or less regrettable assassination of a Prominent labor czar, who evidently ezared not wisely but too' vigorously. That'> a mighty goed start for any month, and wili ne deubt keep tht- police departinent reason- ably busy for some time te corne, as weii as pro- 'vide choice morsels for tht avid consurners of police court drama. The big city to Our south bas evidently becorne jealous cf tht attention being given te Flernington, N. J., where .bright lawyers are atternpting te pin a horrible murder on a dead maid and an equally dtad dealer in A No. 1 high grade furs. The latter is 'mighty keen coin- petition, and the big 'city wiil have' to hustie. Btween a m.urdered labor czar and a murdered baby known the werld over, thte'public. inttrest is likely te remain with tht latter. A modern "William T1ell" boasted that he could Shoot tht bat off a friend, and did it. And the friend's head with it. Some things were dont bet- ter and more. skillfully in tht old days. Senator Norris of Nebraska, at times a self- styltd. rtpublican, is sponsoring a bill designed to rernove Jinn"SI1rnI,,i," 2rt.. ... A New York youngster knows 10,000 words at six jytars of age. Girl? Sure. TnRPOR 1 mOMRpor kuie as son the kilt se -of nportanSe1

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