the girls arc te hanve Miss .\1*1ce( Mulikev of the Nation1al trainin11g Staff (\'-Iho is herc giving a q)ccial course) as their guest of honer. a icri rtl1c Ipiids, (,î Nîr. ;î,îd NIrs. \\l 1î LWilîîi 13.'e cksoi las Cfrvclopeci sorie -afte etn wc ag"Tp'îd thefiles s%,illl.ltl teils i' hésa'd, "Good niighit."-Uhaiýrlotte W1ld", Chicago area at, New Trier. Last scribe, year his junior teai woni the Suibur-- bail league chianipionsi,. Iv) hile the.TOPN. seniiors fiinisled ili second place. Oak *-jil rl SOtIP N VO. 3 I Park.!%iielî w-on the championsiîpinter rlSoscfre1N'.3;t 1) ' thérmeneting M otîda v i% vud Ii\ ntuI the -senior division. was tIn' 0 I1Madsn snsvM aiohi teaul te (lefeitt the New T rier u Pt hw~î i lg C I omp ye s iii e rs of a tc eami .ov e c iîad passed toiward -our i- ( "i Menubers (if last scasoîx 's teai at New' Trier whio arc stillinii schooilu Kei[worthi Girl Scots arc >t;11 iitg clude Bill Pauilsonl. AI Schuiman. icki" the,.neýwya 'hsvr )d2 Reich, Scth ,Shiepard. Dave Hoffmian 1Cou1,rtses. Oatoe of t hiee eCouîrse anid Les \Terhoven iii' the crawl stroke f or. be atiete's b)adge, is cnutc events., Ed NMack, James Zinner and by- Miss .ElizabethMauI-. Iis Béb- Coffin ilu the.. breast..stroke, B11 Margaret DavenporCýt msjc teaclhur,- Garrêtson, AI Schumxan is conducéting thcuIiiistri- lbadge and Bill' Grinniel lu tl;e back -stroke. course. and Jamecs Rarnlard. Bill Patilson and Ed Galaghier ln diving. On S aturday' oï ti i-\ l\ tflic Win Four Prattice Meetainloriscus ln. 1u~îî The Ncew Trier senior teain N ii flitcwork of dceratfiîîg t f îir i-*'mi four i)ractice c meets: efore the hoi- Ili the josephi Sersiî<o.."ll day, dfcatitig Roosev'elt, 40 tb29, project \\,a,,stairted la-d u, i Boweii, 042 te> 13, Universit v -ilih, 405~-* to 29, ami tfli Lawsoii Y.M.C.A., RETURNS TO NEW YORK 40,ý6 , te 34,1,,. Anj ottstanidinig perforniier Il ' l awec T. Knott of RN.. Y., of thee eets wvas 111Bill .Ne who spent the*hids with his. wifc Tr iers crack 100-y ard 'back stroke ali two --)cildren, at thleboute of Mrs. mai. ' lus tînie for the 10yrdeetKnott's parenits. the Rtîrt Çro\\es, aganstLasouwasI îlîîte<,7-1() 134 RaIeigh r ad, ociwrth, retturu- second's. uuutsliaiiv fast for s ýo eg d houle last Sundav onitflie Cenitury. a switumeiir, accoirdaiug te oadi ak-Mrs.,Knott, S$usannu amI Law recc, Soli. Agalinst Uî~est -1b~eeJrË, vere detained 1) tu forir covere(Iflic distance Ilui 1inuite 7 iliincss, but expeet to i l Ic '(11(l 1-10 seconids. 1<oftitis week. 'rhe Kiiotts hav t\ i'ii The NeNv Trier juniors leNt ;a pre- an aàýartment iun New York foi- tli holiday practicc mcl te Watikegati,. rémainider of the ýwiter. 34 to 32. withl Waldo pcrforning -. briliantly for NwTrier, lie wott 'lta-Y2 m ;kPml m11 the 40-Yard atid <0yadfre ' tyle ritar 21 . aT d Oak PTrirk nmilleh- events Ili 2l'.5 aîd 34.(eondsre- \akeatat XVauikegati oui '~pectî~ eh mary iL Il. et itht](,~cp Meet Deerfield Next Week tion (ifftic otie.with \'Vautkegan start New~ Trier'sý first leagite opnettlt a t 4 o'ciock lu the atftvr'îîeoî..'J'h ic Ili the hiitn el uibe-I )erfieii- îtiatcheg;tt' \aukcgan w M buIltlie Friday a ftermtoem. . W inr 1 at 4 h:'alîsfolmis i.Sf e 'n o u h i t t o'clok. Sburbami lage hàiidoc> flot Preisocerest o N~_Trier ()il enter the swîNitiiiiig colîititi Use Brauun-Bro s.- w'eep-FuII'- Service 'For Fuiel Bah e Shop- Use Oi" Phone Wîimette 831 itO)Ie'i'. F. JJOEPIL I. M .WatrKiloep, 221 Xaricl-, Knivetretuirnii(ast I- dIa iroin N1i \va11lk v (, a f cr ;at vil~t witiî f r 1cinds. Sue 'nvIl]he iiostcss at a bridge luincheen teniorrow ln heu, r ;Iv i. . . ath 1 W f u.,~ v x-ii. 1 îut l(ay at a bru,2 iuileu BUCKS RUCKS IJUCKS BITCKs You 'Don't.Have. tOrder, FUEL OIL A f N