0f CH1L DREN'S. Hrsan oyant, Ihat WiiI 0r111the chiIdr.n . end, ipots* Mothers pur». A' Vary spatial: soIling of. smart. vlu.ful -apparel for boys eama girls .11k. il'Was-h DRESSES in ?,rinfs 8 8ceack Clean.up sale of .v.ry dreis in the, departm*nt. Sizes 4 jo 12 years. What Valu.! A Special Sellîng ôf AlilWool- SNQW SUITS Just What Ev.ry. Growing Girl Wents' Clever, New. FROCKS $188 Values sap fo $3.50. Mode of check suWfng. also weol jumper stylo wth blouse. Sizes 8 to> 16 years. BosAil Wool SWEATERS A fine Depariment Store I114-14OWilmet.Avenue Phons Wilmette 588-589 woISTINn Men and Boys lut National Bank Building WiImete 2655 '1ý WILMETTE LIFF te This Store Saves Yo. Money of Many Itemst AdveMfsed I 51r