Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1935, p. 12

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traiisinittedI in response to ca1l of thue Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant. to lav and showving condition at the close of business on thue 3l1st day of December, 1934. RESOURCES.' Cashi and due f roni baiiks.... Outside checks and (other cash itemns Unrited States Goveruient obligations, (lire fxlly guarauxteed ...... Other bonds,ý stocks and'securities oasand discotints . Overdrafts...................... Banking house, furniture anid fixtures.. Other real estate............. Custoniers' liability un.der, letters of* credit... Custorners. liabilît3, account of acceptances. Other .resources. teet ànd/or 494,355.34 ...... . 1,P73.21 ... ... ... 1501001.0, 73,566.36 Nom* ...... Noue malus.3 Grand Total Resotirccs.........$2p409,487.37 LIABILITIES Capital stock. . Incorne debentures ado'capiital i iot es, Surplus........ Ijndivided'( Profits (Net) Reserve accouts. Deniand deposits. r ime deposits . Due to banks... Total. of deposits. Secured by pledge, of loaîs' aîd/Or ;nvestments........... . $ 518 Not secured . y pledge of loaîs ad or investnicîîts ..Z1S87S Total decposi ts:.. .... . . ..$Z161 t469.40 B3ill!,,payable Re-Dîscounits. Obligations on industrial advan.ces transierred to the Federal Reserve Btik. . Dividends unpaid Letters of credit Banikacceptances Other liabilitie 75*00.69 50,000.00 3,444,31 1,291,487.61 86,981.79 None Nono Noue Noue Noue Noue Grand Total Liabl e.........$2,409p48ý7.37 Mfemorandum:.Loans anîd [ Iesî încît.-1 l>edged to Sc cure Liabilities,; Ioanls ,ani investîxîeîîts .pledged: L'. S. Govrneît obigations dircct an([ o1ill guaranteed .Noue Other bonds, stocks and s tecuiri1t Ïi s $ 580 I.oan-s and discountts None ledgcd i tiîdilig î'-,dis(otiîît:s) ,$ S. Goverune lit1141 postal aig is of State of Illinois especiaiiy' adapte.i. the sicit.v an- notinces. The devctio,îal ill bc given bi1w I S. John Davis, anidIDr. Geo<rge r). Alli- son wil hring bis concepts ofthctue r- rerît events of the day. Grace Parrnelee will sing a grtîp (of soprano Solos açcornpan.ie<I aýt tllt piano hy 'i\Mrs. P. W. ýStadle... .The kit.chen ctîphoard will bc pre- sided over by Ti. . J. Vernehi as usual,' and 'sle promtises nany lovèty hake tlîingsý for sale, HEA LTH,,CEN TER NEWS Il tive traits of parents basic to normal social growth" wvas the suhbject whiclî she developed in nîost înitercsting- mntner. Dr. Farwell.1 is adnxirahly fitted to speak on lier bb rt oth bY lier years of stuidy oi rhild psy.. chol ogy and developtnent, aiid hy lier, years of experience a s a t cacher iii various school -grades, froni kinder- garten to college level., Those.*who heard, lier taIk on Tuesday feel that the P.T.A. year 'lias lîad an auspi-ý cious beginning arid that' 1935 nmtiýt suirely b1e a> fine New Year. The. musical program . was no smafl part oi 'the program's success. t>ick Kain and. Bruce Carlson, I Ioward school, pupils pr:slei.îted paO'~lo,:. *The îiext. chest clinic. wliich is con- l'lie LIogaîi-Howard Prc-Scho ducted by the Chicago Tuberculosis circle atiniounces'tîîa 1t froin inoi)% on it instittîte. will be held Monday, Jaïitî- %will îîîeet at the home of mnles ary 21, front i to 4 o'clock. D)r. Ju"les and that the îîext meeting on Jan- Novak, medical director of the C. I. ,r 5 t8p . ilb il is I., is in charge of t}iis clinic. uàR D S15 n, at p134 Cl be lith Mrut The next Infant \Welfarc clinjc , aeue is îra Buac. u -be held Xednesdav; J.atiuarv. 23. frot pervîso(r of the Nursery sclîool oi t1ite 2 t 4 'clck Ti. R 1. Nastr...~National College of Edîcatioii. wil[ heii care..~talk on "Ouitside Influence oni th-- be in harge.Pre-School Child.". Filmis will bC* 'flc etta cîni, ~used to illustrate her lecture. Lt dlucted by the \Vilme.tte -Heaih cen- w.ould bie a mistake to tunis thi- ter, is held ever.y 1Tne Mymrnigreetinig, front 9 to 12 (o'clocýk. r rta.harofilIlni. T'he visitiîig nrs rep>ort lor Social Hginxlaue.hoýas. .un- Deceniber, 1934, folot) :ale tô leep an appointuin)t cat rlier floile Calis I; in the vear .vith the- Prc-.\doIesccnt 9'Elephom- ea1ls i Patieht-, attended at 71 group Tuesday, January 15. at If) Patients rtef.ed. .to r4Vitfi)lsi- a.* mn*in the Howard sclioo)(I. 1 Ici to asns C ~subject will be "Sex Eûaina Platient.s referred t . iai Patients referrAd to d.,itists . 7 2 Part of Character Edtcatilot." D r Talks uivon bymurse s. Shafef is ant authoritv on lier sub ject, and her lecture wfIIll 111ii- Rted Cross caflaii Class,xvý terestiiîg to rnany.. For tliat rcazlin The .\niieric'anRed rs (ii;îai this i Js an ..open nicetinig,".for aln.- give, classes i n'honie h<,gîcîJie atnd ca.re one iîîtere-Sted. and -an _especia l i of the sièk. fiss I.vdia 'Heinier, Rý. vitation. is extendcd to,'aIl nicibür't. N.. will 4e in, charge of tiiese1clasSes, Of the P.T.A.,. the Céntralaur,&ý lit l)rief,- the course g.ives 1instrtue- às xwell, as the Logan-Huward :s t ion ilii healtlîpeevtnl rc i-jdtos lion of .scic ar(, Of ý ji - ________ ilu the h' rue nd inîstruction lit, ThlicBabies Friendîy lia.spla i tiî' ditits lnext 'meeitng for Tlîursdav, Jai c ugetu tvn~n t \ itiett t tary 10, at the homne of Mr,, Aliin avail thtnt~e.ofthtiîs opruit Carlen, 1713 Walrxut, avenuei. the course, I lit tla- \ l ixucet VF Reniember that thîe Fel>ruarý datlaiiia '~Il ror 3 0 t 4:0. I meetinig, is to . le a jolint meetinig widl inlect two Ixours onice a wcek wiithi the Central-Laurel P.T.A.. A there-itter for tw~de lveeks t the y. j. AI. r. n. State of 111ialoisf ss: County of. kook Stibscribed and soî (SEAL) 'Cc t ors. hIefor"e IM' thîs tldav of mjai uar N. 1935. E R A P RIEB E, Notary Puiblic. NI y :commiîssion expires Feb. 9, 1937.) M Rs obert 0.. Lawv, Jr.. 417 \Var- I wick road, luft ifna.nîotornîg itlî Mrs. Normian C. AIbriglit of Hinisdale, to the latter's winter blîe, at Clearwater, FIa.. whiere Mfrs. Lal will .spenid a month. NIr. and- Mrs.: Cedric- Sithii, 205 Essex r ca<lI.. Keîîilworthi, lîeld openi house NeNw Year's day. '~'.JII~>uysot 229 i.sE, road, Kelliîlvortli, have returnetî to their ho(me after speîîding the hîoidays at Berminghaîî. ii. 'rhîey also attend~ ed a f anily reunion given, at the lrving' Babcock home il' -Bloomfield. Hilis. Mr. and Mirs. Staver Moul ding, 94 Oakwood 'avenlue, eCntertained..,their [dinner bridge elub, last Fniday.

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