wI1. usu. The musical numbers cf the worship service wilJl be as follows: Prélude, "Intermezo" (Prom. Opus 26) Sehu- mnan; Antheni, 6O That I Had Wingsj," Siniton; Sol o, "Consider and Hear, Me,", Woor' Mr. Edward Ots; Postînde, *:Farch Re>ligieuse," Wagner. Miss Erma Roundsisadirector. Oui- Sunday Bible school 'Is held ai. 9:30 o'clock- ln al depertmcnts. Oui- Adult 1Bib1 le ans.Is studylng -The Life and, Letters cf Paul," and in- vites youte studyV with theni. Junior church, under the leadcrship eMs.Stanley Petersen, *111 eare for tecildien during the mornlIng wor- .Thé pester ls conductlng a close for those wbo wisb te prepare for church memberihip.. It meets at 9:30 o'clock, but doec net keep.the young People out cf theii- classes. The Tuxis club, the high schôol . grotil of- yeung pepe -wil- meet t S5:30 o'clock. Refreshinents will be scrved. The meeting ,will feature a debate on thec question, "Resolved That the Golden nule le Practicable;"' Helen Condht, 101ien Jean Torrey, James and RoiDert. Hîmes, arc thc debaters. Al Uic young people are Invited. The Wihnette Sunday Evening club will feature Branson -De Cou aud bis pictures .on l'impérial Peiping and Ma n- huu"at 7:30 o'clock. 1he Spokes ef the Wonan's soetY *wiil meet on Tucsday as follows: No. 2 with Mrs. David Carter, 1227 GrevLn- wood avenue. at 1 o'clock; No 6 with Mrs. P. A. Andrew, 1316 Elmwood. ave- nue, ati e'1clock; No. 8 wlt)i Mrs. Rog- ers Friske, 134 Sevcitecfth -treet, at 1 'ciock. with Mi-.. ClIfford Goodman as. asssting hostess; No. le wtth Mrs. M. R. Bai-ker, 730 Central avenue, et 1 o'clock; .No. l wlit Mrs. Raiph Clark, 624 F oiest avenue, al-day meeting; No. 12 wlth Mrs. J, P. Hoesli, 519 Ash s ty.fet,.Win- netka,- et 12 o'clock. Oui- nidweek service will be helle .Wednesday evcniiwg at.8 'cIo'ii at the c h ap e. We continue studylng the Sermon on Uic Mount, and we invite Yeu te share this heur cf study and de' otion with us. Boy Scout Troop No. à wil ineet at the church -Monday evenlng. The annual meeting of St. Augustie's parlsh will be held lu the parish bouse Monday, January 21, et 8 p. mi. At tjiis meeting the reports ef the arious organizations of the parish wifl le pi-e- sented by their officers, wardens and 1vestrymen. for the ensiuing year elected. and delegates to represent, the parlsh at thie. diocesan convention te lie held *In Grace church, Oak Park, Febi-uary fi and 6 The w onen cf the Associated Giilds held their.,annual business meeting last Thursday ln. the parish house. The meeting was largely attended and was preceded by a. luncheon served by. the Southi-cie. Reports were given by Uic var ons of lee s f the year' w ork , shoin tht hgldhaeadaer su cesfu1 ycar and accompIlshed much under Iel eadership of ,Miss Laura Davy, the retiring president,, and . er staff cf officers. The following wcre electcdofficers for thé ensuing ycar: .Mi-.. C. L. Douglass, president; Mrs. H. V. Green and Mrs. R. G. Halflwell, vlce-presidents; Mrs. 1, K. Stover, memýber-at-large; Mrs.- N. F. Webb, secretary; Mrs. j. C. Comfort, tre&surei. The last meeting of the' 1934 vestry was held last night for the transaction of regular business. The rector offilciated last Saturda.y at thie marriage l ic h. church at 4:30 cf Miss Helen Irving and Harold. Jackson, and et 8 p. ni. in St. Luke's Lady chapel, Evenston, at thec marriage cf Miss Phyllis Fuermanu and Glennt Hutt. Hec elso conducted the funeral Saturday mornlng of the lete Mt's. W. ]>. Hudson, 5"9 Forest avenue, the interment .being lu Graceland cemetery, Chicago. S.Johni's Lutheran Wlmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, jiastor. SERVICES 9:15 a. im.-First service. 9~:30, a. m.--Suiiday school and junior and intermediate Bible classes. 10 a. m.-.Senior Bible claàs. il a. n.-Second service._ MEETINGS Open house, l'hursdaLy, 7 to il P. ni., with continuation cf tournaments. Red Cross home hygiene claase, Wriday, 2-4 p. m. Social meeting cf Junior Walther Leaguers, Frlday, 8 P. nm. Ti. Junior Camp Pire Girls ment on Tuesdey et 4:15 P. mi. Scout. Trop No.. 1 m1eets on Tuesday at. 7:30 P. mi. 1%e Brownien, Junior Girl Scouts) ment on Wcdnesday at 3:30 p. mi. Scout Ti-oop No. 2 mene on Wednes- daY et 7-30 P. mi. Girls' choir rehearsal on Thursdey at 8:30 p.ni Boyè' choir rehearsal on !Thursday aàt 4 P. ni. Senior choir rehearsal on -Thursday et 7:15 P.. M. Cub Peck 63, on Seturday at 9:13Q a. mi. Girls, choir rehcai-sal on Seturday et 10:30 a. ni. Boys' choir ýreheàrsal' on Saturday at ila.* th. *English Lutheraon Scventb Street. et Greeneef ",A House cf Worship" *The'Rev. David ]R. Kebele, pastor M 41NDAY SERVICES Church schop ....... 9,.45 a. mi. rorning worshtp :........1100 a.nm., Luthcr icague ............ 5:80 p. mi. The Woman's soeiety wilI hold Its Jehbai-y woik meeting this atternoon (Thursday) et the homie of Mrs. John H. Ilopp:' 1616 Lake avenue, Wilmette, et Z o'clock. Choir rehearsel Friday. evening at 7'.30 o'cloclç. Rehearsal cf Uic Children's chorus for the Vespers Musical wilI be held Satur- day mornlng et 10 o'clock. *At the service cf worship iiext Snnday mcorning, tic second Sunday atter the EpIphany, Uie pastor will preach 'c» the Gospel lessoii for the day, John 2:1-11. We Invite you to woi-ship with us. The,- Luther. leegue will meet Sunde.y eveniiig at 5 :30 o'cîock. The newly elected officers, Chester Jaeline, 'piesi- dent; Lydia Streeb, vice-president; -- nest- Schaper, secretary, and Jeromie Nevins, treasurer, wiIl have charge cf the,- meeting. Ail the young people ai-e invited.- 'Me c conifirm,,ation clasa willmeet 'on Tuesday afternooôn et 1:45 o'clock.: Tuesd-layIil vening at 8 o'clock, ,hurch sciiool wlll at- school in Chicego for ~which la belng con- theran church of thi *Frst-12 :80 p. n.-IAncheon-Mrs. C. Older, 1066 Elmwood avenue. Second-10:30 a. m.-Mrs. M. C Grelgg, 727 Central avenue. Co-host- effles: lirs. Elbert<I*erlocker and Mms. B., W. Hess. *Thrd-12 :20 P. m-Luncheon-Mr-s. LA. Armnstrong, 1615 Spencer avenue'. Fit th-I0 :110 a. .-Mrsé. M. H. Bick- ham, 429 Ninth street. .Choir rehearsal wIli be held -Thursday evening at 8 q'cloclç. The followinÈg scout troops for boys and girls are sponsored by this church: Girl Scout. Troop 1-Thursdays ai. 7:15P>. ni. Girl Scout Troop 2-Thursdays at ) 45P. nM. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 3:45. . M Browniees-Weduesdays at 3:30 p. ni.. Boy Scout, .Troop 3-Thursdays at 7:30p. im. * Wllmnette and Foi-est avenues Rev. George D. Mlison, pastor Tonight, Thtirsday, the Senior choir celebrates a social evenlng by gatherig *at~ the home 'of -Mr. andU Mig. Arthlur Scott, 176 Fuller lane, Winnetka, In- stead of the unsual practice at the church. . Miss Hazel Green, presideut, has planned an attractive program. -T o m o r r o w, Friday evening, the Couples' class of thc Church. school holds its monthly me~eting at the home of the presîdent, C. Herbert Joues, 1514 Foi-est avenue; The evening will take the foi-n of a "~Course lu Geometry" and both menibers and friends are welcome, niak- lng reservations to Mrs. A. Heerens, Wilniettc 1363. The Couples' class con- test. Is on between the Gi-een -teani, led *l>y Frank Guthridge, and- the White teani, led, by George B. Williamis. Lasi. Sûiday the lovely- -nasterpiece, -Cliristand Bis Disciples in the Wbeai- fteld," was presented to the Church school. Ail members of the congregatton will wish te sce this picture by Clement.s which is hung lu the i-car vestibule of the Ttermediqte department. Reguilar classes will bë, held -Sunday at 9 :30. ,In the moi-ing servie at Il o'ciock, twrDr. Allilson continues the series on. "Heroes of Genesis lu Moderm Li fe" -with a message ou "Issac, or the luconspiciou.- IThe Young People's Society nieets Sunday evening ai 6- o'ciock with a pro- grarn planned by ICelth M. Joues, and the officers. or Knuwotn ot onerwse ngag- Te anui b usinspus meetingande le- evenfng et g o'lccet thichcurch. An' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bail, 936 Hil on iion"ernare invited te coe ln fo<r tien of officers la1î014 o the eentng ihliterstng prograni baé been plauied. raWnek net-nda au sMuch time as they cuin 0PendL of January 17. Dinner will be served at Hostesses-: M esdenes L. W. Jonc., C. raWneketranda -6:30 by Uic East ld cii-cle. The , Rn* UqdjWmdberg, Orville Joncs,, and V. Ir. farewell tea last'-Sunday in honor of l'te Suinday gchfl will mêet at 9:45. Ing will take t.th oin et a court hea- Pol'ster. the Ira Dt tr'ofKeil . 1t, w - llwr are eilMma for cbulren between Ing. Al thc organlmatlons of the. dnirch -DalgsO eîwtzWO the ages of kndergarten and the wli be arraigrîed, defended, tried and fThc Foui-ti division iil meet Mon-~ left yesterday for California. ilgk chOOL viutors are 0wlCOO, seflteuiced. day, January 21.Bt !0:30 o'clock at the. -0 ___ -homieetofMi-. William Xlarrldge, 1440 John T. Tracy left Wilmette last TUO g.uligrortk Young People's Sun- Brauson de Cou wIlI return te the Poi-est avenue. Mrs. -W. LU. Lindbladwe o evr ooweelewl dqy cliwoub -will Met i tih.guil Bunday NvenIng clubi f9r thie tenth es.- ce-hosteff. we o eveC.. heëhwl ý a Ag.O*ùpPW 6ÙW on.- Bunday nlght wth hies rain --represent the Elizabeth,-Arden corn- WOi b.srv* hUullwed by a prograrn PInctures." Thils will be a musice1 lecture TbeSxi division will nictoeut week panyoNeYrk