to Inistail New Olfi*cers Jan. 21 MXonday, january 21, at 2-1 o'clock, is the -r egular' meeting of -the Wlimette center of the Infin t Welf are Society. of Chi- cago in theý lounge of 'the Woin1- ans club. Installation of the niew, .officers wilI take place at this timie:ý Mrs; -Knight Blauchard. président; -Mrs. C. P.* Burpee, legislative, chairman: Mrs. H. Mark, Hale, recording secre- tary; Mrs.. Frank Allen, ways and means chairmian; Mrs. W. H. Hildebrand, social chairmanm; Mrs. W. C. fledgecock, meni- bersbip chairman. Thse etiring -offiiers are* Mrs. C. Tý Frykiiair, president; Mrs. F. G. L-a- Bonte, recording secretary; Mrs. B. H. Miller,, rnembership. citairman; MIrs. H. G. Bersie, ways antd neans. chairman. A report of the comümittee oit the, Menit System will be given, the chtair- ian of which is M rs. A. E. Hall. Mrs. Marvin Harms-bas been ap- pôinted chairmhan of the telephone cosnnittec. -- crew. -fi rst over the goal line. A *spread» in the offing for the win- rtuîtg tearn je the reward, the society announces. Thse 1934 board will be the hosteos for the afternoon and tea hour. Mrs. -Knight Blanchtard qened ber home fior a shoing of silver. Monday and Tuesday monng o ii ek A meinber or friend of Infant WeI- fare viewed the silver every, eight minutes of the tiiue. The silver- ÇarIos Photo>) Miss Charlotte Estes Esmond is the fie. cof Kari Iowen Palenske of Wil- mette,' ber Parents announced at a. teaý Sundaly. The wedding.,wilI b. ;nJune. Esmond-Palenske Diutier Psmni UEU t £vdJIsILUiIan- itôunced the -engagemen t of tlieir daughter, Charlotte Estes E,-snionid, to Karl Bowen Pale,,ske, son of the Rkeinhold H. Paienskes of 226 Tenth street. - The Esmonds are çomiparatively new a rrivalis to- thé north shore 'hav-. ing corne from r-ostoil about' twi-o years ago. They first went to Win- netka, then, about a year ago, to Ev-. anston.-r Shore Boys Neiec. Shoes A group of members of the WiI- mette committee of the Arden Shore association, including Mrs. Willis Hutson, the chairman, and Miss Frances .Goodhue, .the industrial. chairmian, visited Arden Shore Mon- day,, taking twenty-cigbt pairs of knickers, a large quantity of bakery goods from, Wilson's, the Patty shop, and the Dutch Oven, together with other. articles. While -there they learned that the boys are in desper- ate nleed of shoes. This need and plea. is passed on to'Wilmnette residents iromn theWilmette committee, through WILMF.tT ipE, with the hope that it. will1 find some family'whose sons have outgrown shoes of the sizes the'boys at the camp Wear. One -or two of the boys at camp have feet that literally are -on the *ground. One pair of size, five is especially needed. Dessert Luncheon, Carci Party, Circle Event A benefit dessert luncheon and card party wIl be sponsored by the Cres- cent circle of the Congregational church of Wimette on Friday, Febru- àry i, at the home of Mrs. Roy C, Osgood, 423 Essex road, Kenilworth. [uncheon wilI .be at 1:30. Mrs. N\'-. Frank McClure is chairman of the cir- J. .B aker, retresnments, aniu IYlI. -H. L. Gricer. Mrs. W. G. Mitchell. anid Mrs. Fred A. White have charge of arrangements. Mrs. H. C. Carroll is chairmanl of the hbakery, sale to be helid on that day.- Bride-to-Se Plans for Style Show and Bridge. Ofinterest to aIl north shore wom- en is the annual Valentine Bridge tea and Fashion show given by the mem- bers Of the junior auxiliary oe the Womian's Club of. Wilmette on Sat- urday, February 9, at 2 o'clock, at the club house, Tentb street -anid (green-" leaàf avenue. Memnbers. of the senior and, junior clubs will act as.mannequins display- ing advanced fashions' in <laytiine,, afternoon, and evening wvear. ii ii- linery, in jewelryr, and in furs.» Tickets ma-y be procured front the, imeembers of the auxiliary at a nomii.aI fee. The affair, which is one of the sea- son 's outstanding events,- is being planined by the ways and mneans coin- mnittee of which Mrs. John Young is chairman and Miss Marion Cook, co- chairnin. Thé comrnittee is as f oIý lows: Fashion show - MrF. John Young, Miss Marion Cook and Mrs. W. Austin Elimore; tickets - Miss "Laura Lou Reichmajnn, Miss Con-_ stance Bersch; program - M igs Georgia Stompe; clubbouse arrange- ment-Miss Myrtle Lundquist; stage stting-Miss Medora Bright: prizes -Mrs. Charles Higginbotham, re- freshnients - Mrs. Kenneth Borgen; Publicity .- Mrs. Carl A. Reeb and Miss 'Medora Brightt. Ec-officio, Mrs, ' Charles M. Williamson. *The proceeds of, the aif air go to New President Colis Field Hockey1 Meetin Mis.s. Margot Atkin,,of Winnetka, newly elected pre sident of the North Shore Field' gockey assodation,.,is, having a meeting of the executive 'ommittee at ber home, 12 Indian I liii road, Friday evening of this-. week- I At K.nilworth Club rtwo of t] Dguests -0ýf rreesanu e other solor. Thse Kenlworth club wiil entertain its members and guests at a di' 'nner dance Fridey, January 25. Its Most recent, social event was a, bridge supper Friday. -Bernie Phocto Anottier north shore bride-elect is Sylvia Ann Stoork of Wilmett., who is betrothedç to George Frederick Salermo, a resident of, the smre village., The engagement an'à nouacement- wasmade et a, srall holidlay Stebbius, A.* 1,Grig Athur J: Dixon- C A. L. Christy. Iand -are iu R. Kuùpfer lames Walter îer, H. A. sons, Fred J. G. E. Walk. .i L. Darling, atstauus. id and Dan Grk