CONTESI ANNOUNCED.. - l \t i a xa' aîteîiit' l 'Il fieatlu'r <li f i 1 11c tîîi < ' ' ic x o 'car ju s id'd t ît I fî' ' t. in.u l Ni o mîd1x Keeps. Scouts w ~\ e &CÊ '% Lt-politicians ý. ranit and rave.... Let theii "point: with pride" at this and that.ý We ea n do a littie. proud. pointing> OurseIl'es. Iýor -,ve reàlly arc justifiably: proud -of -the fiegroup of . money-,saviing values displayed each vveek ip the, messages of ou r Advertisers 31,Ilur w rc ru Il cU îug. ç'tInl j~~~~~~~~~ 1U(Ii<.-.1 h.V1wecrg ( 'rf-r!du i li itc f atîre m1 rcqî.ienf< il I<lî flic ('f ul cl 1:440 8ov oil . îi't lc N tio al I i ts~j;nh c iiçlî<iigSca scoi 1<ai 3<2 .t'i), '11l)- H ~t~bc el b\\ashl ntn 1133 .î % c, 1 , 39 'c( mi t". a dnI - 2 11-iVI;tj<.,il (f i>rs<ci '4î'xc îî'î1 14'1'l hNii <i' .'11f l ii I)4~ xx iîît il .0 ;î'.4 lit hu 11' 1 114"'.i>i' 4ît\ ht'4'hi1.t 41 li "It'14141 44<\ tîl lit' 1>4'<(i IaT l l 1'l;îîîi _ îîî:'tî" aiil <it'l '4411 '<i';i '~.t aI- l'. î:'t a îi li \;'iiî'r41 il' 111 gi t i14"ii <<11 pii<ar.îî;l kîî. 411 'IlA 1' 1i' ii ilit 1 4 ii1~Il " ilt iIl. 4444 \î <'c,4lit11-1 fil S25 liall I . 14thi 4i ]" ti ,i 1 44 <1 I 1 i l- xrxa11 V 14'i l (lu 41" lit lI-\<<v r.\ a u l >1 ar1ttt 4x ld t'1u .<;<4i1 hi< 'il 4\ Il tlit '14 4' lrii1:1 12 . 1, 1 r .î il< ."' 41-i- '.-j I tJlt' 1 ~ 'l<.44':Ii 11.4i<x 44,11' i "41 Ij111 ~ '411. t 14 Il 1 u'; d 441 cfi1<11 444 4 .4 4 111 i xii 4411 iî. ,1Ili il 'i1 ,' J" 1 f1 ' f144 tlt <1à1 1d 441 Vf II444ý\ c1 i.4 I 111,v" t4 ii l441I 444. 11111141Iîl(.. x iii,14Itr4 p i i i f 1- rx c.'.If'I ~144i14~1411"i~1~'. 41i','< ixIf4 1', nII lt u411 1 1 1 l' 1 1xL ME.ET ie iT, OND< u\ li-"'444<4'4 ' _______________________________________ lt aît'.:11 t;î'î ii 14V < 1a 4 . 1 lc <r xx e . îîx 4 dx lin .'1"lit", Ii SEA SCOUT~P)3 «4glii 4<4<ix li i41< 4'il4l' 1 SHIP ~~~~~~~~~llit 'l1Iil x ii4<x l4)llx i(xi,11, 4<11414 î .iî 1i4',il<t O.Ii.% /E1'P)3x5i i 1.4h .441 14<i' I I < '. 14 4< <4144 If I 1pi441 ('14444'4 f tî Ii u r f ; '441 < <1' 444. li<i. SEAt SCOUT'4I4/ 4 44 '.î ~~î 1t i4,, 4114i il r il ...V 'u 4îr SI< l iharîua J > A6E AI>~'ERi'1sLR N i <rt hfi ' ht eqnit it 1, 20,1.' P "<I 'il l'at Lii ia 'ut.ri. go. f< ré ueK e. (I'41 flu I"hiI3 ~41111Oif4> fi Iîi .& 3'i 2 ( 4-d ~~. ~ i a 'i 44'lr v1> tu .s'tv A v.'>*Pii. l ..tlrflm Se aIesî'". xx'no[e t Year's. canmc iiui the?.: nidd'le of the week ' caûscd inny ,colit t roops, FEBRUARY 4, 1935 ..whiclh wýotild iîav ' met on thoýýe nights <t I.eParcllts And friends an- li.nx'ted Or îigit> ci'e to thein, to abandon a geîcra SeaSc'oît metin on lie ter. wecklY nmeetinigs. for the past two (xtugOf 1,J-CIruairx' 4 to sec motion weeks. H-oxx'cxcr. à!! s>cout trooj's wcre1 hiClso.f <lhe' shI1p',s boat .and' to sec 1 agalin meeting <bisw weck and restumied .11t hat tie Sea Scouit orgaization' their regular scliedule., M any events is ding anîd to 'get ac(itiited %vith are fortlîcoing andI scout troops, are tle oficers. ' R.D.H. busy ini preparation for. them., ilurslîuU ieI.1&k o. 31 <rt'r Lunîjer ( nnîpanivs~ Muirine Coî.. 11ur1,my.Mihh (>11cg). 't,' .11 12 .111 't, .11 M a1 t 'ria l Y a r gl o< ' v. r I ' WiIlme'ttc 4musici'& wigaloliop.; . il' <heti.' Stiatt, ;li îk 12, <o% .4r 11 WViil.'i*, Geuorge'I.. i %V'ortl 'ý,' . ... ... . ...... . zI>AGE Il, 16 Il .417' 's 7.11 :44, 'I la * ('ovc'r. **l" .4 A tPx 'E R 'F i S E R Ille Cil. 1 1 t