BU CKS UJUCKS n~ ICS 1 Iad i p Ut proles- ILPIIdIs 01 V vtheatrical experience, \wiII ellact tllc play, whihxas sticti a -;uccess Mn Chicago a nuinhber (if Ncars ago. The Circuit Theater presents mtie play a mionthi to scliools and colleges, and -Abrahami Lincoîni"..k the thirâ offering of thie ýseasoii».-l'le Civic coîniittec of Chicag o %vas 1.,o iXUi- pressed by the higli- >taîd(ard o tf the coînpany that it lias eiigage( iti to give ole jperformiance o1 caci pl.ay at the (.1oodxnan tliiater. Only oîîe performance îis to 1),- givrun, anid à special, plea'ik inade io, ,raininîar :chool and Iiil S c ' 1001-stu- i ient'it w ivli e able to ptirchase tiktat liai f rate) and to Parent- Teýâcher ass;ociationis,. Tickcts xvili bu) mni sale nüîext wcek at \%7iinnetka; (omîttintiîitv IIotie, atîd ini théieVariou, New -Dif ferent-Deliciou4s"~ ýýHYGRADE .West ,Virgini aHama cornes to you- - 'Ready for Your Table- Slice and s*erve cold oôr thr- oughl)y heat in skillet or grill and serve with egg&. ative of the league, presented bis motion pictures of the national gaine. .Mr. Fonseca, former manager of the Chicago White Sox, is conducting an educational campaign throughout the country to create a wider interest, in, bàsebail, and 'as' the Arden Shore' boyýs are ardent 'devotees, Mr. Har. ridge decided to give them the, ad. vantage of scient ific, instruction in tho technicalities of the game. Speaking tbrough an amplifier, MIr. Fonseca explained each detail as the projector reeled off the various views, holding bis .yàuthful audience in tense . nt'erçst.. He 'afterward gave oppo r- tunity for the boys to ask questions, oif wvhich they took full advantage. Asked at the- conclusion of.the lec- ture vvhat the boys could do to show tîteir .alipreciation of the programi, .M r.. Fonseca replied that their cour- tesy and close attention was sufficient cvidence o f appreciation. lerethe paty, whicli inciuded NIrs,.fIlarridge and M\rs. *Frederick Tilt, 342. Gregory avenue, Wilmnette, rivparted, Mr. Harridge ptesented the ,1boy with a basebaîl, for which they wiino d1onbt find Plent>y0 ue N. S. .XrchitectGets. Fderal App Itment l'Ilie ntin ni Olsen and( Urbain, of 1whil jules Urbain, 4,5 .NIa<(ison Gx nu e(iecoe, is a mnember, is onie of -teti arc hitectural firms appo 1iinte jjbv Adinîsl,,trator Harold L. Icke.s toL (cýIuVlp plaxmb for the Smith l>ark ;rîj.;thle $7,OOO,OOO, slumn clearanice .nd nugro housîng )roject. of. thr #Public \Vorks Adtiisîiritimnx.1 S Žouth Park (airdcîi,,. coeriîî ip ~ jJr\iilltely35 acres, xvii prvid hinu s for 1,400 fai;tilie5,rtpaix ' a large bli;ghteci arva iii t bu e' mith "Ie oî*f Chicago. 0klsen.,n (rbaiti liavu bujh îïtiaiiy j oeS: ajong the tiortit sîxô)re . id ilii ' ther stiburbs arouici Chicago.,iîe dt.ogî.xcd the Petrolagar plant-at Mc- i C rtinick road anil Oakton aYenue lit I)V the 1m*iot ieutland outtstanding ~~dusri i buiIilg i n t u NMiddle KE NIL WUMTII Kenilworth Maýrket 505 Park D)rive Wugner-Borre NMariliet 521 Park Drive CoruKiunlitIy. Service 952 Linden Avenue 1-ub1bard Woods Fruit & Vegetable Market M8 Linden Avenue Peéter'î Market, 734Elni Strteet 'I'arr;ttMeat M1arket $07 Elm Street. LAKE Fo]tESI, 'mî nîtunity ServiceGrer & Market LAKF BLITFF [Lake Bluff Markett 11" Seranton-Avenue SISTERS BETROTHED XVlliam Marin St. Claire, 935 O)aký Swood avenue, Wýilmette, announces 0th e engagements of bis two daughiters-, 1Harriet, to Francis A, McClellan of Tiffin, Ohio, and, Rita, te Raymond N. -Marshall of. 237 TLnden avenue,