Sckq"lfc mmd Piactical RooIU WakrMt-;tc Essential for Elemientary Statistics. Jeans-Through Tme and Space. Lemon - From, Galileo hi Cosmic Rays. Yates-E.xploring Witb the. Micro- scope. Keeler-Waysîde Flowers of Suni- nier. Mills-Wild Animal Homnesteads. Chapmnan -- H«%ndbook of Birds of- Eastern Mot-th America. Mumford-Techni cs and Civiliration. Phillips-Skin Deep. BOOKS FOR YOUNG- PE OPLE Fictionfer Men maidBe" The Boy Scouts Vear Book: Stories ot Brav>e Boys and Pearless Me»t, edit- cd by Franklin K. Mathiews. Illus.. Thse Scoring )Play, by Ralph Henry Barbour. Football. Illus. Southzuard Scores, by Ralph Henry Barbour. Basebaill Illus. Bmk*fioW Coewt, byWilliam *Iey- liger. Football' Illus. 7'The Silier Rnni, by William Hey- liger. Industrýy., Ills. Prake': Sttord, by Merritt P. Allen. Buccaneers. I111w. Eagle CIiff, by Maristan Chapman. Tennessee Mountains. Illus. Thse Prince Çoptnmaord, by André Norton. Graustarkian, Illus. Facticma for Girls to Turn Fiction Arnini-Jasmine Fan. De la Roche-Beside a Normian. Tow- er. DYer-A Storni Is Rising. Jarrett-P.attein in 'Black and Red. Kent-Terrace. Masefield-Taking of the Gry. Nichols-Village in the Valleyv. Tarkington-1,-ittle Orvie. ravers-Mary PoppiMs. Werfel-Forty Days of 'Musa Dagh. White-Folded ils. Leslie'bas drawni a igorous and sym-ïn Patbetic picture of -tbis woman, froin ber cbildbood to ber old, age. Cath-ý erine watches customs change and ber own beart change. The years, pas by i swift parade; the business she bas worked for goes down under the hammer of modernit.y; jazz and new ide as of morality corne to be ac- cepted, and all that she lôves nYÔI! is threatened by the rumors of war in 1914. THU ' MEMOIRS TENAVAL MEMOIRS OF THE AD- MIRAL 0F THE FLEET SIR ROGER KEYES: Thse Narrow Seas to thse Dardanelles 1910-1915. will be released for pub- lication by E. P. Dutton and company, November 12. Sir Roger Keyes re-, Thé distinguisbed winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature for 1934 proves again in this book bis suprem- acy inithe 'field of short story. Here are comedy and tragedy, lusty farce gem-like anecdotes set down with the swift, and brilliant strokes. of a master teller of-.tales-revealing- al the humor an~d pathos and bitter irony of life itself. STORY 0F A GENIUS ýMy Shaidoit ar I PasS, by Sybil Bo- litho, is the haîlf ficttos, al f tru story of. William Bàlitho-'The in- comparable Boitho," as Alexander Woollcott 'called h im, "Who died four. yrears ago leaving ýbebind.him the leg- end and the mnemory of a journalistie genjius." This novel,- by his widow,1 grows from the experiences of, their short life together, and glows with the sinceritv of deeply felt emùotion-. NEW NOVEL BY FLOYD DELL 1Floyd Dells 1 firt ioel. in-quite a few years, T/te Golden 'Spike, bas just been published ly Farrar and Rinehart. It is clainiec to be bis finest story of Young love and marriage sitice T'he Briary Bush, and is an authentic lbit of American life. ART Mexican Paint ing, T/gre c Cn uries of Mexicoe: Colonil Architecture,L Archeplogical Monumuents of Mrxico.c STORY 0F JESUS i ES US: Told by the Wandertng .Iew, by Edniiund Fleg. This is the story of Jesus, as nar- rated to Fleg by the Wandering Jew-the paralytic to whom Jesus said 'Rise, take. up, thy bed and al 'who followed* the Master and love<d hini, but denied him: who sur- vives,- after' nineteen hundred years the draina in which he took part:. and Who is thus able, to relate. it. to1. the' spirit. of the succeding. centuries: to transport, it suddenly into the sur- roundings, of your, own timies and baving given the tragedy a turnl of terrible tropicality, -to. cast it along the imitless 'perspectives of the, future. Every Word and actt ofJesu-, was a personal event, in the life of this disciple who,^ because lhe deied the Master on the day of crucifixion, was condemned to wander tilI the endof time-unhappy bearer of twvo opI)osed traditions wbich lie tries vainiy tco re- concile. He tells again the story of the gospel in bTtlwn wordsbut tis gcis-à pel is at tbe saie time bis own storv- the story, in fact of a complete md-(i- vidual before the enigma of Christ. CIMINI WIELDS BATON *Pietro Cimini, noted sympbony, or- chestra conductor who has appeared at the Hollywood Bowl concerts fre- quently, 'was recently signed by Col- umbia Pictures to conduct the or- chestra in Grace Moore's picture AWARDED FRENCH PRIZE Lamn . His Bosoep by Caroline Miller, the Pulitzer prize novel, bas been awarded the PRIX FEMINA AMERICAIN, wbich was founded in 1932 by Madame Jeanne Dauban un- der the patronage of the former Am- bassador, Monsieur Paul Claudel. The purpose of the original Frenchi Com- mitter in creating the foreign Prix see ai Yw xrriunwsjapers. The Admiral's book offers many,trenchant criticisms of the British Admiralty. "Not to persevere: that was the crime," was Winston Churcbill's verdict on- the Gallipoli campaign, and Churchill'F ,statement . is unreservedly endorsed, by Sir Roger Keyes. His Noai Mernoirs are not whoill concerner] with the Dardanelles Campaign,: bow- oeauty o the Moo, [1IIIîIie ner lJuyLe, uy 'George r. immer. Irue spy family and friends. stories. Illus. But ianaging a business does flot Thse History of Spahi, by Loulis keep lier from falling in love, and her Bertrand and Sir Charles Petrie. "1t inarriage to Richard, the gay and is bard-headed, and it is initeresting." taleuted young artist, is ber first ad. -Commonweal. Illus. venture in emotion- Thte Scoltlaidof Our Pathers. by In br nvel Pul Plvou, Dri.Elizabeth S. Haldane. Stitdy ,of Scot- Braun Drosé 011 C. "For Fuel - Use Oil" PHONE WJLMETTE 831 ROBT. F.,DEE Pli IL H. BRAUN CARL L. BRAtTX ~f. f. ,CARL.L. BRAUN ,