Will Begin friday Solemnized, Decêmber 29 ln the chapel of the Cotîgre-gationialj at W oman s Club eiîurch ni(iflm11ette col SatnrdalnDe -einher 29. at 4 :30 o'clock, Dr. Marion 1- rak F îurgt e.'e.p. rtau- rinli>h i ofWilnîttte mas united iu pipi cafrp a marriage tu IDr. Charle> \\Vesley t ho.ît 011c("It açIlirti11,01ii ofe i tsburglî. Pa. gi v a coîimentarv le_'a t %%à>~a a vers- lovely pîcturc. ulndr rvad thle doùhle-rîng,,service. IlsiIg .tr'Il as li opt iîg o~Èvec- the rings of'l.Re<sarn. Ond seriv.s (if ciitat" et at î-é' The: bridewAs clad in ag' .d- l)rocailvd l ot h tunie ha !nled ait ft e: t 1< n xhi i(1 v4il i ~g ix ci ut tlhe. hein whtlîbro.wn velvel and! à lrtiwi \Viluct t <alln,'s dilai' adurvle drrt.$h)e x ' gold lie a s~ lce s f tlicwa s îî4,oes, a'n a gol'd t urban trimuîed xil Ili. al-sic., f Ilt wa '. "4 g4old.-lea fe.d whiteè herritinist lvtoe.' f< - bu ia[r f ad. ['lt ruam îied ni tht: aefn les 't <aitmalfe.***,iter. Am . l' rist-iisttr aînd l-ar aItc l'Olelssol'ai <-' in'pli ie.iarryîiig talisman rosvç. attîîleilier. Tllvsday. landhry130 1 JQ I:30 Dr. R b'slro'tlîur, Fred. (if I )t' ilcton Fridàye at 7 :30. 'l 4î'îgîthe c ervimoîivand i te vcry pr('flv .rc reptÀfm .ai. thn: Mr. Bourget is a well knom n Ac. - ride,% îî'imwa iter thle srrvicu. NI r> turer and an atiihor of severa bridge C. (G. Crèt (if Wi,înetka played hie. digests and is a coftril)utor k) t lie. x'clini, at-coi 'iiaiied I u lier daugltr, Ridge \Word magaine..'hIil.e lIt \I;argarttlean,. onu tlticç:l plays tht vajius syst(ems ,he teach!es .\mngieot-u-îxn îs '<j a conîinit snse x'rsiolî tIRS lfl ie 'xxedîîg' xx'vere Nrs,. (.lurvkeed. a, is îlaycd l'y mnst expert qlytr,S. i itdur ofe.l'e'el m flic. (ulb.ertson 'antiSol>cymn- f'Dstt:liie> th l t , he. ' i stg * r lIt I >)W and .NI r>. \'idtîr I.:pe - of are t ualiiedt4 lý ilus ort Chicag(c .ai"! NIY l0m (~ t'ruîîslel<f tliýst: t;slig tlio'e v t:L. Te.'( jîil--i,ýllI if uP pdifivd etiue.d of' co.'niting '.lyi D r. <C harle- a ndl' I k. 1i iria 'n ke. t tric'ks-' is based on the \hteeaia iter ;i short x'dlîg' r; xiIrr& systeni, developed 1b, Mnir ler- ùei\\1.i.br.h gel ini collaboration wAthlî E. .i tbt. îtx e N s ii N tne ' welI l 1, l Picg rtgekîer a rk ga < u e. . lat, ' cîrcles. '1hey call it" thle asPiiî shiower fl r t li: hri4e aiiil i -s N .rà nu for tht: headaclW' iecontraci iîridg t. Ioîioî i iîî ed'.plr>oîal \.I As, a coéolloy to tii sitiîlifitd x' 'îove .t teinu,NIr. Bourgét iuico.riitrate<1 a, 11 ridi.txa nlt't' s tli ail hlo convetion uite sîîîl 1 to St E w'irongîî the:gaie i<'lii \\iitlt: known Vanderbit Club bld. h Icî ei lier cas> or te y.ur oîrve -.it lr- ' w~hile tnt. exactl]y apr ite~-~~ cdnvl vuso.to h tetii. tan hé used xMiAhgood etict cdmlipno ôtu Pr pIIayiiig wifl.itiiose 'àacuinted J xv iit tn .e.-r ler l avrt' coun re a il. .Each sessioiliconstitutes t'un ývr fifi- \îrcdx' herî îîîI'rsît' in thalireesu jIdete instruction (ni luddig, ;PLxtuif tuar nd n, gdliradctp reme ical hor the c ards, ieadý~, anmi after th('k leeaîdwa rautd romtt"l * turt hour therc are twu ht'ur> oni Northixx'steriiNIedicai school inii 131.*dn actual play îth Thtx st .~ e ta'feib: i\ SgaP il * classes are for both bq.,îîners and sorority'. cr.'vux'd hclie.nturn&shuju i thoý,e mow playintg 4n;traët dlnd tt'atBraddock( i'r aisîa n P nrit cotirb-e. i-sopenti tQ oth m<t'tibers antd el<k', Pa., andI * sellîred lier liIî;îis cel 'non-muembers of thte club. ni.dical l Iirn L*It\e elir 'c of Catholic League Dinner January 19 Il\ g tî111 C)f t t I j .,t 1 act ciiii lr (I'f tIht \t>Nrt l.î Il irC 1t l c Vt ia tf ra laei (<"îînt r» clin aWluù u -j anuiarv 1<). 'lh iii î int t' a iar i, ds.<kît. 1 'la ts aî.i ;u~les aîl fiî ,a "s 7'lîc n , h 4ul ',s ,oît iî i ,< li <11<1dclZuz r < t i~a.ii.i. Wil m Jauarv2, ic bY .MWiss Sko, fi t11 ç Ji, /e î < ;, hyllis Fuermann I s eted Bef.ore Weddiing I , e t Io hoi rits i tiiaii tliigiteof anti. blOi \ metk.1 avel..Knvit w latii taXt-veplace Sa t urtla ýitc al nure hlinii x Ni1 oo r la-ndiMr'i ni ti f Evtn . gaxcIliti r,<enter-u i NI r' i ( 'e.rgt. S n..lnd )i \\'î nu teika > cliairînan of the partv, ané * Iandling tht: publiclty arc %Ir,.Wi1 sX A R\'oncty QÇofhG1lcnciý'audMr Emil A. Stak-c of Wnek.Ar *- rangUig ther details of tiî t afÏa j are,'thie' followving nieinber> 11if NIr, A Sind(.erland'(l coniittc NI r,. NMat, î.hew J.. Ilic.key, Nlrs, HarrOd'ij. ' tf(lNîs.RObert F;. )oepel. 'f i \Y1 1 <' netka. \Irs.. William P..Kly i \Ir,. Rohcert D,. ices>ey, of ilîa ou gh ve.andMrs. Fran.e, Bnne' I)inm-tr mliibc ~ri~l t73.an îii4rIl g th11e e Vei iilg a wel1 k ri )\V 'rh sra xviii ,play f or - i r i 171g liii arc ilnîder wvay. for a fluo)r .ht(< bc beireselnted during tliw etîît Th l tit' t.nîfittee will hia v . car.ttable> I\,(àsvn:atîton, lWiay l>î. vica' lt ,, i' la 1er it V rdajnrx1.x3 aîîîx' (Ànbeto thle fio~i~i Mnte: Nrs. \Villiam J.Scn.I1.r F. Iftepe, 3(î7 Asbury aveui, \V\t ne.ik Nis.Matthew I.iliig.. )222U1 Thlî i i t (I(l avctnue, \Vi lnttc: t (r r P . P1 lvssey of Highland Pairk h(i. istse for the party vi ii inîthdc ..Nirs,. ferman l4cnzel.. Mr, Jaco1 J.. C ranle, Mrs. 1Ho11lk R'. ai \Ir . Walter Baumhiogsr. Januarv 7, at 8 o'clock. Miss Tiielmna Mancineili of Wilmette w>as hostess. 1Ail Alpha Gamma Delta memibers living on the forth shore were t'ordially invited to' attend this meet- ngfor which an unusual and enter-. tainrng pr('gram had been arranged. Gamma Phi Alumnae Meet 1A t the Jaîîuary meeting of the north shorv aluîmnae of Gamma 'Pi Beta.' Mrs. Hayes 'McKinîîev enter- tained vvith a' lu.ncheotx and bridge at Skokie Country, club, January 7. Thlere we re twentyrembers present. western iîniversity where she %vas Annoncig Tothmeniber of Gammta Phi Beta sorolrity. ~-~nouning rol . r, Ztiver attended Northw%%estcrii .Mr. and , Mrs. VVilliam H1-ofstctt r and is a menmber of Pi Del-ta Thct., pi 1vaiston are announcing thé be- fràternt.. trotlial of their daughier, Virgiia ý ,The hetrottial was made know, ;41 Theamia, to Arnold J. Ott, son of a tea given on Wedniesday, JanîîaÈi Mrs. E I L. Ott, 315 Fourteetll 2, for Mrs. jck HI-ood. (Agné"., Hal1ec i street. \Vlihniette. of Gec~