Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Jan 1935, p. 6

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CLEARANCE Iof AU WIater Neft $1...0aed $1.50O missMMhon 1140 wonttmAvenu 813 Ridg. Rondl Phom, ilummte2800-152 e Sore .y lived h. His was seriously injuired in the ac Which caused .Mr. -Sherritt's She was taken to St. Luke's h< Mr. Sherritt'was hbead of tiiq son. Imperial comnpany, whiel owned by h is father. Me wasa uate -of Chansey hall in Bostc the, Massachusetts Institute -of nology. Hie. was married lasi Year's eve. Besides bswidow n i Mr.ý and Mrs.. Frank SherrÎi Sherritt is survivýed by a sister, His par entscme front.their home at Coral'Gables, Fia, bY to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin -W 128 Robsart road, Kenlworth, tained their dainer bridge clu Satuirday. I"AVE TOUR BUCO AuT4c K-YO death. iospital. teWil- a grad- ýon and FTech- t New 1 ae-s. *The next Infant Welfare ciinic wili be held Wednesday, February 13, f rom 2 to 4 p. mi. The Minette Health center dental clinic is held,,every Tuesday morning from, 9 to 12 o'clock. The Health center is o*pen daily froni 9:30,to 4 oclock. -Mrs. I ez Bliss, RZN., is in the Hleaith center for interviews every Monday and Thursday f rom -i to 5 p. ni. and ýdaily front 1 to 2 p. n, The telephone numnber is Minmette 2M0. tt, Mr. Thwnêk Villagers r,.Joan.. The Christmas Seal conimnittec of ýthe, *inter Wilmette, Heaith center board, which y plane is - ffiiated with the Chicago Tubercu- losi, uinstitute, Wishes to express its sincere thanksý and appreciation to the Vanner, good citizens of our community who 80 ,enter- generously supported the sale of Christ- ub last mas seals this )rer. Ini tinles like this, when there are so many catis for char- - tâble -g1vhlg, It la tften ihard tospmu even one more dollar. But the dofiors -must feel a satisfaction in knowing Sthat nowbere does their dollar do more good than ini the work of the Chicago, Tubercuiosis institute, wbich is car- kds ried on at the Wilmette Health center. The Wilmette Health center extends 0a cordial invitation to every citizen of Wilmette to visit us at 1901 Schiller mi street. As donors you are aIl entitled to know bow vour mnoney-is being spent. Ace Motor SleIlle., .-..MURE - Adams Electrie 5h01>, 525 Fourth street. Albrltht Beauty Shop, 1193 Wllmette aveniue Boulevard Druif Store, 1101 Central avenue. Braun Bru. 011 Co., 1222 Central ave- nue;- 1909 Lake avenue; 18$7 *WII- mette avenue. B. B., Busscher, 817 Ptidge road. Ca>rr Leen Beauty Salon, 1126 'Central avenue. T. A. Cizek, 405 Linden, avenue. The Duteh Oven, 1129 Central avenue., Foley Mtor Sales, 1601 Sheridan road,. Goodwin Barber & BeÎauty Shop, 1150 WIlmette avenue. N. A. -Hanna Inc., 952 Spantsh court HaltemalS, Photo Shop, 1145 Greenleaf avenue. Hattstrom & Sanders, 1119 Central ave- nue. Ijerbon Garage. 732 Twelfth street.. Hill's Service Station, 421 Main etreet. Frankc Ifavacek & Sono, 235 R1idge, road. Srie 90Lk Indian Hill AutoSrie190Lk avenue. Martin Jacobson, 1103 Central avenue. Là Jeunesse Inc., 1168 Willnette avenue. Lyman Phàrmacyr, 400 Linden avenue. Ethel M. Mantierud, 1161 Wllmette ave- nue. Mstian Bros. Imc., 611 Main street. Mllln Hardware' en., '119 W4mette avenue. Motors Service lac., 721 Main street. Nelson Laundry & Dry Cleaning Sys- tem, 1210 Central avenue. 1Northi Shore Chevrolet Sales Inc., 611, Main street. .The 011 Weil, 501 Main street. .D. Pagliarulo, 1166 Wilmette avenue. Palace Foods, 1143 Wilmette avenue. The Patty, Shoppe, 1153 Wilmette ave- .nue. Pavlik Brou., 564 Green Bay road, Kenilworth. Pearson's Market, 813 Rldge road. Public Service company, 1141 Central avenue. . RaPP Brou., 621 Main street. lienneekar Drug company, 1138 Cen~tral avenue. Ridge Avenue Pariacy, 901 Ridge Schneider's Bootery, 1133 Central ave- per lb ...... Eresh and Sweet, lb. Pot Roat, Best, per IL 37c .24e f T? BUEAIJLK SHOU' ih tists and the public at large througi the purchase'of Christmas seals. The comuattee wishes it were pos- sible to write individhal letters, of thanks to each of tbe 715 People 'who sent contributions, but, sunce timie 1,S limited, won't.you each consider this your own letter and realize that 'the committee is truly grateful to each one who bought Christmias seals? -Mrs. T. E. Stapp, chairman, aid street. Stephen Shi 803 Mains Shore LUne InL,tn aet Mmonek Jr. Service Station, Street. Cleanrs Inc., 1215 Wash- venlue. el Drug company, 1167 Wilî- renue. Stone, 1157 Wllmtte, avenue. ylor, 1125 Central avenue. Hardware Store mc., 411 ,venue. ,l Shop, 1126ÇCentral avenue. Deusen, 1154 Central avenue. aners, 1152 Central avenue. ing Room, 1129 Centrl ave-

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