Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 38

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Style Show and 1 A* background of f 0 1 flowers, and lovely mann walking. to a.nd. fro to th stra.Mns of. music. forin th ting -of thé Annual Val Fashion show and Bride sponsored ,by the Juniort ary -of the, Woman's CI Wilniette, on Saturday noon, February 9,: at 2 c athe clubhouse,, Tenth: and. Greenleaf avenue,. mette. Advance spring . fashions in afternoon, and evening e linryfur, jwery, shoes, made lingerie, and cosmeticsl displayed, with' Emma Beati' LiUlian Hat shop, 'Thomas E. Mc SpauIding- Gorhait, O'Conno Qgldberg, Sally Shermani, and beth Arden the exhibitors. Members of the Senior and' clubs will act as mannequins. The Juniors state "The re fromu this affair will help repî the charity fund and meet the demands made upon it." The Juniors urge that you your reservations early, as prefe will be given in the order rec You may make your reservatici calling Mis Laura Loui Reichr 60D Central- avenue, Wilmette. Heading the ways and means aittee lu Mrs. John A. Young, man, who i. being assisted by Marion Cook, co-chairman. The mittee lu as follows: Club House Arrangement Myrtle Lundquist Fashion Show-Mrs. JohnA. Yc Miss Marion Cook, and Mns Austin Elîmore Prizes -Ms.ý Charles M. Hig botharn Program-Miss Georgia -Stompe Publicity-Mrs. Carl A. Reeb Refreshments-Mrs. Kenneth1 Mrt '. Johit A. Youmj is general' chairna, of the Annud l en'tisie Pthiol, show and bridge tea of the Junior auxriliarvj of the Womo,,' Club of Wilmette at the .clubhouçe, the' afternoon of February 9. The' Chaitf nd will ben e fit, the'rebî': SCards are being sent out by the Chicago Goucher ColIege club. invit- ini z those interested in college prob- lems to meet Dr. Gertrude' Bussey, chairman of the dèpartment of phi- losophy of Goucher college, February 9, at 2:.30 o'clock,' at the Community House of the, First. aptist church. 1456 Chicago avenue, Evanston. Dr. Bussey 'viii speak on '4Recent Ven- turesý in Liberal Education." Tea wifl« Mrs. Robert Seely DeGolyer of Hubbard Woods, president-o the Chicago chapterý, is, béingassistedby anl enthusiastic icowniittee mncluding Mrs. Stephen V., .Balderston, Mrs. Engene Price Brown, and Mr .s.. Rob- etWness Millar of Evanston, Miss Josephine Fleming ýof Lake F~orest and Mrs. James Madison Stifler of Chicago. -Arrangements for the tea are in charge of Mrs. William D. Bollinger and Miss Ellen Coolidge of Dr. Bussey will be the guest of honor ai .a Goucher college dinner. to be beld. S3aturday night ini the Blue roip~-fthe Orrington hotel in, Evai ton. C$rcle Meets Ai Day ceTed Margueril. Heron Is, insb Fincéeof Abner Web~ser cr- Mr. and Mrs. OttoSedneero chair- 470 Jackson avenue, Glencoe, announce corn- guerite Heron, to Abner Adams Web- ster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miss Webster of Indian Hill estates, Wil- mette. Miss Heron, a Delta Gammia loung,' at Northwe'stern university, graduatecl .W. in 1934. Mr. Webster, a' Sigma Nu, was 'g.raduated f rom Lafayette college' ini iggin- Pennsylvania, ini 1932. The. engage- ment was announced to about sixty of their f riends at a tea Sunday after- noon,'January 27, at the Seidenbeckers' Bor- home in Giencoe. Mrs. A. S. Holway, 1227 Elmwood avenue, will be hostess at an ail-day meeting of the Cozy Corner circle of the First Cot'gregational church in Wilmette ion Thursday, February 7. Luncheonl will be served at 1 o'clock. Assisting hostes ses will be Mrs. A. R. Schuber,> Mrs, W. A. Richardson, and Mrs. A. M. Anderson. WfilmetteSi ride: Crowers to Hear Charles N. Evans The,:winter snows, ice-cov- ere 'd streets *and chilling wind.s. of which we are .having an, un- stinted share .this, season, -in, "no way chili the enthusiasmn of our local, gardeners, -for the true gardener is essenitially--an ien- thusiast. Before a crackling lire, be Iscans the newest seed, cata- logue and in his rnind's eye plans ini bis now- snow-clad' yard -the, g.a rden of his dreamns for t1iV coming year. And s0 we- find the mnembers kof the Eveninig Garden Club of' XVII- mette having as the topic for their Febrtiary meeting., -The Growving of Roses." And it is noue too soon to b. thinking about' roses and to'b making our selections for 1935. The club lias fortunately secured s0 able a speaker to discuss roses. as Charles N. Evans, one of its Original. charter members. who, in the, past few y'ears, lias achieved renown as a rose specialist. Many of our north- shore people have visited and ad- mnired the roses in his home garden. 2822 Blackhawk road, and it has alsôi been honored as a Chicago Tribune prize garden. Both in the 1933 and 1934 Century of Progress, Mr. Evans planned and ruanaged the rose gardens in the ilorticultural exhibit and his success and- experience there 'bas given hirn ai 'unusual knowledge of roses.' Mr. Evans wiill tell just what we' should know about roscs-what to, purchase - how to plant- how to prune for blo)Iom. and will1 also tell vhich are the most de.sirable and )ea'uti ful' roses to grow, especially ini this localityý. *This wilf rea lly be a rare treat for rose growers-present tive-and the club, of 'C. Pifer is presdent. and prospec- which Harry St. Francis Houseld, Ordere of Martha, will' have its regular sewing meeting Monday, February 4, at. 1:30 O'clock, at the home of Mrs. William ]Barroôn of 8V7 Linden avénue. are urgea te riedS Bwckq ~oe.. a:'~'naae. 'to Meeting

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