~, r r ~ ~ -. T ~ r~, ~y#~ix&r~LL 44w ~ p - Là. Father 1h1Ccj1inc O1l«Iicr will bin his -wnýrld iciioi,ù'd Jaulisi choir <' Vo ' Trier hhiqhîcl«ola:lrîr, .udiy cz"'n.i) anuary L)'. <Ij i ;< hi lion il the llitnill vm Sundil c1lgra mThe ill be,4-iial XoS '() .'e- 7i,r- îill b n >fî.sune, a 1l a /1 < 'csidlits ol wtA, , FORSALE-HOUSEHOLD 00008 ITREfl Y EMly IPAR'rMENT, PR eqetPem-n tec .3nG lN U1 - M1 NTON Thî II<NreentDivision, Public ok rni ceus eîaet inAt~nteeaena~îî Up n ( r iairis-l , WffhMasluiîgtion, 1). C $taIed bidis, ii d'U-Vote R gitrtin "diage rupistratipnir lu (Iîicag<' iA aevinal 'alut' for qîick sale. Precm-<ae ill be publicly opened in this 1 ~OL«A~i cost pet- naine registere(I rangcd[r. ~-l~'.~4hlfeld ~I~- j~;ttd s-,ic' (p oflotr ut 1 p. nu..Feb. t,193e, for furnish- Ilu these tinies, Nwith îascîiîîî. coin-i-88 eenf tob$1 1.40 (in Fcbrluary, i <'2' ii wifit- glass-s that 1havi hbualut. 1lie!!ring. ing aul laloîamis inaterials and peiforni1- litaIlirg lu ttt lc eui :t ~idw i ng aiuw*rkfor the coi4eon n 1f he îuiisiand, political. uinrest eviident jwr naine. Iliilw c ti SOSt aki~t, int-t<a I29U'Nt61t~ US.P. 0. ut Willmette, 111,.Atteniin Ailover the mwrldtheru A nîot1rinc ! gind pîwnatient registration lai pt MBE7Tl F 171,F 1 - RN. F 1 1 ' 1,A il dr Edtith xuuie ru N.imore fundanienîal 10 lte preservalCH o r t tW. îregistrationis eî r equipnient, akreCIltMgspuuial conditions of bidding set forth t.vîis i uî4ns 66 ae ac 4 94 n h foî ewrt vît fgv u tî.i ltinofca oa r, thi:ns P. carve QaW!, and 'Ale iII Dithé 9s1.flcattn. Draudngs and speul-niettthan safuguardingr the hIcW cou leur v -r PCtot. thd. . ncence19,,'l a eHl fi-ithinsj not exuepdin ci suesitay bu box."assrrts the iliîih;i lNaguti. of obt'îined at this ofEve ii te. (cî'tiîn Mpmî EAcETHTOR WAS4HEiI (If t le . '4sfistant Directôr. of Procure-' ' M .X r, anïd Mrs. john Morulhead k'î Rt. A-1 condition, also <(;.'E. refrigurator, nent, Publie Works Branch, by anly ISjilcc a fair rc'gistraiin îrueN,îri \ . who recently spent sevurai days r ,asonable, Phone (reenleaf 4640. geneipI contraetôr, and vrovided a de- 1is tihe ha.c iet-d iiin eH-t-t 1ucit . - 4'tf I)rak-ewC . 'ru p gt>U <fM 12LN:6lpopsit of $25 ism-d for. euth set to (-f' îlîùî WAINIT CATINEr' ni10 >11-asure its piomnpt return. flne set iviu t?1Ii., the au ~\\uîit I rew 'Ijrothe-r-iin-Iaw an4îi>tker. sate owner. Will st-il rnasonaNby. l>hone be 1furnishted builders' exehan eehuia i ginn-wg wilieîte' 419rý. '129 LTlN3 ;- 1te .bers of commerce or cter organizationî. lnus, <ener.al lssemhblv a bol for tllite-I îî h,ýâ hi nu. -= _-_ ---- - Voters&HvîIj agaîli sponsor ni tut- I 1W- Mr. an:I Mrsiis.ra Ke _ WT._T *UNISELLNEOS thIe lfor any subcontr, -tor or rmaterial eanlît gsr inu tr.a t homie. C140'fj-IES1 iri nM 0a.nd lis uuanti'y su-n l'iîew WUiias proî>osetî provi(ld --- -' Yvuv<<s, lro Idued a depoit of $25 is inadi- , tit i hich 'a voteoIr rugisîuî!-,, SUIS-HOE-- >VII( îT~ to assuire' its pop return. Chee(k'mý - FU'RCOATS .- PR" MW!' SERJVIC'E ofr d posits nmust lie made lu*t icen Ci i âpr>tagii l fl*5lie iîîîoYe,ýý elf are'Board Thankful .NIMartin'.s. CIothing Store alle to 'the order of the- Tîeasurer of ti or coaîigës lis naine. fti bar hlt-il 74 Cser vasoi iî.220 Cahdeposits will flot be aouejîtud. dran-in i accordaîîce 'w-ith sta iu.1tes for Holiday As$sistatic 74 ue ono n.22 w. E. eYnolds; Assistant Direor 0 ot- iofe rIl - î:210îNM3 Wluli'curhn, uli uksBanh , it i> poiîted Thoutiîîtt-' v 'pluar i ,fiik-Delè - hi Shuiin \ork a n îd stisfactôry 11 till \1 idrvp1îixappruciativu of the1ililid JunkDeIer-P iI Scunian elta iers ta ttpsandidni addition las I.Aîi Highest niarkei: prioe lfor paper, m'gl'lie DlaGma lt a9so- 'th, crfîl-rix',~~~Cooptrat ioc ' eteîîded 1- i bv cari.scu.n Ga lutmi v- 11 . WILMm32' IVUtSITY 7317 PumLic SEMVCE COe4IANY OP ubmifmu n.wom By C. W. BRADLEY, Vice-Pvqeidnt * fly thi"S sîetlxw cost (il rugisîtr;*- tioll is greatiy reduced. In -Detroit tht- saving uniler the first registrationi môre 'thanl paid for ail equiipiieiii. Lii(ler Illinois' present systemn a gell eral registration occurs every, font years. in, cities under the Cit'y' I Nom tlat the holiday Sealson î 'v r I(lthe couinty relicfis i'4 t- ting (1ownf, otur responisibility to \Wilnîeutte's own needv< wjl1 be al thc heavier. Please Continue to 1)1,, sasi generouisly as iii the -wilmette Welfare Board. -Jl.ýZ,