Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jan 1935, p. 36

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Yulped Ptogren P r e s e ns Mis. ltd, Dr. tee. Saddr, fRob- Mt &mw., Mss. Parry 'The spotlight. of interest.wil focus on F.uropean events again next . Wednesday at the Wom- ans lb fWilmette, iwhen, to .open the morning session, Mr. hartes S. Mitchellwill g ive.,bler final lecture. Later in the day, draina, then 'violin mu- sic, and a talk by theeminent. Pr. Lena K.ý Sadler, will compel the members' attention. 'Mrs. Fred E. Parry: and- Robert Met-. ville, Brown are the local -rési- dents on the .progratm. "Disarmnament, and the Peace Con- ference," which the 'club believes is .4a fitting subject to close her talks on Euw.peau-affaira," wil Ibe dicused by Mrs. Mitchell, whose talks have been received with enthusiasin, She speaks at 10:30. During the noon * hour Mrs. Fred E. Parry, the club's delegate to the Chicago Drama league, will speak on "Activities of the League,"' reporting on the meet- ings wbicb she, as representative of the Woman's club, bas attended. Mrs. Parry also w111 comment on three .plays, "Dodsmitb," by Sinclair Lewis; "The Distaff Side," by John Van Druten, and "The Children's. Hour," by Lillian Hellmuan. After the-one p'cloclc lunceon, Dr. Sadler and Mr. Brown wilt be presented, Dr. Len~a K. Sadier, is associate director of the Chicago Institute of Research an~d Diaguosis and a lead- ing authorify *Ôn.. çhild psychology. Hem lecture suh jrect'iôr- the meeting of January ?3, is "Nipgping Nèuroti- cismn in the. Bud." Robert Melville Brown is a youngA violinist withi achievement to bis. credit. After study witb Winif mcd Townsend Cree of Winnetka, b. later The 'meeting will open at 9 o'clock in the mornoing ,with the usual sewiig for -bospitals, te, be fôllo*ed by a' box lunch at nocon, the business meetingadpoi-m. The Braille class of ,the Sisterhood wiffi meet at 10 o'clock. Dr. H. Shigeta, nationally' knowâ Japanese* photographer: and *artist, Will present an il lustrated lecture on japanese folklore and art. at this meeting.. In his lecture Dr. Shigeta, will- endeavor to give a composite picture. of the folklore of, old japa n and the Mie of Modem *japan. Dr. Shigeta has several pictures noe hanging in the Chicago. Art institute. In addition there wili be a prograni of' piano 'selections 1»' MissMal Feiwell, Everyone is cordially in- vited to attend this meeting whitcli SpIesh Par+y Coming Event for Juniors A splash paty at the Shawnee Country club wilI be held on Thurs- day evenirng, januamy, 24, by the Junior ýauxiliary of the Womans' Club of Wilmette instead of its usual meeting. Swisnming will be f rom 5:30 on, and dinner wll be served at 7:30. 1 or those of you wbo do not wish to swim, there wiV, be ping pong, 'bow- ling, bridge. "A eal paty is being planned so come and bing youm guets," thie juniors urge. Reservations may be made flot later tban Tuesday, January 22, by, calling either Miss Betty Mulford of 835 Elmwood avenue, or Miss Hazel Kneppem of 1404 Maple avenue. The uthers of Pi J3eta Phi wilI Rob, met for luncheon at 12:30 Monday, yeugj jaauary 21, at the homne of Mrs. W. recogm aloyd Pool, 331 Davis street,. Evans- meuin ton. ue. on'$S Cl~ub. of afferneen. Mus. Walter R. Knuapfer of Wilmette is chçairman. of tih course of lessons in con- tract bridge current Tuesday affernoons, end Friday evenings i qthte Woman's Club of WiImtte under the direction of Frank E. Bourget. The. w.ys and means. commit-, tee sponsors the. tories. Mrs. Quinc'y Wright l+0 Giv. Wilmett, Lectures Mrs. Quincy Wright speaks in Wil- mette, on .February 13, and every altemnate Wednesday thereafter, for a series of six lectures. Mrs. Wright, national chairman of the departrnent of govemnment at in- terna tional cooperation, is in such' demand- as a ready, graceful, and convincing speaker that the Wil- mette league considers itself for- tunate in being able to secure hem for a series of lectures n rrnt e.vents Mms. Fred Deacon, 351 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, entertained ber quilting club at luncheon Friday. IEach -ycar * th e Winnetka, K e nil wo rth, and Wilinctte Leagues, of Women Voters of « fer to.the residents .of the north shore the Citi-zenship school,. The purpose of this school is tw bring to a large.group thetmost iiml)ortant issues of the day pre- sented bv the most able meni and, Wotnen. On Monday, ja.iuamy 28, at New. Trier High scbool, in the Girl's rt>ùm at 10:30o 'clock in tbe morning, Prof. Ernest F. Hahn of th.e.political economy depatmeènt, at -Notbwest-' ern university, will open the session. Dr. Hahn's .subject will be "Taxation.'; At Il1.45--ô'clock, Mrs. Bernice Van der- Vries, etate rep~résettive, *111 speak on "My Impressions of Spring- field." At 12:15, theme will be a tour. of the new building. Luncheon will be .served in the cafeteria at 1 :15. :Miss Helen Thayer is the fimst speaker of the afternoon session which convenes at I1:45. Hem subject is, "Why Be Militant on the Mfent System?" Miss Thayer gives a Uiost, interesting story of personal experi- ence, it. is announced. At ? o'clock, Mrs. W. W. Ranisey, vîce-president of the Illinois league, will spealc on thie "Use and Abuse of' Civil Service." Mme. 1Ramsey's scope of knowledge is broad and her audi- ences eceive ber with .enthusiasm. SIt is hoped that a large number of women will take this opportunity te hear this program off ered to the pub- lic througb the cooperation of, the Winnetka, Kenilworth and Wilme tte. l*eagues. Reservations,:may be made through Ms S.- E. Wells of 1508 FoYrelst avenue, Wilmette. iNeIghDoms of Kenflworth, convenes Tuesday momning, January 22, at 10:30 o'clock, at tb. borne of Mrs. Paul Davis, 256 Woodstock avenuse, Kenilwomth *lýrs. Ward wiil review "TRieFolks" by Rutb Suckow.

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