Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 5

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vestment lus a letter sent to ail stockbolders of the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Wilmnette, under date of December 27, its president, Harry B. jobuston, 'presents figures, show ing that* the .association offers a safe and profitable investmnent for idieand savings funds'. Covering two specific, points, the letter states. ~Eaîîigsfor the period, July 1- I >(~fl1rr31, permit 3iour directors to deliiedividends of:$2 per îshare, after aLiffe provisions for ail organizèttion eýxos(tes, egal, and other reserves. This divîdeî,d is equlvaient "to a. 4 per cent' a. nnua. I rate. ln addition," .1bonus- r-es.ezve of ¾/ per cent is set aside for i n.ataIl mIent-thrift shares, putting these s4har-s fin a 5 per cent annuai hass <under certain, pràvisiôns of thé' charte 1. *Eeashare account: is now insured é3)t> a principal1 amount of $5,000 by the Fe-derai Savings and Loin Ins-ur- anu.-. Corporation. Thus oui- Iong-time i4viugs receive a generous returh withý ,ip , 1,hte sa ý,fety -the ideai investisent eituation. I do.tthaik Ibat there is. iinyiv lere today an lnvestment of cons- p.rtbe yîeld and safety." President Johnston further states tiiat the. annual meeting of the asso- ciation will1 be beld ln the Village bal Wednesda y evening, january 23, at 8 ô'cldock, and will be open to the public. At this meeting the income ïtatement' and balance sheet wiiI be presented. and explaitied. Dr. Margaret Mead to Give Lecture Jan. 15ý D)r. MXargaret Mead, assistant curator Of etimology at the American Museum oi Natuiral History, wilI address the -Chicago Association for Child Study apiPar-eut Education Tuesday after- frnJanuary 15; at 3.30 o'clock at *the M.ýasonic temple, 32 W. Randolph street,.,Chiicago. Hem stibject wiIl be, "Primitive E-ducation and What It" Teachies Us." Dr. Mead is the author Of- "Coming of Age in Samoa" and 'Crowving Up in New Guinea." She is an anithropologist of note and froin her reqearch in the tropics bas developed As an indication -of the scope of training offered by Captain Mc- Guire, it is asserted that today every Milwaukee patrolna'n and de- tective. receives thorougli and con- tinuous .training, in tbe following requisîtes to good ýpolice *wo)rk:. dis- cipline; 'police rùles and policies; cityý ordinances; elementary criminal law; military training. use and, care of fire-arms; individual and riot combat; public courtesy; observa-* tion; collection. and presentation. of evidence: court appearance and pro- cedure, and ailLother necessary phas- es of police work. In this contnection. lie' has' for several years observed and c«ached police officers, in court* work. *Able Admiinistrator Captain- McGuire- cornes recoin-, mended. as an able administrator and capable organizer. He is also .a disciplinarian,,. and bas served for yea rs as a mnember of the police trial board, on whîcb lie is stili called to ser-ve in. major caises. Her ian adépt in public relations and anaccomplished public speaker,. it is stated. His record witlh the INii- waukee police department, it is said,, stands witbout a blemish. Realtors Would Link Evariston, N. S. Boards (Continued f rom Page 1) activities by the various local boards. Presidents Wanless said: -h looks like we are going to have abusy year in thec state association. \Ve fisîd that- real estate brokers are interested ini organizing boards and re-organizing'old ones." State Officers Attend l'le meeting Friday %v'as also at- tended by jules F. Fisliei, a di rector of the state association ; Stewart MVatthews, chairmnan of the member- ship committee of, the brokers divi- sion of the 'National Real Estate board, and, V.- J. MfcDonnell,. uorth shore director of'the Evanston board.* It was annouunced at the mieeting" that the next session of -the Evans- toni Real Estate board will be h.eld cago, near the intersection of what was formeriy Happ ,road. After strik- ing tbe Smallish car Rowbottomn plunged head-on into another car going north and driven by Charles R. Livingston, 6133. Kenmore avenue, Chicago. . Al thrëe cars were. badly wrecked. Rowbottom ,and, Bitzan botb, received severe lacerations of the face, and, were attended. by a physician. . The two Livingstons were taken to.the Evanston bhospital, where their inju ries Were given atten tion.> The scene of the accident l -ies outside of any inicorporated village, but ýVil- .mette police responded to a cail. HOMWE FOR HOLIDAYS ýMiss Janùet McIlraith, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Mcllraith, 1127, Chestnut avenuieWilmette,.left Wed- nesday of this* week to resumne .her studies «at .Ranidolph-.\Macon - Wohan's. college, Lynchburg, XVa., after spend- ing the bolidays with ber'parents. Rer sister, Miss Beth M.\cllraith, who bas also,.spent ~vacation at home, will re- turn Monday to Connecticut college. Mrs. A ugust Lauterbach, with lier daugliter, Mrs. A. J. MacKenzie. of Colby,- Kas., spentý Christmas and New Year's. vsiting another daugh- ter, and family. the CharlesE. Strick- lands, of 724 Cummrings avenue., Ken- ilworth.- 340 road, ., au, -,&) Jcnuary CLEARANCE 0f, ail Fali end Winter MiIlièiry - values te $8.50. $ $ Miss McMahon, At Worth.n's I 148 :WiIm.itt.Avenu. &JinaI (CIearance of Misses' and Women's Dresses A marvelous opportunity to start the NewYear right rith a smart, etylish dress at a mnarked rtduction in. price 1 1147' inito his house. Broksen? T hensoleul? jDo't rua the. s4sk. Have that PiCture Fraued Today! jI'Ilt...'sPhoto Shops I1145 Greenleaf Avenue WIIWettel1676 Finqer Powder Wevinq Blendîni Beauty Culture ini al i ihBranches mas ÇIB AR 1837 CgPTR^AV The, Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, anid ail other aüthorized Christian Science Literature may bc read, borrôed or purchmsed et the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC, 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT TUE READING ROOM

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