huîr rtading circic ut i Your Public Ser-vice Str fers JANýUARY LAMP SPECIL Attractive Larnps air Attractive Prices Almc RefctorLarnp A Lamp of I3eauttfu/ and Scientific Design e*This lam p was sci'entifically designed ro give the utnmosr' in Iig'htin-g efficiency; .fla,, opal glass re&lctor whicii combines dirucu and indirect I igliting--r.educes glare, slhado\\s, and conrtrasts tlattri eyes. Handsomc mcmcal base n eiher ivory,ý Venetian bronze or Butler silver.finiish; .ýHand rtailored, -pure sî1k shiadeisclsely pleated, 'Now priced t $1.Ill2 5 /C. .7. ,: * // '-t ~N1 <i 413 Linden Avenue 1141 Centr'Il Avenue ami i i rs.. i jia 'e; r iirt iiiuc' nibuirs (f er 'ta iiu ain Mfr.. and Mrs. Ra!ph t-fawxihurst. 618 Es-sex road,,Kcnilworth, wiIl en- tertain their 'dinner bridgé'club t FridaY. 713r1Il t11 1) rprufacud Ill> 1~itre a te' 723,Liglî1h114 rnma rk "One suhoIrt iCWiia Iw\ Blet ngci l lt 1l. Iline In which Il JaIlî1 M11 td a.\ :1t t» r - xîl lj rnedtsshct C I :15 <'tIC e. . u( <r. u lîof k li u a'w*;- i )r b ydv,;î~î~tî ~ I) i Ica tîirc. f thlese litc t Ilr s, t w h'li îlucture utoi nu laîtîr. i <nlit Ion a i w ut i e lit î .- -it fthis îljsciv'sjî ciCf tbf< t . t'< ped thi 1'..,fIl- 1 ll I' ii 1d b'il 1 îî h Ii ir, i I da t itl,,'] tIl r( 1, >q il y1'l hil CI i <u \'IiIl f - A ld 1C <et Ct i C l ' f i . 111('t L.. I . I lit r A l,11 ii 'Cto. (lýti v I i. t 12. itr . t P 4 'l k 1 1 - 1 ' ý