Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Jan 1935, p. 12

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tirne to celebrate Founder's Day. It is an annual event and Iookçd for- ward to ,1y everyone. The speaker will be Harold A. Ebrensperger of the schooi of speech *at Northwesterni.university. lHe>-bas had wide exçperience as a letfrer ;and cornes wel qualified ýto speak on the' subject, "The Part that Drama Piays in Our Lufe Today,." A critic bas said >of bim: "few men know both the professionaI and amateur stage, as wel as Mn. Ebrensperger." He bas been of. the theater as' director, author, actor, and bas lectured about the theater from tbe. viewpoint of al three.. The 'music. which will precede'the program wil be. furnished by the Akeiy Trio.whicb consists of Ernau Akeiy, pianist; Frances Akeiy, violin- ist; "and Blythe Akeli ceiiist. No one should mies the ýopportunity to hear one of the community's finest instru- mental trios. The Babies Friendly will meet Thursday. February 7, at the borne of Mrs. William Schleier, 1629 Cen- trai avenue. This wiii be an ail-day meeting. New members are always teicote. For furtber information ëâal Mrs. Berscb, Wilmette 3050. SORORITY PRESI-DENT Miss Marguerite Mockier, daughter * of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mockler, 131 Maple avenue, bas been elected president of Kapp~a Delta sorority at Northwestern University.' Miss Mock- ler is in ber sophomore year of the Mcdill Schoôl .of Journalism. j "$AVE VOUR DUCK$!1" t Hiave your whklle yen eau gt BUJCK$ F#cfelo'sPhoto SI. s 115Greenleaf Avenue Wthnmette 176 tietting on the job without fuss or feathers, it started in to do a real job of pùtting the Chest drive over in a big way. Concentrating on tbe business sec- tion of Ridge avenue, it started at the 200. block and mrade ,a,*c.ean -sweep fromn there to -the 900 bioÉk-every. business concern on, the street. mak- ing a pjedge, thus putting tbat com-. miercial center firet' in the "1000 per. cent". class, and g4ving otber busi*- ness sections a mrkto shoot at. 0f course there is great satisfac- tion overý this splendid showing, and both the, Chamber and, the 'Chest Managers realize tbat it will give an impetus to the drive that cannot but resuit >in achievement of tbe ,budget goal Local Noed Uvent Realizing the almost dl.esperate need of the local Welfare board for funds to take care of Wiimette's own needy ones, efforts are being doubied by thosêjin charge 4eoputt very-4busi.es.s and residentiai block in the village on the Comunrty Chest roll of honor. The Federai Emérgency Re- lief administration wili spon tbrow back upon communities' the burden, of caring for ail unemployables, and that means a tremendous increase in the amount of help required. As niatters stand today, less than baif of the potential pledge makers have responded to tbe cail for belp. A great many of'these cannot give large amounts, but there is scarceyiy one who cane do stmething toward meeting tbe situation. The important Ihing is to make some kinci of a pledge, an.d make it rigbt now, so tbat some sort of an understanding may be bad as.to the funds that will be available throughout the year, it is pointed. "ùf those to wbom tbe Chest b las a right to lookc for support fail in ex- tending it, then the result ican be but one thing-fellow citizens who have been recluced to destitution miust sufer," declares Hlenry Fowler; pres[- dent of the Chest. "Does anv man or S -nintereitinig event', of-theopening mnflth of the ,ww ycar 'us the celebration, oi Jaiuar'v 25, b3' Mr. àiid Mrs. Gan gqolf Bauer, 2139 Gle;iviewv 704<1, Wilmectte, of the 65th enivzersary of thesr msarriage. The. occasrion brou.qJht together a large companiy of relatives who wvere gu'sts of the. hap~py couple in the home w1pich they ha-ve occs ied togetherý for, the pat6,1* years.- ICENTRA L-LA UREL P. T.A.I *The two associations - Central- Laurel and Logan-Howard, m~eeting at the Howard school February 5, 'at 2 :45'o'clock, to cornmernorate Fot2n- der's Day, will have as their guests of honor the past presidents of the associations. *A program of music by Mrs. Ernau Akely, Frances Akely and Blythe Akely, and a talk by Harold Ebren- sperger, Northwestern university, School :of Speech, subject, "The Drama and. Life," promises an after- noon of entertainment that will surely be enjoyed by ail attending. Chairman of Room- Mothers, Mrs. F. A.,Cushing Smith, and ber com- Mr. and Mrs. Bauer have1 been1 resi- dents of Wilmette since they were chiu- dren. Mr. Bauer, now 87 years of age,. was horn ini Germany, coming direct to Wilmette when he was but 7 years of age. Mrs. flauer was bèrn in .St. Louis, Mo., 84 years ago, removing here with ber parents when but- a srnall child. Shortly after their rnarriaàe-they estab- lished their present home, whiere their children' ten of whom are living, were reared. There are 111 'living descend- anits, 66 grandchildren and 35 great vrandchil dren. The son and nine daughters.are: M. Bauer. Detroit; Mrs. C. Steiner, Chicago; Mrs. E. Krueger, Mrs. M. Frake and Mrs., Beiderer, Glenviewý; Mrs. G. Rau, Nules Ceter; Mrs. M. Steiner and Mrs. C. White- honuse. Wilmiette, and two nuns, Sr. M.. Bernadine, Aurora, and Sr. M. Irmen- gard, Kenpsha, Wis. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bauer are active ~ g Wnnetka' and other schools in the ter vacaàtion wijthh lue i usm vicinity. Reservations can. be made hhr by calling' Rutheda L. Pretzel, Win "4 E OU C,! netla307à.

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