AT SUNDAIY CLUB LOCAL UNI Consider Advisability of Com- bining Forces as Business 'Shows Upturn The North Shore.Real Estate board As coflsi(lering the advisability of merging its organization with that of the Evanston Real Estate board under some such- tame a*s the, Evans- ton-North Shore Real Estate board, wvhereby the- entity of each wvould be, re'tainied, yet affordinig the. enlarged orga nizatioi .many advantages which it is feit would result from.suclh a Union. 1The. Evans ton' board is a' strong, active organization, whose members a re.also affiiated with the state a*i4d niational boards. The. North Shore board lias main- tained its organization ini recent years, but lias niot been active, and it is flot affiliated with the. state and na- tional groups. WouId Revive * At a meeting of the. Northi Shore board, held at tht. offices of the R. PL Whitaker company, 140 Center street. N\Vinnietka, last Friday afternoon, tht. * matter of joining with the. Evanston board and also that of putting ont a drive for new nienibers and niaking an effort to again bring thte N ortb Shore board to its former higlh stand- ing position amiofg groups of tlhb * kind iin Illinois, wverc discussed. The. najority of the iineinhers pres- cnt favored affiation %vith Evanstoil. Arthur Lee., of WVilmiette, president of the North Shore. hoard, said tbat in view of the fact that a numnber of the. members. were niot present< lIic felt it was not proper to take anyv definiite action until they could be consulted,. M.mberahip Dwisdles He said that at one timie. a fev [V'illiains Il. Swet. former *o- irnor of Colorado àand.non' cdu- cationai ilir-cior of thé, NN., will.ý speak mi the NR.4 and ils progjrrss fo daMte l!ist. nulcSundaY Pýzflin!J club> on Januar v 6. fIe is flio ials/'okcsnan for fle< Na- tional ecvcvAct 'and 7will a~~rquestion s at t/if close of his /k Urge Prompt Remittance of Christmas Seal Funds The \Vilinettc Jjealth Center ré.- ports that the sale of Christmas Seals. ending. with Christmas day, was highly satisfactorY. ee. a large nuinbler of seals are still out- standing. -for whichi no reittances have been received, and, the prompt response of al wbo desire to lhellu Wilmette Police Chief Conventi"on Grou> Studies Problems Facing. Village Chairnian C. E. Drayý,er of the Wil- mette Hartnony convention, states that members and committees of that bodyhave been busy during the. holi- day season, engaging in informai ex- changes of opinion that bave helped to an understanding, of the problemùs that the. various boards* of the. village bave to meet. Not the. least. of these, it is asserted, is that of new homies, the need for which %vill probably become pressing before the ternis of incoming boards expire. Continued intelligent guid- ance of development west of'Rdg avenue is looked upon as imperative. . Tht. definition of problems in these. informnai discussions is preliminary to finding and drafting citizens mnost capable of their solution. The. comù- mnittet. on candidates, of wbich Joseph NV. Lechner, 1445 Wilmette avenue, is- cliairman, already has in its pos- session a considerable number of naines of able people, wbich the comi- Inittee is 110w engaged in sifting and is' onl.y by thus cooperating. ini a sp'rit of . ciii-ititer-est, be adds, tbat the. best of talent cati be uncovered and the. work of the. convention reach its highiest ideals. Chamber of Comnmerce to, Instali Officers The next regular meeting of Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce will be Captain 'of Milwuk,, City police Departsnent SIatd for Local Post The Village board bas selected, Capt. Cloyd C. McGuire,- a captain. of'. tbe Milwaukee, city police depart- ment. for the post of superintendént of Wilmette police, to succeed Henry Brautigam, wbho will.'volunitarily be-, corne a captain. The appointmient wi llibe made as soon as Capt. Mc- Guire attains legal eligibility., *Capt. M.NcGuire has only re- cently completed bis twenty-second year as a member of the Milwaukee police department, bis present assigsn- ment being. instructor in charge of 'ita ity's police trainilng schol1 which he developed. Hie is a native of ,Milwaukee, as are bis parents. Ha& Thorougli Daohgvouud If background is a dependable cri- terion , a successful career as chief of the local police department is as-Y sured for Capt. McGuire. Hie gradu.- ated from high ichool and took Up and finished a university extension course in engineering. He also comffleted- appointment to the Milwaukee police force he had a wide experience as railroad fireman and assistant fore- man in heavy construction work. C.imducte Trimig SIw.Il During the period froni 1908 to 1922 Capt. UcGuire received a thor-' ough training ini ail phases of metro- politan police work and administra- tion in the. capacities of patrolman, detective. sergeant. station master. Cyrus .said that Charles S. Wanless, of Springfield, president of the state board,, recently addressed all vice- presidents of the state, calling atten-. tion to the importance of renewing (Continued on Page 5) sSiety .WN....... onalities....2 tas ........30-37 Public grammar scnoolssin the tour p---'- '-ig-' -"' **v**- New Trier township villages-Wil- trucks, 178; heavy delivery trucks, mette,- Kenilwortb, Winnetka and 20); taxicabs, 36- buses, 2; motor- Glcncoe-will reopen next Monday cycles, 4. morning f ollowing, a two-week vaca- Man's best friend, the dog, nuni- tion period. New Trier, High scbool- bered 1,050,. aècording to the. license. reopens the saine day*. records for t]he year justcosd