THE P0F T141 AMERCANCONTINENT Tus sIeek new train - worid-famous over night-srreaks away in lat. afternoon- covering the distance between Milwauke and St. Paul in 5 hours and 3 5ininutes- houri faster than any previous train. But speed is only part of the. story of tis' distlnguis edt xr train,.lu1 ux1 y ad beauty are ail that its nain mlies. ihits bîg sadd-saezsubstantin teel cars fuly * ~air -conditioiied-tii. "400".desuonnutts <h*t confoft, roo*ulnes nd luxury need not b. sacrificd to sustalued hlgh speed. 2IPAULe-MIN NEAPOLI'S E.0. Beardsley of the Beardsley and Piper company, foundry equip- ment, 2541 N. Keeler avenue, Clii- cago, bas taken bis plane, a Lockheed Vega, back to the Pal-Waukee air- port hangar. Mr. B3eardsley was forved down at Sky.Harbtôr airport on Sünday, January 6, by the-denise fog which'rolled in that day .an d iwhiich-- eventually .covered the area from lthe Altantic ýseaboard to 1Omaha,, keeping planes. on. the ground for' four days. While Mr. Beardsley was- flyingover the nùorthIshore Sunday nlorning the, fog came in from the southwest. Pal-Waukée field was hid- den and Mn. Beardsley found, it im- possible to land bis plane there.' Uc tried. Cnrtiss airport. Tha t too was, obscured by> the dense fog. Without. further delay, Mr. Beardsley headed north to get away fromi the fog, and, before - it had reached, Sky Harbor aipnbrougbt ,bis plane down the-re.. Mao'oeed Plantes Ar~e Returned to Curtissi Two planes f rom Curtiss airport, one owned by Sidney Spiegel of Winnetka and the other by A r t Schelter of Oak Park, were returned to their home port last Friday after having been niarooned at the Chi- cago municipal airport since the previous Sunday. Mr. Spiegel an d 11r. Schelter bad taken their planes out on the morning of Sunday, January 6. Both made stops at the municipal airport, and while they were there the thiclç fog whlch kept planes'on the ground for four days reached the city field. Herbent And-, erson and Dwight Morrow flew, over to the municipal airport from' Cur- tiss field in a Stinsoit. hast Friday to pick up Spiegel's plane,. also a Stinson: Morrow flew it back to Curtiss. Art Scbelter flew bis War- ner Fleet back* to Curtiss field the same day. Gets Northwest Airways veys Lior so work last Fri taken by Fre mron, vice-pz Aviation; cor] Curtiss field, ion, operators ted the 'Stinson. Art Chester, racing pilot who makes bis headquarters at Curtiss airport, was one of the outstanding perform- ers at the seventh annual Alh-Ameni- can Air races at Miamni last week. On Saturday, the fluail day of thé meet, Chester *on, the. Venezuelan trophy, the principal prize 'of the Sôuth's bigge-st *inter air show, when be sent the. tiny plane of b isý own de- sign about' the, ,pylons of a- 15-mile course for an average speed of '22.0.- 225 miles anhlour. Chester did even better than that the d&Y before the show opened, when I e flashed, around a 100-kilomieter closed course. for on' average speed of W3.033 miles an ýhour, an unof-, ficial record for. platnes weighing Iessý than, 99Z pouûds. Trhis dash was an ,assault upon the world mark of ý214.92, miles and -bour for 100 kilometers' in the restricted class, held by a French- man, Ralph Delmott. Planes.weiqla e f oM 4 The Plane Chester uses weigbs 802 pouinds and is powered by an engine of 363 cubic inches dispiacement. Chester designed the ship himseIlf The Glenview pilot also participated in the opening day ceremonies at the air meet last Thursday, when he en-_ tertained the crowd with his sky writ-. ing. About 200f armny, navy, Nationali Guarcl and commercial ships from ail> parts of the country were, at Miami to* participate in the three-day show. Army Pursuit Sbip Is Taken Back to Dayton 'Lieutenant Finley of Wright field, Dayton, Ohio, left Curtiss' airport last Thursday morning in the .United States army P-26 Boeing -pursuit ship which he was forced, te leave at Curtiss when 'the fog of last week made it impossible for him to land at the Chicago municipal. airport. 'Lieutenant Finley flew in from Dayton on Sunday morning,- january 6. Unable to land at the FORUM LECTURE J. B. S. Haldane, famous English scientist, wil lecture before- the Chi- cago Forum in the Goodmn theatèr -of ýthe. Art Institute Sunday affer- noon, January 20. c o ir N 0 R-tIIWFSTERNRY. 2234