600s qua re feet beingAded to our present store!. BARGAINS IN, EVERY Dàmauflful French crp drps n Il a th. l~te- faisor.d with import.dlaces --lso'double 'top Calforiatailor.< ,11;le« in a11 sexes. SECTION to compensatefor yournonvenience HOSIERY, pair. Our Faomous 4-thread, 42-gauge Vamp-oe Now is the fim. fo Pût in a supply in the new sprng shd.s.* * An unusual penchase off ords us to offer t lie -o er*ful valu., in Ilie hançibagi. Ral seal, pin and1 novelfy caIfk siIk and wo.l sport Legs. BIu.&, l>rwn and navy. Wide vari.ty of styles.. Vlu., t. $3.5. IFINE'AL.L SILK FABRICSI EV NSTON J ANUA-RY 31, 1935S