* tvnînTg, f aîmary i12, at- 8 wokati !bc 1i meof NI r. anti NMr,>I arî 1 ;rke.., 2(0.3 Slicridan rtîd Iva Nf! (n1 ît'1pi xvý 1Iligi vu an111luhirât * (- 1 ti ue on i 11c m s i nilwild l fc 1h .t rgaî li dbiis ' ! ittinlandt,1ii' î~t -ir~ttitt7'. are i:îttriil ;îitl îî-.îor- Imx t;tiîtîi'lihait.tc î jt-. Owltt îîii.ibei"trliiip. but M r. (alc \. t.Ir.. larini xx ant i icianii XI r. t'lar~î xii lit :î.î'.t.î at.t t 171 t tiliflitt't Nir-.1K hai r. l;~iiia . I -. ranik I lainte'. Nîr-.. 1;irît-. Fvet'vv';NI r',. X\V (. . 1x t i. Pi r-. . i i\ aîls,.ani NMr, ilt N.îît lhtg: rit tt1r1' iII lt. lît'ld .'lt.îtiy, . li tiar . a aI ilIt ilt f Nirs. Viliaî Ians: tdis li giiedStC nu 14 (s ;It î 1w ut/,t r ! citucl ai fle< Îilii k it f~i~ 11ii'lrizfîfft College Club WilI Have To Entertain Board Two Programs Nexf \Veek NIr-.1arrlI J flckey .5 'Oak I h îîî't rneit xeit'ii liitîiiaI i r 1ct , t ' iiiiet(,- viii 'I-a vv t ai :1er il îi Trntina àai> ýwv11 t lie lboart i t imagers.tf t lie Ne\% aS'tl it' NI5 ltlii N (ttl-Oii'iriur \\iiîaif, I )snioiratit. club. 1Tht ("; ilt ', ill li : lielit1 iii th - j hi nuiItag'riXf h.'(' hiL tCôcktili Piarty r 'tt Î d i~~t l( Id.ili't i n i i l, \i \dtitrtit. il i a d h erli t t hurléj 1i iaîîar tai 12:-î'i A-F Mary Crane L~ague lit l\t niixx t trihi t. l~~îîîtî 1' t Xi ,r\ . t t"iilt ît'i" lit W nIl ilitet t l;iîiîîîrx Is xx îîh \t.r-.. V t S'h:iîit 't'~ft J arl t. n rt'tad. j . 1' l-x xxiii t-w tht t'n lîîî~t.es~ Sndy Spper NIr. ani Nr'. it iilt t i it it h-jr lhoiilv. 8949 Ciçern veue DIr. H. Shigeta, nationally known Nili unte iicr. Mr, and Mrs. I1p~j apancse photographer and artist. recc.i\cd the congratulationis of about .wIl peci an îllustrated lecture on a hunîrud giuest>. îflcluding niimbrs aaîeefolIk ltwe and art at thut of the \V'lilîette chapter. )rde(r ol next mneeting of the 'Sisterhood of tht. FE1trn S,,t ar, of vh ic JiN.1r,,. thu Northî Shore Congregatiotial Is- wa ntald as aso(ciate raci to ý4e lielci. January 21,.. at flhe . t ron or Satiîrilav evetiîg. J au - Tetpie buildinAI 'in land Vero 1,11it.îîî of nit xvc1t nv - 'txNtcars DIr., Sligta. vil lunhis lecture cen- atmWl re Vhi r ' ' ain nt; ber ' . tvor t -cx.a onposite. picturc d atu, l ît1e rNM rs. ù-o rg 4'.fL 1oc1e, t .t t li lk irl>-t tîold J apan an(i the' Ir-. woruthe icdress iii wh1eî erliu f it, trn japan. In addition. itiiotlhier had:lîetii.niari'iedl. lhîcrv:NI iP-. NIabet-l Feiwell' viII be-heard in sever alvocal seleclon,,s jh a grttup of piano sélections. Vesta M urray \Watkini,,s. oprame Thie ictttillg iili, start as usuial at W-hjo is a-* weli îtx' artist ,Ili clubs 9~ici e in, the morning With sew-ý .aiid on thc radijo. 'She. wNas acconi - nîg:t liere xiii Ie a box luncheonat l)Ic-(l k Mr>.. aRocque, ivlîo also Itt iil, to. Î.thIoMdby the business plaNved(- a grou <il o pianlo nwimtrý nmet iîng anti program.' Everyone 1' during thc, afterynoon. .There,-. ivere cordial!l'v ilîviîed b oattend. also dtt> hi NMr. and Mrs'. \atkins. Mr. \aikns, xlîoi> NI rs. Hpî- brothler, Was the o.l tl0w ,.%hé)'coffld SDonsors Musicale lit prsu.~' had attendedtn wuddig twtntv-hve cars go. * prn'grain of miiiC for two pianos *As,ýstistî Iin rucciving the gueýsts x> sîo~rt by the board of di- anid stervi'rtg'the' refftt'hmentsw ererctors o f the \'Wotù nsAtihIetic Clui Mr. anîdNfrs,. W. 1'. joncs, Nfr;.cof Chiç;19O last Tuesday morning. Johli Vohed NIr. Alb.ert Ackcr-.T' vît rti'.ýts iere .Harriet Lovdeti Mnan,.NMrs. Ro.v Mcllrathî . J. 0. Naurai Mac Doelling Schmidt. Jatma n 's AN NUAL SAL E SHEF F.11EL D 707 Church Street Evanston 1 YNP'NT -e-OT'L