Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1935, p. 32

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Becomes Bride of. Henry V. Pelton, In the chapl' o-f* the .First Nlethodist Eisop l chrc'Il , iii Jvanston Martlîa '1encicwr of Wilmettie as marricd01n j anti-, ary. 3, to, Heniry \îarick l"clton of New Britain, Conu. Dr.. Ert- est Fremont Tittle read the -nar,- niage .cereniony ,in. Uthenig Easter hues, pa1is, and candelabra ý.U pj id simple, decorations for the. ý-iltar. The-organtist played soft music d uring the seating of the guests and the ceremoîiy. Preceding the entrance Af the bridai. party, Miss Catharine * Rîlis sang most beautifuily, '"Until" ay Sanderson. Thle bride wore lier înother's wed- ding gown of ivory lace over taffeta. 'Th e lonrg tulle veil 'feu grýaCéfùt1 .!itiirwas thl)ie' ouquiet of white roses and hules of the valiey. The rnaid-of honor wvas 'Mary Eliza- :beth Townsend of Wilmette. Thec Ihriceszmaids were Virginia Frenchi of F vanston, Mary, Elizabeth Parker Hianson o Evaniston, Clara Ward -eabtiry of Oa k Park and Patrici lOnies -of I<aliazoo, Micli., the tw' t * latter having been the bride's roomi- maerespectively, at Dana hail and at Siiiith coliege. They ail werc ai- * îîred alike in quaint bluie taffet.a pic- tre gowns with fulil skirts and worv garianids of blue flowers ini their hait-. * Ycilow rosebuds and(l 111e stevia .t)rnie.d the ol(-fashioned ihnîqtîet.s * tilev carried. The bride's inother xvadresedin a gowîi of b1ie silk, crupe. tle i)ridegroomi's riotlii wwa *ttred 'Y in aethyvst x1%xët,.Bthi itrents wore orchids. hebridegrooni was attcîîdéd * isfather, Ernest Peltotn, - as b, !iua In. The ushiers, werc IRichard i ooper of New, Britain, G_'eorge Rd. * ;ards of Elgin, Ill., an Anhrcistcas junior League fo Cive "Snow White", An n ou n ces r il, t1oI'r duht' Sileci1. R'ichard of ttt'</ 105.Jts'(, ' I >vtr G~nerIs repat jiq îi,ç pro f,-ssçsin lu Lu'sA*n,î'cs. lis1 ittu L'! Vrtht'istuti :,îz"tiIv;îtf tr' I n<'wuvt 'msnC1/'~Y'4 ~if Day ce 1Mrb. Charles Ware anîd .Ir.lirced McDougal of 325 Abbotsford iroad, Keniiworthi, entertainied at a bridge !lijhýeon *>Frida3y 'in honior of Mrs. F. F. Harrison of Denver, Colo., whii Svisiting the. \Vare,. r4iflc ortl Arden Shore Notes Those in charge of the arrangements are Mrs. Thomas J. Dec, Mrs. ,Marshall Gallowav, Miss Ethel M. Cain, and Mrs. T. Stanley Simpsî.. The' Wilmette chapter of Arden Shore wiil have its regqlar monthly board meeting today with M rs. Les lie F. Gats,, 723 Eighth Street. The group. xiii se* for the camp.' Cast- l'ht ae1 dif 11 r tl n for bys :andl for gi wxlîcni the-ý *Ch i dren s -t héa teri nt 11(-.ch i- cag(o Jui l>'r lugueojn s xvdr tfic <loo(rs for ist*initi..i ppear ance ' this x'car on ttrd îîîoxiig, anary26. Th HIIe arris theater once.c~îî liouse hnth actors and. aud~iecu, l: Il, ho01r of performance remainiîîg the saînc, 10 :30 o'clot-k. 1,1ic Icngth l t thour Iiti(lf ,tyY~~Xliu x 0f -ocod. icxsto thoýte wilîl lt1. foPIcI dtllcJin~r1cg~.ja r anîd piays. is t1w iact th'at IExni 1 ioe 1Iloffînan, ( M rs. k ( )4rt 1 1l mnan, jr.) a jormer Glencoe girl an> (t me tthe i2os ttalciltud ()f nlaYrs.p(et itc, charinifig. vi s1now wlit e.' Heilh Cot 'illaî lkeForecst xviillwbc h11)\cick -cil -n i r. hr es Kirlall * tor (Cushin f Wln i:u t kl, ) îa;i 1 rotje of C' >11 Catul1-:' NI (.ileCit r:ouse, tetormur I,î>t I un iîgoIl ighiýind,- Park, w 11i 1) the Prince. jean Mltdof \Win- lietka is ! Iitîîsuai .mong *tiio i na id v of lîôîor xvill bc ',xetlYl]oîs "Ireîî, ad INIr s. E',ricI.111ba r t u \Vinetka tzolg thle. W; ive *x11 * 'Lis Vriiîja Jilobart oï inta I~~~ ~~ ei" \tis\rns ttx' ot 1iilîan, )aàrkL. M rn. St e p11 e 11iàar r ýing il n.1 * t ier)f th uJ inior Icàg ...rs 1 1.ixvc ftie 1)art of the \Vitt fi NI r' PShSi1M Ih(r is'nîakiitg r i~\Te are aiig a11-,iaIu~ ix iîîakinig tlelc ax ~ut dvr * ft lîîr Je.' lietu J t (er atu lr wtiii lcvr.et st 211 w ~1~Iit s .t1u <t Gîve Eggnog Party Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Baui-, hogger, 17 Canterbury court, enter- tained' thirty-two guests at an eggniog. Parfty last Sunday in honor of the lat- er's parents, Mr. and, Mrs., Gustave. Ga>ller of New York wrho are, visiting their daughter's. family.

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