Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 6

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wiii meet ýy 4. at 7. j T1%e musical numbers for thie morning wvorahip vill b. au folbowrs: -Prélude, 'raludlum" (lst Modeml Suite), Mac- Do<Weil - anthéni, "RoOk of ÂgS«," Buck; solo, *'âonsider and.Hear Xe,"! Wooler, àtr. Otis; postueUarch" (Athalie), Mendelssohn. islîs *Erma Rounds. lo dIrector. Our Sunday achooliInvites yo T t Inééth at 9 :30 oWclock.,.Ail the départ- Monts will be able. W meet agaàin this. Sunday. The AduIt Bible clas meets at 10, o'clock, cântinuing the study of the Ile and letersÏ of Paul The. study thié Week will be TIOM. Second Letter to the ThMeualonians." We 'Invite you tW Join us. Junior church wlIlcare for the. littie ones during the nirni service, Mrsi Stanley Peterson ln charge. Thé pastor's Instruction clam for those t who wlsh to prepare for church meni- bershlp will meet at 9:301 o'clock ln thé Chuwchoffice Thé Tuxis soclety, the hlgh school young pple'i group, wIll ineet at 5:30 o'Clock ln tc hapel Dr. W. W. Bauer t of the AreIcan Medical association will b. the. speclal seer;wtth theme, "Th¶e Tree eLie." Ail the youhg people are urged to corne., Refreshmenté vil i e uerved. The, Wilmette Sunday Evenlng club1 wil meet at 7:30 o'clock at thé Fîrst Congregational church. The speaker wili b. Dr. George ah Vincent. The session wIii meet at the churchi )tonds7 ,vening at 8 o1clock. Boy Scout tmoop No.'5 vIll meet at the. 'cek. A-Àftter a short à4evotIonal, thert. viii Re au illustmated lecture by Ken- »eth Keeler 'of thé Presbyterian Tiieo- logical ueminary who spent a summier worklng ln the *eptucky niuntalitîl on thé subjet 'Chriatianlty ln the Back of ~eod." flre vIli Re a short eongrc- «ational business meeting. Wé Invite ourimembrs and friends to be sith us. tive ohr Church nights wiii follow. Thé choir will réhearsé ut thé churcn F'rday evening. Girl Scout troop No. 6 viilmeet at thé on Thuraday, February 7, the Cour, Corner cirole *14 meet at the home Of Mrs.. A. S. HLolwây, 1227 Elmwood ave- nue, Wlth, luncbéôn at 1 o'clock. Mrs. JA. R.Bchubér,, Mrs. W. A. Richardson and rsA.M. ,;Ùiderson llbe assiast- Ing hostesses. The Junior, Camp Fire Gi rls ineét on 1 Tuesday at 4:15 p. *'n Scout Troop No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:380 P. The ro is (Junior Girl Scouts) méet on Wedneday at 8:30 P. Mni. Scout troop No. 2 moeto on Wédnesda.y at 7:30 P. ni. Girls,' choir rehearsal on Tliursday *it 3:390 p.n. Boys, choir ,rehearsal On Thuiisday at 4 P. nM. Senior choir rehearsal on Thursday at 7,15 p. in. Cub Pack 63 on Satutday at 9:30 a. 'ni. Girls' cholir rebearsai at 10:30 a. mi. Sat- urda.y. Boys' choir reheamsal at il a. m. Satur- dÉLy. MetkoJJst ChÉlktrch The Reverend Amios Thornburg, minister Thé service this Sunday mnornig wIl be under thé sponsorage of the WlImetté Parlsh branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society. Thé minister's ser- mon thème wIll bé "Christian Worl Mndedness."1 The orgaflist bégins to play promptly at 1CF;45 o'clock. Al mémbers and friends are lnvited to sharé in this service of musical prépara- tion. The music for Sunday morning will be as follows: Offortory solo Organ postludé: "Toccatta" (V Syni- phony).......... ....... .... Widor ThéeHigh School Npworth league yl mneét Sunday evening at 6:30 o'clock. Theta Upsilon Rho wlli meet, Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Choir réhearsal will be held this eve- ning (Thursday> at 8 o'ciock under thé diretion of Miss Marie Briel. Ail mem- bers are unged tW be preseht and on time. Service ofworuhip il......1:00 a. in. Luther léague..............56:30 p. in. Choir rehearsal, Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Chlldren'a 'chorus, Saturday mornini, at 10 o'cllock.. ZqeXt Sunday morning, February 3, at. Il o'clock, we will hold our annual Young people's service. Everyone fei In- vlted to worahip with, us. The Luther> bague iwill mèée on Sun- day evenlng at ý6:80 o'elock.. We invite &Hl the Young people. to meet wIth us. The confirmnation class W'111, mieet Tuesf- day, afternoon at 8:45 o'clock. The 'Leadership Training class for. Chua!çh school touchers'will be héld at thé Holy Trinity Lutheran church, Chf- cago, -on Tuesday evénlng- at 8 o'clock. "Éle Church council willi meet on, Tues- day evening, February .6. ut 8 o'clock. The Woman's8 society will meet 1o n Thursday aftrnoon, P'ebruary 7, st 2 o'clock, at the parsonage. Mrs. B. B. Knudtson wM Ipresent thé toplc and .M,&Swen ~Oblson wIl ive t 1heaa mine quis. Tiiere wIlli he a recognition o iiew menibers service at this meeting. This la a very iinpresslve candié service. Four Réw members *111 be recelved -Into ~the soclety on thîs day. We Invite al thée w'omen to meet with us. on s*.,,wu r wbèvenWAP,1ébiury9..the, St. John's Lutheran Wiirnétté and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9.~15 a. m.-First service. 9:30 a. m.--Sunday ochool and Bible classes. 10:30 a. n.-Preparatory service for Hoiy Communion.. 11 a. n.-Second service, wth Holy Communion. The Young- Peopie's sooietY meetso M Fnrids.y evening uat the home of Ebeanor Williams, president, andholde Its regu- jar devotio6nalý meeting Sunday évening, at à o'clock. The Sunday- Xvenlng club presents Dr. George a Vincent ln a thoughtfui addresso, which deserves a large gather- On Wednésday next, the sériés of con- férences on "'Relief and Recover Y" haà for its,,theme "1ouslng and Related problemzs" which will be opened Up by J. 'C.,Blaylock out of bhis expérience la this illd.> S.A ugustine's Dr. lHubert ,Caneèton, rector Nextt Sunday- wIll be -thé fourth S3un- day atter the Epiphany. There villi be, Holy Commnunion at 8 A. M., Church school and Bible classes at 9*:45, and Holy Communion with Sermon at 11 o'clook. Next Sunday. being thé tiret Sunday ln the month wIlli be the Corporate Commiunion Sundlay for both the Boys' and Girls' Communion leagues. SatrdyFébruary 2, thé Church celebratés thé Presentation of the Infant Christ ln thé Temple. Thère wiii b. l{oly Communion at:S A. MI. Thé annual convention of thé- Dioceée, of Chicageo wlll meet* at. Grace church, On Monday night there viii Rie a ré- ception for thé Rt. Rev. and Mrs. George Craig Stewart ln thé Louis XVI room at thé Hotél Sherman at 6 o'clock, foi- iowed by a pré çonvention dinner at E6:30. This dinner la especially for the del- egates and alternates to thé conention,, an weli as for thé people of the diocese ln gênerai. Tables wili be resenved for each pàrish. Pléase make réservations wlth thé réctor.' Kenilworth Union' Dr. Herbert U. Wiilett, ruinister ng~béné~j me se m -. J~. rgroupa '9 is m t . * J mi'uUu. u to sing for on meeting, Robert P. Biéhi, 1119 Lk vne nen W ou r has. beeù l! for t Leeavtoweue y In Fébru- wittéhfl"fitn."wek at

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