NeWodfin-'Pr.mpt bolivory 15.0v Of parking SPOCe LET US -HULP,.YOU PLAN.YU VALENTINE PARTY Whte i eacidWsribainoagom ae , Ilurchoee, bridge, diussr or bolet suPPer. Looh 'Or th# Rii be., 15 i se deubl .1efr Suggestions, ter the -sens-A spagéoeUl dis* cichesa M inlgo, or boeelciches wes mot bu auula-The good thinga, et courue, sed met bu cesinoe t.à#Aday of tA. paty-There art #»«nA ter the enlise .ek.. Ail #deus ,lecindeeiiteny., Straw#beriy Rhubarb S. y4bing end tender111Sfef oit 00 in four or five . c Our regular sd»-4« à decdous lemon pie, or à vaiiety of desserts -serve gbnerous miloos wIIh gai mon steak end perch fie". doz. 19c Fresh Telephone Peus Fuil pods--diiciousty swet and,-0) * 1à PrIAduct Chlck. a la King A perfecf luncheon enfraeaaon r eady fo heaf and serve- Perfecf 'Seb ce* for tw.. 3 for I,5* 2 ITe x. Seedeis GrapefruitI Large silo-fuit2fr lF of jucei . O9c.3 - Brussels A perfect witIh fried 3dmLI~ vegjetabte to serve qt. box.23t New-Cabbiige For a crisp, green cd oluaw5 -,fine for coing., oo. IL. Salmoe. Steak Ak perf.cty doliclous enfres - I.mon suices new peaos anM baked' po+*a*.-comPle edreh FI"et No bons &HaUmeat -&a » 34c SoU, broUor fr then- largeor I.3 'ib. 23 Youtg nd fn.~ from 3 m lb21 THlE DEST LIQUOR BUYSý *igh k 3.69 17e Deliver le Ton Il N. Carring te De FBRU-ARY 7, 1935 LAKE VIEW WILME 402 Lijden Avenue wIIaetta Isela, l me Jarvhs »,,Mn arek 0116 5r.~gtt s. ~'ur Dee~ 4ftAiesg g4.r N.r* SAea. Grapo or Crab Apple JeUy 6. used for a fable tuabler lo.eaufiful la 14-ox. Olde I4àeed Oramge Ma«orm*oade -Agoldien i4!of godees- m o f a t nef-fo isweef - but realýl ut, dwf- godwlfhhf br.ads1 9 6f Wihfh t1st - M 2 for 38c.19 - t'