*At the regular meeting of the Wll- mette Chamiber of Commerce last Mônda.y, the recepitly elected officers and directors were' indnicted into office. The %etng vas opened hy the retiring president. B. L. Keeler, who turned the gavel over> to the new president, A.1 C. Pearson. Jr., who .will serve for the 1935-1936 period. ' Secretary C. E. Clif ton, Jr., an- nounced that Albert G.Jeff erson, 1159 Wilmette avenue,. had been ac- cepted into menbership. Thé f ollow- ing reinstatements were also, an- noun'ced: Lajeunesse, Ic.. 1168. Xilnete aveniue: B. E. Bùsscher. 817 Ridge avenue; Stephen Shimonek, jr., 803 'Main.-,street; UnTique Style shop. 1126 Central avenue, and NiI- mette Tailors and Cleaners, 815 Ridge; avenue. Armand Vita, 1152 Central' avenue. wvas accepted into civiceic- bership, A letter f romi Captaiti jacoIiso, of the U. S. coast gulard, was read, in which the cooperatiçrn of the chamber, is sought to secure nleetled improve- nment to Wilmette barbor. Naine.Committees Pregident Pearson announced the folowing standing comnmittees: Publlcity---E. W. Weber, chaîrinan; Albert ,A-. McKelgh an. Audit and ftnatnce--D. E. Allen, Jr, ç,halrinan; PhillIip Hoffmnann, Il. W. Entertalnmeflt-Williair1 Perry, chair-, siian; Mrs. Esther Stone, Bradford L. Keeler, Frank illava-eek, Dr. W. W. Hawkins. fletail-A. C. Wolff, chairman; Ste-1 phen Shlmonek,' Lawrence P. Schaeffer,J A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., Mrs. Lyle (n ningham., C. E. Renneckar, T. A. Cizelk, Ray Rapp,. CC- . C Cazel, chairmnan; F. l.ý Anderson, J. P. Hoffmanif. Jr., Lloyd floister, Johin Da'vies, Dr. Martin Sel fert. Membership-c.. W. Swiney, chair- inan; A. J..Wodok Arani MestJian, Dir. Carl Rceb, Ted. Berqulst, Paul. Ren.sh, Jack Nord., Fire peeto-aIe Zibble, chair- îian; <G.,W. .Svvney, PFrank'Wilson., Leiltlof-J. E. Wôrtben, chair- man ;.A,.C. Lynch, Dr,. .Floyd McGrath, .ý S.VanDeusexi, Jr.,_J. C. Slowvn. Plan Dusy Year Several matters looking toward in- ,-renseactivitv drinu, -the vear were Fallier ducteoro-. f Papidisi Ch brin g thal voices ta aiidilmrs* ary 13, iui Willlei-te The prgi and ther. charge. A- be 'mode Suîkidzy i WantN an. increase of orcnnary building ac- tivities during 1934 over 1933. The total valuation of improvernents for w-hich permits were issued inî 1933 M ~amounted, to $467,990. From this total. however, inust be deducted two major im.1provemnents for which ino permhit feeéw as écollected, the WaterWorks at $189,000, and: St. Joseph's school, at $M0,009, Ieaving the net valuation of paid Permîts of $78,990. > For the year .1934 the 'valuations total '$111,705, an increase of $32,775 ovèr_ 1933.' [ s sîf-evident, however, that, w.Àheti the iniatter of permùit fees is disregardedý, the- total value of, im- provenients were greater, by $356.225 in l13 than in 1934. The 1934. in- Fer-nande de Gueldre Photo crease 15 (lue to. more dîversifled prop.- Ekigene O'Mlallev. con- erty inîiprovéeins. f 11w 'oi reonc ho<rister.s of Chicago, 70ilil"Living Flowers" Is tqreat ensemble -of Male .'wTrier HÎ.qh school Garden tenter Theme . 9iindav .ezenipig, Janu- "Living Floweft» isthe subjeet nder the autspices of ithe Mrs. Theron Colton bas chosen for 1Suniday Eeàn club, bher talk to be given Monday at the 'i *zkill bc * iin i 8,o't-lock' North Shore Garden center at Win- wî7vlI bcim, admnissioni netka Community House. The two 1volunlary offerinig will hostesses for the day, Mrs. Franlk for the bene fit of the Whiting and Mrs. Harland Canby. veèdC)itg club. are also residents of Barrington, the - - -Garden club of that village baving charge of the center during January. James Genelogy The lecture wvill be given «ât 10:30 .2S.Year Residentsi o k. The librarians on january been residents for a period of twenty- five years. There are stili several who have not filled out and returned the questionnaire wbich Mr. Gage sub- mritted soine time ago, and he would, appreciate their early return. Mr.' Gage also requests anyone knowing of old settler.s whose names he does not have to send them to him. He would also appreciate reminiscences .which bave. been related to children to gain tneir inierest. iLs programs and services are available free of charge to ail interested ini gardening, regardless of mienbership in any« garden club. ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Frank WN. Allen, 1100 Ramnona road, entertained at a formnai dinner party on Saturday, Decemiber 29. Seventy-five members of the fam- ous Paulist Choristers of Chicago, Father Eugene O'Malley. conductor, will present the programn of the Wil- mette Sunday Evening club January 13. For this occasion President W. Frank. McClure of 'the Sunday eve- nîng club, has secured. the NeW Trier High school auditorium.. Thert will bie no admiission. charge, and every residentof the township isunvited to hear Ameic a',s most famnous maile choir. The programn will begn Bt 8 o' dock. This famous choir of boys and meni was organized by father Fi in .1904 ini Chicago and. remained under bhis direction for fourteen years. Silice its foundation the choir has been heard in- every, important musi- cal cetiter of this continent. In '1910 th e Choristers gained national repute 'ybeing awarded the first prize ini the division of boy choirs at the na- ton$ ccnect ini PhiladelphW -lu,41.912 tbey were equally successful ini the international contest at Paris. In 1918, when the whole world was ini a ýturnioil as a resuit of the World war, the Paulist Choristers- of Chicago toured the United States and Canada, singing 238 concerts ini 113 chies. The proceeds from these concerts helped to rehabilitate ther devastatcd regions of stricken France. Pefection Ensmube to which singers can aspiré, tis choir bas developed a sureness of tone and a perfection of ensemble which raise choral singung to almost a divine heigbt. The fame of the Choristers likewise rests upon the recognition aid the development of that appeal- ing. etheral quality of the boy's voice, whicb ranks it with what may bc conceived .to bc the voices of Cheru- PURCHASE NEW TRUC At a special meeting of the board held january, 2, the purci a Ford light delivery truck froi Motor Sales, Inc., 435 Main was ,autho'rized. The vehicle use of thée water department. street, isfor nome 5U8 vriumi......W& Music................. 3, N. S. P.rsonaitie- . .... .21 R.crmation .......... 10 Soi.ty Pg. .3- I That's mihy I'm the Bottom and you're the top! CatIIWILMETTE 4300 to place your want-ad rformed at the same nsîa ýceniber12