UCVANBTON-6 rnis., 1% bath., ulpg porcb, 2-car, garage ....$80 WILfEITTE-1000 Chestnut St., 9 rnis., 4 baths. Make offer. WILME1wrE322 Greeneaf; 8 rnis.,i2 baths., large'lot . Maks* offer. GLENVIEW - Completely redecorated. Smail estate .. 12.. HIGHLAND .PARK - 65BboLn Rd., e rms., 1 bath ........ . $40 HiGHLAND PARK-2404 N. Deore, Park Dir., 8.rmis., 4 baths. Make offer. BAI RD &MWARNER, mc.., 522 DAVIS ST., EVAINSTON. (I;reeieaf 1855 Holiycourt 1855i 523 PARK DRIVE, ýK1NILWORTH. Kenilworth 4785 Rogers Park 6161 .46 PARK AVENUE, GTENCOE G lencoe.1553 ----riamate 1855 97LTN35-ltv- 9 9 rns., 3 b.., oi, 2 c. g. $125 7 rnis., 3 bs., oil: 2 -c. g............. 110 7 rmsç.,,i b., HWH!, 1 e. g ..70 8 rnis., 2 bs., KWHJ, 2 c. g.......65 6 rmis., 2 bs., slp. pcb., oh , 6 .6 rnis., deni, furn., unf., , ga r. 55 7 rms., 1 b.. HWH,2 c. g......50 7rns., 1b., HAH, no gar......35 Oher goo vaTeý, mfurlfishdandi fur'- nlshed, ail ies. 56B. H. BARNETT 56Center St. . Winnetka 965 97LTN35-ltp COMPLETE- LIST OF FURN. AND unfurn. Bargains. M RS. FULLER& WM. PICKARD 746 Elm St. Winnetka. 3603 97L35-ltp FOR SALE-HOUSaS REAI4 13ARGAINS Vr111e 6 roonis, swar trani)I. $.0 Other good values, al i s .B. H. BARNE TT 526 (Center St. Winnetka 965 11ILTN35-Itp FOR SALE-IFAUNS 200 ACRES EXTRA GOOD LAND~ wth beautiful net of buildings for sale at leas than cost of buildings. Not for long..wlll you be able to get farm buys. like this. Sèe Rm M., JOHNSTON & Co. 30Linden Ave. Wilmeite'444 125L25-tp REAL. ESTATE MORTAGES_ _ We Desire Application HOMECRAFT'EIS, ATTENTION W'hy flot equlp your sholk electrically w1th the'new General Eieetrir Work- shop. 6 tools li 1. Cai Representative Wilmette 1184 ______________13ILTN35wtp HOME WO1kýSHO1P MACHINERY, wnvod lathe. band saw, smiali tools. New. Never -used. Phone Wiirnett.e 1925, 131LTN35-1t(- wTrD. TO iuy-MIUCzLLNotouU $-$ $OLD CLOTHES $$$ ISUIT'S-SHOES-OVERCOTô&is FUR COATS. -,PROMPT SERVICE Martin%- Clothing'Store 742, custer, Evanston Uni.' 2220 132LTNà3-tfe,l Movables Not Included Under FHA Financing Only equipment tbat becomes an integral part Of. the real estate i- priowenient cati be financed with funds borrowed froin lending agencies under the provisions of the National- iiôdsiiïg Act, the F'ederal Houd;ing Administration lias ruled. 1 Alterations and repairs to the building or bomne itself. are. of course,. permanent ixprovenents to the premises. As sucb, they can be paid for unider 'the F.H.A. credit plan. But detachable equipmient, sucb as st«~es. refrigerators that are. not buit in,. radios. laimps, single unit air conditioners. etc.. cannot be fiianced under the Act. not consýtriied as ani improveinent up- onl the real property. Persistence is thse mohhw of miracles. It Us haf f ochlevement. la adycatis- log. persistence Us the.irat law of success. Spasmodlc advertisiagem *O m aOt te r how o@dà s slde. reé- perstistent appeaU bolds* 9 .ood wll,, croates col- dOMce, d.velops Umteuéest cad. tends te.make y.ur advertlsing efont prod.ce It Is tie c umulative efect of your advertising tlmat maites Ut puy. LLOYDHOLLISTRIC PHONEN 1WILMETTE 4300 djtte Boy Blue, corne blou.' our I~e, That's so old it was written before gou were brn. Yf gou wiab an ad your wares to sell, Print il often and reault8 uill tell! BLOW YOUR OWN. HORN DAVENPORT, CHAIRS. CHILDREN'S chairs. Breakfast rooni set. 3-sec- tion bookco.se. Double bed, compiete. Very reas. 1165 Hamptondale, Win- netka 3008. 129L,35-ltp FOR SALE - HOOVE.R. ELECTRIC 8weeper,. wesUnghouse lcuric Beý ing -machine., Good. condition. .Phone, Wlimette 2806&193-t ~Askfor A dia T0er WiLmem 32 -.7317