Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jan 1935, p. 41

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[i 1851 Witb Mrs. l3vaudn's "Happy New Year,.' and wth the announcement of the book review class meeting Tues- day nornings' with tbe chairman, Mrs. Harry L. Sherwin.. and with the naming of "Plowing on -Sunidayl" e'Captain' Nichotas," "Now ini Novem- ber," *'Romàn Sprinig," anid'the.play, -Mary Qucen of Scots," as the books under conisideratiioni,' the afternoon began., [t, continued with Mrs. Walter Beriningbani's reappearance before club nienibers witb ber program of song, then.proceeded witb br intro- duction ..of hler own voice teacher, Mrs. Saînuel Wright,, of C icago, as the speaker. Hearing M rs. Bermingliani a fter *an interlude of some months. we note pro gress in bier> singing-muore as sur- ance- a broadening in the scope of hfer %ork. She sings with grace, witb poise. with charni, and %vith that, ability to dififerntate between t'he~ types of ,ongs she presents wbich resuits in . igbly intelligent inter- pretatitin heigbtened by clean cût.dic- tin and'phrasing. Clarity and sWeet-. ness and delicacy are- mirrored iiilber V(>icC Which is giv'en warmith by un- (lerlying syn1pathy. It. reflects ex- cellent training. Her choice of pro- *grain, too, 'was refreshing. avoidinig al triteness, var%*ini . ood from Schubert to a "Tosca" ari, and two songs by Ainerican -coniposers. Nirs. * Wright,. at the piano prefaced cach iinimber witli explanatory comment, and gave lier excellent supr)port. Mrs. Wright in lier talk on -Music- C omments Sensible. and 'Otberwise," ..had something to give ber audience, bnth in tbought, and in the encourage- nient for self. developinent coursing * tbrough ber remarks wbich cati only bc skeletonized bere. She finds hopeful signa thiat Anieria às nation 18 becomning more niusie mlnded; la ahowlng progresm from a condition maid by a group of disti- guished mu.siclans from abroad to have exi.ated tfitteen years ago. The work for ehlldrefl. 1wSynihony orchestras; their Circle Sponsors Benefit The East End circle of tbe Cool-' gregational chuircb is sponsorinlga- dessert tard party at 7 :30 o'cltoekà% Friday eveniing, january 2.5. at the home of MNrs. 1-. J. Mcllraitb, 1Ù27 Chestnut avenue. Tickets tniay 1w) obtained fiom Mrs. Mc liraith b ani from Mrs.' Dwigbt h. Harris1 of (12w Central avenupe. Mrs.; Rudolph- Tencher of L18 Ash- land avenue bas gone to Miami, FIa., for the winter. on the iFrancis J.. rlym 1 raveling scholarship, which he won wbile a student in the Architectural school of the University of Illinois. Among the countries that Mr. Wheeler visited were England,. Denniark, Sweden, Holland, and France.' '4JID-YEIR ENTRANCE, LIN. sa-ai, FER. ~a ORFSS DESKIN, MILLINEILTI STYLINC, ADVIS- 1 N;, DEPORTINO, MERCHANDI SING, LUNE & COLOR ANALYSIei FASHION ILiLUSTRATION. ix-Ntioit , DEc.oRAio-IN ALL ITS PHASES. 116 S., Michijan BIvd, Chlego. Depti.S The SPORTS SHOP 176 Linden.Avenue Hubbord Woods T.HREE-DAY SALE SATURDAY, Jan. 19 MONDAY 1Jan. 21 TUESDAY Jan. 22 DAY and EVENINO CLOTHES and SPORTSWEAR frons our Lake Férest and Highland -Park Sliops Sizes 12 fo40 and M We Bring, the.* South ta YOU An Inuitation to Complète Your Wardrobe Be fore You G o> Thé Fourth Floor is South to Evanston.. WelI, in effect we have-we've brought t he atinosphere, the color and the smart- ness., We show you what the smart women are wear- ing and we convince you o-f how admirably our new Soiuthern f a s h i o n s si the human to a violli rh llwe can keeping the rbnhptle , 1 ,lIl5 tWMl58a in, 'the, voice 3a1, .more eleàs toiles Mc standarcj kind,Ai osRdcdt1.030 aloud those nd by Ill be- i, she t3rL

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