cre»afio Is for 1 935. 11* 'utln ar.xe:npted Ito ý, c Àt.t> Vè. illît ut Ibis str.engtlb wa> flo)t tequal i Mfeetings of the Clubi.>for t1iîi,\val, 14tts.I)ahwsdtet ui1iai lia vebe e ilplanned. 'lIle 1)rng ra 11 a1 niter heb1 1'r lebi -ihl wxill include illustrated talks ,I)v \v'wlllucn ttt mcll('d hv.f, re. lkn oivi garden autîxorities aînd tk. e xerenedmenibers on pracî ical Acreesiinouet iiel<l Iuesdav at ~.adnproblems, as -w'eil a ardru <'tt uealhuefUurd deatîr- u \cXttir.iorTýs and. fieldI trips t t1ic jte iîfîcai :11.1the forest preserves. M r. I>ltin lhadt 110.relativ"eýs,11î. Membership Campaiin I hu was a native () ilîuhîîrg, Ger-' is Côn(Iuctiflg aeijîa i ur>*iutbd euî îany l, ars itli rî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~O nw eme.Egh er tiur> Fo-the past m-ci r merners.Eiglt ýwuru ati - ty easlit. -il edat the Decetnher n1ivo : in .' AIl eîl vd grîele 1)Ms jormler rneînbers aanoe Îaneet iam( old il ibbard 'in W nt ;nl gardening is wel.oîuie .te attendmER1cA spl1 Hire januarymeeting, it -is alliuîerîuîcé , l,. AME )îiesof the club arc:I. Pi)fer,.I)residerit,. Wilfred C. ll. 1*c4erilîtg,secretary N\I r,.Vr:rnl< A. 1", 'lc.corresipon<ling '.vcrvr ar.\ 1 a Il tr î<l ihotttreasurvr. Have -Tickets For Show t t t chlbbs danetiCct 1 fer netloxyt.r show te 1w held. :At av * CEN'TRAL-LAtURIEL At the, eveniing meig iîur I ). ef HeCentral- La uel P a renrt * I achler ;associa tion, f;tý bers anli r ehrs W111 bc the guests0f houbr. n ii tt'cre-ing , proO rain 1iS 1l 11 c, NI nica tret-Nrs.Franc(,ý. Cvp- ihla rive. ci )oýscr a iiul a çc toin iaîiiust. :î id Ir'.NoniaBoswvorth.voalst l1 iiisÎ>akurr lr thu e iîî. g n * .i.i ~ hi \Ill. talk on('11 [taI v. 11.11 ;î r(a irncc(i former calte cri 'I t i îî t r ~ t o yl I i r C, n i l, V * ii.ehiiiediii the a.xrm ilii <1..1.~gelt (the dirigible an d det A, irA ftcir ht w ar, IDr. Castrucci, claieît t t(c i. Ch'îî u, as ae I.cglioutli: iti 1O lu rfuli ui2 l l; liii I You 4hould an ce in cash lent in land, We are starting to conétruct one home ini Kenilworth Gardens and one ini Hlighland Park. value. to 75,7 have the bal- or its equiva- Reterences-Reqiti.ed anid Gillen N'ORTH.WESTERN REALT Y & BLGCO* 528, Davis*StreetEvn tnUN lversity 50 N'ESTOC EA N F R ON T 110? EL *1 - fil P 2. hiec *'-'-'*e vIv. ruiran, wavs and it ian>i 'baumanWilmette 146-5, Nr.J: Mark Hale, 1051 Ramronra raeàtertajned at a lunicheon and! bridge' party and shoiver vesterday in honor of Mrs. Henry lay, Klein ofj Jevanston, who recently adopted a, alwfrom 'the Cradle. Here you m:ay indulge Iazy beach. interests in, this land of win p1Z1 iAter plaýy. Write or Wir. for Lit. orature- Information. Keaervationii. MIA M I E A Ç FL O R K D A 41 a 0-N T f -