ThusdyFridçayo Salurday:OnIy R NDRING a sejrvice that, many times is the dife R ference between, if e and death, we mugt combine skill,,precision and speed with f rosh, pure drugs in each prescription we fil. Tat w bave succeed ed. IS c denced by the gratefulness of our.: many patrons. IMe.r.O>-O HAMPOO, N $10e 674 s$1.00 sixe IFitch's Shampoo îsc A 44zec $ 1.00 size INujol 69C1 Ir U V ~~ flli Petrolagar $125 size Squibb's Aspirin C el S uibbÀ t - block Carotene i Forhan's. Natural . $ 1.09 Vitamin A ca(psules, TOOTH PASTEý -TOOTHI 39,c SYLAC Perborate Mouth antiseptac Tooth Powder 75c size 60c- tube for An ideal chocolate 2 ~ axative, 25c size,2 L 901 . rLEA 1' 1 1167- 400 JANUA RY 10, 1935 u Creains 65Se site I IL 13C m a