Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jan 1935, p. 3

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Branson De Cou, world traveler, who bas appeared arinuaIly for sev- eral years befbre the Minmette Sun- day Evening club, will. give the first of two lectures before the club' Sunday: evenang, january 20 ,,bis subject being. 4"Imperial Peiping * and Manchukuo." Mr. De Cou is f4pmou s for bis "dream pictures" * depicting .ot heér lands., His lecture will bave musical accompanimhent. lBransonDer cou: The. program :for this Sunday evening is announced as fôllows: Korea, the Land of Mornlng Cala D~arien, excellent. Manchukuo, port. Ilsinkipg, the new capital of 2%anchukuo, and Mukden. the metropolis, Street life la M4uldeip.The t4inces ç4 echl&'g -father and son. Where young Chang kept his pretty, yoUng 'secretaries.' The Opium headquà.rters. Law and or. der cornes tci*Manehurla, and thousands of Chines. Immigraté there. The l'el- ing. Manchu Tomês of exquisite beauty. * Colorful detailla-of the Northern Mauso- leuni. Thé Mapchuria.n Railway to Shan-, hal-kwain.-'Su-prisihgly luxurlous serv- tee. Through the Great Wall and tt> China. Pelilu, one of. the worlds ,ost In- * teresting etties. General panorama froni the roof of th~e Granld Motel. de Pekin. The Legation Quarter. American En,- bassy. -Lest We Forget.- Legat ion Street. Shopping tlirills of China. Street life. Types of ladeagg elpiuig Somise ofPelping's new structuares. The magnificent new Library.' The Rocke- feller lnstltflte. New pa.ved streets of the Tartar City. Lite aroiind thegates, Chienmen, lfata, men, Jade Street and Piower Street. A Chines. Wedding. At 1ast we as. a. really elaborate ]Pelplng Funeral. The pageantry of old Peking. *A trip to the Great Wall of China, supreme wonder of the anclent world.. The, Ming Tomba. In the city again. The Winter. Palace. 1I o f the Claessca and Temple of Confucius. Ceal' 11111 and, beautiful Parks. during the1 These ce nroney at the on Monday 'Iworth of de! but for thet programn wiIl issue f rom january 17 u :es, which are t» be iette Buck Auction Sa g, February 25 At t merchandise will go0 sale, 'manj er 'the han îdreds :of, dollar si -flot for money. Stat DiistrIbtion T.d&y. Part!cipating lfirms are beginning the distribution of the "Bucks" today,, and are placiig in theirý windows the mèrchandise items which, tbey will offer at the 'Auction Sale., It, is' anniounced,' that, as a genieral -ruIe the "Bucks" wilI be given tô purchasersof merchandise during thé montb on the basis of:one .'B3uck" with each twenty cent purchase, although it basbeen indica ted that some mercbants will issue tbem accordingr to different plans. A. . Pearson, Jr., president of the,,Wil-mette Chamber of Commerce, says, concerning tht "Buck' program: -"The Chamber of Commerce heartily endorses this ýnovel event. We.feel that, every famnily in Wilmette will, be enthusiastic. about. the. merchandise to be offered at the Auction Saler. We2want this fo be an event of town-w.ide interest, and we forset a great deal of fun in the frieùdly competition it will iiulate." Among the merchandise items te be auctioneil of will* be a'odern design kas range, radio, bicycles, ice skates, clothing, groceries, and a great variety of other -atiable- items. not only of bousehold use but splendid as gifts. Although.thc.r#gistration of local business firnsis s not complete at this Canie, thé foôlÔw'IngiI5t inditate's the merchsftts io ctiel riipaItig in the program: - ce Motor Sales Adams ElectnIc Shop A. D. Albight Boulevard Drug Store Braun Bros. 011 Co. t. E. Busacher T. JA. Clsek B. M. Coplali Foiey Motor Sales Roy Goodwin C. J. Haltemafi Hattstrom & Sauiders Herbon. Garage Hit's Service Station Frank fMlavaoek & Bons lndiaanlfl Auto Seirvice' martin Jacpbsou Là Jeunesse, lac. Lyman PharmacY Ethel M. Maniieru4 MJestiiafl Brothers, ln* Millen Hardwar~e Co. Motora Service, mce. Nelson Lundry North Shore Chevroiet Sales D. Pagliarulle Petty Shop IeitC., Pearson St. Francis P. T. A. Wil Meet Friday Mtem, o( Brother Vincent of St. George Hii Public Service Co>mpa.ny Rukpp Bros. Renneékar, DrugO. Rldge Avenue Pharmacy Renederis Bâotery Shiawnee Se~rvice Garage Shore LUne Cleanera Snlder-Cazel Drug Co. Stephen Shimonek. Jr. Dr. (' o. A. Stone Wm. Taylor Terminal Hardware, Ine. Tht Dutch Oven The 011 Weil Tht WIlson Bakiery A. 8. Vani Deusen, Jr. Vllage Ceaers, Imc. Carrie Weeke Wilinette Battery & Electrie Service * Wîliette Bowling Ailey & Jefferaon'a Grill Wllmette Confectionery Wilbette Music & Radio Co. Wilmette State Bank Wflmètte Stationery & Gitt $hop Wilmette Tallera & Clealiers Wolff-Griffie, Ihc. PROM NEW YI oung, 333 Cumnoi -eturned PriEtav1 -are iôooking forward wkb much i- terest to the aeict lecture i the, stries to be given at..the.temiple i Glencoe .Tuesday evening,-*january 22, at 8:15 o'clpck., Dr. George E. Vinemit will occupy the platform- on that evenang, « and f rom among a diversity of subjects, on which be sPeïaki with authority i the realni of education, social theory,ý Public health,, and -other topics of a general nature, "Thue. Scientifie Spirit and Education" b. as -been chos en as - the-. subject best fitted to lend '. variety tg -the pefgram as a *Fron,* 1917-o 9ter. hment was pr-esident off ýthe-Rocktefeller foiuda- tion. Previously hle was professer of sâodliey andi -déan of the faculty at - 'the tIiiversity of Chicago fto 1893 to »09 -and wa-ptdew Ô! ofthe University of Minnesota from ' 1911 to 1917. A world wide traveler throughout bis long. career, as weli as 'a s tudent:-'of American life, Dr. Vincent has'had ample opportunity to observe- the work of science in 'the world of aceas. For those who* may haver missed the opening lectures, a special rate is qffered for the remainder of the course... The speakers te follow, on the Forum comnni roi ravare: Course tickets for the rema iniaag four lectures are now on sale at the temple office or frein Mrs. Barnett Farrol, 741 Prospect aveçue, Win- netka (telephone Winnetka 609).. Refuse to Repeiil' Vacation of'Alley The Village board at its meeting Pary riay eveang of this weck at 8 'oklock at the home of Mrs. Mary Scbaefgen, 800 Park avenue. sp- . . .. 4 JuuidrLif.... ...14 MIuuik ............ .32 New TwrrNew& Reca'.tious ..........d society P«« s. . .. ....3. out delay. Wilmétte 4300)

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