Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 47

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Dec. 18,. 193-1 '\ r. Edniond H. Kerr, Colector. Village of Wimette. Àccordin g to my understandisig. it is tire inalienahie right of everv tax payer to criticise the administratin of, any public office boider, and, it ouglit to be especialiy.so>when such commffents aire lintended ini a con- structive Way. I have only a feell*ig of frienidliness towards. you person- aily and your endeavors. Y%ýesterday 1 receivéd 12 special as-1 sessnxent buils with a rubher qtaiit)i notation, in large type, so it. could not be over Iooked, IF RLCIPT 1.9 DESIR1iD ENCLOSE. STAMP-1 ED SELF ADDRESSED ENV *- I LOPE", on eacb oneè. Now who1 wvouid pay a tax bih .without wanltinig1 a receipt.. and what would youi think EvanMto* 'R«ty. Board to Be Host to N. S. Realtors Real estate operators f rom Wil- mette, Winnetka, Glencoe and other 1 orth shore suburbs will be guest% of the Evanston Real Estate boarîl' at the January meeting of that organ-1 ization to be held .Monday even*-.TI January 7, at theh board rooms, 1569 Sherman avenue. The meeting wilI be in the nature of reviewing the optimistic outlook for real property and particularly to consider changing conditions as the., affect the north shore. New comn- mission rates wilI also be discussed. james Roy Ozanne of Evanston, president of the Continental Market-, ing company, will be the speaker and bis, subject will cover new ideas and suggestions for necadsn north shore real estate. Saes. Promotion Expert H. IL. McDaniel, president of the Evaniston board, was especially elated at securiflg Mr. Ozanne for this im- portant meeting, as bis ability insales for a receipt for money paid? -which you are surely entitled to under al circunistances. It niakes me see Ted. If the Iaw requires that a tax payer must pay return, postage. why don't you add it to tlhe' tax? I pay. taxes to six. other collectors ini Cook County, and niot one of them. haveqQ' the audacity to make such a request. 1 Economy is a grand procedure. and 1 cornmend you for it, but: why. not practice a littie at borne first. For in-. stance: I received eight envelopes' addressed and postmarked the l5th., 1with special assessment bis. Wh y flot put them aill in one envelope and, save- postage and station.ery? The matter -of paying. two cents for the return of a receipt is a snxali item, but it'is just-that as a reason bfor denouncing it. -There. isaprni pie invoived.ý-A. WV. Noves, 927 Oak- wood avenue, Wilmette. for seiling and leasing. The Chicago Réal Estaté board recently adopted~ new rates and it is expected the lo)ci rates will he establislied on the sawie hasis. jHAS PULPIT Fo R EVERY PREAC.HER Garret Institute Reports Each This business of religion is, on the up-grade! .And if the iaw of suppiy and denmand stili functions.. ministers shouid be sfliing at a premninuîn--at leastiii the Methodist Episcopai churcb. At Garrett, Bibicaliinstitute. train- ing sclîoot for.a, large percentage. of the country's M1etbodist ministers, the demands for preachers are conîing in faster than tbey cati be filled. Eý.verv graduate of the last two .willdo welUtomake "Your Home Paper" their buying guide each week during 1935. There viii Lbe plenty of opportunities t. profit and we suggest that you start this week with a close pe- rusai of the seasènable merchgn-. dise, copunodities and services to, be .found in the messages. of WJu OUR ADVERTISERS, ADVERTISER Aëe ibtfbr ,Sales . Blaoa Pharinar.e............ Il HklouniHall Brefs Shop r5 11lu,", lc..............3 Book N' lir ... %..4e...........I 4IitiitiIler'%........... <oe. ilsner* & Cfo. . .. 14 <i.IIcy ,Auto Itepair .........1 Coluuilb>sIlitel........... 39 Comuiunilty Theitre ... (Einsumers Co ...... Cuver IV leltour gé. EIat.....12 E,irt.ian tCa lu,1) Fèl 9 ..4 PAGE ADVERTJS.R> PAGE Nannern, Ethe ...........S Mar*igbà ield,1 Coa...... 492 me)ieson, migss...............s .Ijerceri Lumber ouiis ... . . . . . . . . . .Ceer IV 3urlne Co.................. as 31 arphy.MiIes 011 Co. ....... _2 NortiL Shore Chervroiet Sales . ..in -Nort h .%ore Quality Lauwlx'e..I PagIirult>. D............... i Pe'aeoek -jee Vrean............ l Pontiar Noter Co..--... ý......14I l>sililevire C...Cover 111[ Qulhlatin *Tyie.......4 RpniRehor Dram c.....l ltensch Wa.rehoise ............4 Ridge Avenue Phauiaoy...I s 1 Selioessey's.................. 7 man ofth:e zonng cçuuiu~t.' i le- Evanston City counicil while serving wilI enter upon an exten sive celebra- as alderman from the .Sixth ward. tioti of its 8th anniversary in service His hon e is at 2510 Lincoln street, to the Metbodist church. It was on Evanston.' the niorning of January 1, 1855, that Cosider Rate ltevions Garrett first opened its doors just One of the important matters to be a few.. hundred yards south of 'its acted upon. by tbe Evanston Real present location and nine montbs be- Estate board will be the enactmnt fore classes began at Nor%ôtbhlestern of a new scale of. commission rates university. Lakem'1de 11111.................12 I.lberty Loan CoWP ............ 40 Lilndstroul's Lock S8h01'..ý......10 Lin4wâ.Il, H. G ..........40 Lord% s ............ 1, 22, si, le Ly n Phaimmacy......1 .eve .... . .. over i£ iluette Beauty Shop ......... wIlIIette Musi. & Radio Shop.- .48 WUuette Stat. .Ban% .-. . .CoverHI Wilimette Theatre ... .........4 W.ften'u.... .............3 Edtor's note: The foli ,t letter was subxptted L4FIF for publication.

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