Next Slonday The Lake View Mu~sical societ.ý will have its ne.xt concert on Moin- ayaft.ernoon, January 14, 'at .2:30 'clock in.the crystal halîrooiniof theé}lacksionc liotel. Thé arti.sts for the afternoon are 'to be Charle> Baron, baritone, (giuest atst), A'ndrina Materassi Bartoi. piani- ist, andi Barbara Baike, ceiiist. Dr. Fr.atk Laird M'aller is to bc Mr. Baron's accompanist,. and Franklin. Schneider is acCompanying Miss.& Baike. Cora WiIlis \Varv; 111(. président, milI be. assisted by tht.c fou i~inghostesses : NIrs4. Chatrlesý Bosch, Mrs. Louis WV.Mcktol ati Mrs. \V. A. \VieboIdi. Ch-irles'.Baron,.w'ho:'resides in Kenilworth, mnade ]lis Chiicago (1( but on june 15 :à tht' Frt ar- dsatA Cenitury ofIrors tvhCll lie sang as Soiloisi witl thre Wm~~S3'rnl- orcstra to mighit rate more or les, as. a "dis/W14 c~vr"aitlhoîrIPr l hc lif'a" tr ii. ii ,ii'/ ( r -ýc ù crt. over ti. radioc, anrd lin" lfki'D inade guesi peracs <î r W.V,R(Detroiit), WVTAM ('èe ¶ ani), anid (-vCr theCÇoItlirbia ntok i ýý Ysang ~with L"reait s'cc f a ht iacsor clu. is acMmai.tonNoiiv, Dr. \Waller, * co(Itrto(if ituN l aku.Sr>lîn i- \hetaand the. Cllhiatýo Opera Cvlai .\nd(reilla ?Nfatcritassii Ba'to i ofI AistoP Pl * privat~ie 1 is t he wxIf, of Nacdi .Bro formnerl v (ifXVnttk.Sicw wtborn itiiForrc Italv, -and at a m îi ae itered l te , îviCn ',evatrvwht'r ue-,i( hcilim, ilprli lof ri Con s o. Suerýcei\ t"trhi .tei'agi i (1,01-cio >It h11 Later, s.l'i<' ýtIIdifedl .41 tiru Cnlor sWr~ IklýVTIOwîiOnpetît(or, : ;1id1(In Iicvth f thle site WL vî Trough bler :lA)nalie i \îîri andn Furopear uttis:c ce t erlier -:plavitig a iif 'mincitt Iincl rhrteani'! '1i1c la s~i * (Iiet! h ersulf à a aIîn t i f tlîçi giîsîravi k: .Xfter Oo ' f rs. Barbu'5 "coiIcerts Ilui-mulu De_)vrie'S of t.hCic F .veing rèiaiwr I'te created a chorcographiy ,emlplasizing rhivthinic motion. They have interpreted symphonies wvith the New York Philharmnoric. Cleveiand and Phil-~ adeiphia orchestras. Thev liave réstorcd the. art of rhvthmnic motion.aý welI to the. theater dancing in "Amecricana," Shoifrubns" ând "A4 Thotisands Cheer." Maul îii i Si-\lil-llr >1!'.? uI 'Il) .i' HiU"/îi>i ~ '~ .'hi S (lJ ? if7 1 î Y /br~ ' I'i' ' .U S.~~~ ~~~ 'h,'; înîri1.'ilI i';.CI; O0perd pIders WIli Prescrit " lE r mîinri 'Sh îr.' igllîûiit ]od ilu of 'Sorîh l"ývar" s'tr xiiiU îht"r ~cc ii t!îr~~r: t h i' is suascirial tii c C)rr iii '. ton sciio(d:ai rutorium îon Tiîrdv 'î~..Sat- antd 21. The cas , h di:rcludu, a iiioi;r vif ropih xI't.1iknown n 1 tluie -ii sotis 'as fî lliôw' 'N\Ir>: Sl')e, uis t (NI flri.tardpet Mn t brie tr'i(. b"ox, Irîrce'ss Lois Nt-ike, aote .iîîîC C Coi lin s, Mfarqlu k : iDr. Wililavi "lZscî,Chtu x'lier: l.eorard J anes, l)trois; Tlrônia> 1MIL1 Siniri ;Cîra-es .1Luttop, ('aticaurx , Inrî (;uest; Rax'ennes ;Ravrnorîd i hn>oîî, Di' . lrvix' ThoireIeL.ayx' lugent.,' anti l)rt f i-îiilt'ilî, Ernest, anud a iatut r mied chorust sent some of the numnbers fo be played the foliow- iixg' week by the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Anniotncement of the. selections f0 be given at that tine wiil be made next week. Mr. French' weicomes to these concerts alnmusic loyers of the north shore, asking onlythat those planning tobe preseint telephone home before the program. O n January 28 N at Ila ilNi'tci Il, fa tnio(us <U Rtrssan violiist, irutturIling to t lit.: irrth Aiinrct h k ','ear lvi onlieor t ilt'. ri>t. R cc îtai se ri cs spovrcdl 4)r h t he \irnu aM1usic club. e'IFL t!late of lus appearaitic ' NI orida ~'vrîmg Jnurv28. T'1', laccu, j' lie Ne-w Trie!r Il 1gb cho audi andrix :rrithe tiigit., 8:., o i'i NI îlsteiilIoW rrîakirig Ili> tiftil 1t1ur o)f tlit. U'iu'd States. Frorui vie h; u(> vvvst hleiis ttbif lei à,î 'Ali'ereact itai mV.oild I ltVicid i 1thv'et tire cmînttry, ('lirîago sce&'nv'd tht' ir'ev'it aidblii i (tfil c:rsglruat %'AigI. t '"Y.ilt:.t .\ ati 0i 1 i~t, v. t 'C rt pa1>o rt~~1;'îstiv"wî ia U a, .\larcli,22. 19.32. wýhürî i l of1: tiît, triçi .tnp1erit\'sviin ear' i i t, t \ith lii itii îî r Der r. F'ruileric 1 Stock, îlixiî~ ti .r ~ ~~~~ (icr" . i e;u Il 23h rlviai.c Mu r 1. s h' ivi' 1U rrî l>iï r 11)tt i 1 c c11 Y lie r frai! ati ' rrri and 1 il',c 1tih t, nîr t ill)n (1"l and' ns id . il iite iri ri titiuý l, t tic i d' eac dri. 1 i îî 4îs Ii.î'ý î IlO '1 ' b )r %,l t î ' '. laUl iy, lci îCî i b)î t t ii 1 T - .sie : lrtijlb îr 9 '>Q At the saine tlirn, the animal Black and 'White ex 'hibition Nvill open, This consists of work of members of; the' league in etching, lithographing, pen andI ink. drawing, drawiiig, photographs, and sculpture. This exhibition wil he hung on the mwails of the Studio for two weeks. Trhe, league's painting, drawving,> sculpture, an'!t childrens classes are being resumed this week.