Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Jan 1935, p. 18

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* i nere wUI ne noL> nldJe5Vinu F tions with regard to attendance, bers of the Men's club are adm free; women, when acconipani( a member, are admitted at, a Charge. The annual conimunit>' danc e sored, by the Men's club Will be Saturday. evening, February 9 The next Infant W'elfare.c be held Wednesday; january 2 to 4 o'clock Sm spon- given DAN GIFFIN DIES Dan Grifin. 2à, brother of 'Mrs.. Harry Hasselberg, S06 Park avenue, died suddenly of heart trouble las; Saturday at bis homne inChicëago. Mr. and Mrs.: Chester Richards of Urbana, Ill., were the week-end guesta: of the. latters sister, Mrs. -C. J. Carlson, 501 Washington avenue, Tht Wilmette Health Center'Dental clinic is held every Tuesday niorning, from 9 to 12 o'clock. Tht -abovre clinics are held at tht, Wilmette. Health Center, 1901 Schiller street. Telephone Wilmette 240. The clinic is open every day from 9!-30 àLm.: to 4 p.m., except Saturday and Sunday. Nuirses', hours'dail>', 1 to ý2 p.m. Mr.* and Mirs. _Charles T. Ripley, 631 Linden avýenue, *'and their chul- dren, Charles, Barbara, and Patricia spent the. Christmas holidays swim- Ming and fishing at. Palm Beach, Fia. 23e Friday anad Saftwdag Onlg PRESIl DArtiSN PASTtY, Buttr.smm fild cof.. cue.... GRAHAM CRACKER CAKE39 Delihieusly ,ream-ilII..............39 IFRESH FRUIT PIES Che.rry or appi. kind inother miade.... ? wi go' to Cicero to meet J. Sterling Mvor- ton High. Considering. the fact that the New Trier heavies_ already have lost four - Suburban league ganes, their task, this: Friday loorns large. Morton held the Oakc Park.heavies,-who have lost only ont game. (a three-point decision to 1Ev-f anston), to a 30, to 128 score. Oak Park whipped New, Trier, 42 to' 34. Nèw, Trier was nosed out, 29 to 289 by Wau- kegan, which, won froin Morton last Friday, 30 to 36. Ugikts,.N.w Fif ty-Fifty The Newý Trier lightweights' record in tht Suburbmn league thus f arincludes victories over Waukegan and..Prçviso and defeats by Oak Park and Evanston., Laît Friday the Morton lights lost to Waukegan, 25 to 21, while the New T~rier ponies won from the Lake eounty school, 35 to 23, before the holidays. Th eague ieadig Oak Pm* flgk weights whipped Morton 28 to 21 and won f rom New Trier, 32 to 23. The two whippings apiece which the New Trier lights and heavies toolc in the last week were administered by Evanston and Lane Tech. The Evanston garnes were played Tuesday afternoon and the Lane Tech gaines last Satur- çlay night. L.md SuburbaLau endao uthent rst quarter. Wnen the second quarter opened Evanston rau its total to 11 before New Trier scored a point. Wilson then dropped ini a field goal, the only score of the quarter for New Trier. Evanston, after taking the lead in the second quarter, was neyer headed. New Trier, trailing at tht half, 14 to 7, staged a feeble rally in tht third quarter, which ended with Evanston son, guarding Annel, Lafte's Ieading scorer, held him to two points and com- mitted only one foui. Schmidt, tait Lane guard, scored fine points, and bis team- mate, B3eniziger, center, nmade eleven points. Ligits Drop Tough 0On. The New Trier-Lane Iightweight gain, whicb es'tdinia Z21 to 19 victory for Uane, was a bard-f ougbt battît ail thé way. The score was tied. 6.io.. ý60 at the, quarter, and New Trier led, 12 to, 10, at thehaif.. WhileholIdingý New; Trier, to a single field goal by Conley, forward, in tht third quarter, Lane pushed its score up to 18 and then protected its lead forthe reniainder. of. the gamt. Conley, with six points, led tht scoring for New Trier.. O'Shea. Lane forw'ard, made five field goals, and *a fret throw for eleven points. ILOGA N-HO WARD The ballroom dancing classes for- boys and girls in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will commence'the second term Friday evening, january 25. ' 1b'ere wilI be a new duas for be- ginners whicli will meet f rom 7 to S. rin in thns class must register on iFri- day evening, january 18, at Hloward gymnasium from 7 to 8 p.m. Tht financé chairmnan, Mrs. R. E. Dahlstrom, 'announces a stries of three book reviews on February 26, Maârch, 26, and April 23, by Mrs. Carl John- son of Winnetka. Tbey will be given froni 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Howardnr school auditorium. Tht comoeunity at large is invited. Tickets niay be ob- tained by telephoning Mrs. Dahlstroin wbe, Mi to 17.. New rier was1afi aan to three field goals and a: fret t boîtes.' iliam McGibbon, 201 Sher- Kenilworth, was luncheon hebridge 'Club Monda>' KINE EAN SAILAD.2i. Fr.aIy prgped end taity is.2 7 ~ LISBURY STEAK Wibwonderhal Spanish auc... A C Bakr Shop-StreîFloor

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