Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 44

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cncy consevutIve issues. seitîé,s_ý.Classified advertlsements wiil be a.c- Déadlin tor Inceped up, to Tuesdayi 9 P. M. for WILMETTE LIPE or ail three, papers ; Wednesday -9. P. M.' for WIN14ETKA TALK and' Thurs day 6 P. M. for GLENCOE I<EW., I Telephonest: Wlilmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka. 500 after 6 P. IL)., Greenleaf 4300 -or *Shidrake 1216-1217. LOB? AND POUND LOSI'-BLOND COCKER SPANIEL , ln Northwest'Evanston on December 3th.,Answers to. the n aie of Skipper. Reward. Ph. Greenleaf 6940. 3LTN35-ltp LOST-BLACK PURSE CONTAINING mohey, keys.and mise, articles. Lost on sidewalk at 8th, and Washington *Ave. Reward. Phone Wilmetté 5080. 3LTN35-ltp %ýVANTED TO-CHA1WFEUR PARTY TOÔ lorida for expenses. Good references.j Phon)e Wally, Northbrook 210M-2. 4LT35-1ý ACCOUNTINQ ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR," WIDE experience ln accountlng, ail taxes, wili open, keep, clôse your books, part time day, week, monthly basis. Splendid refe. Confidential, reas. rates. Write B-43; Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 6LTN35-2tp *IISINEUs UtVICE WISCONSIN SEASONED FIREPLACE WOOD OAK $7.50, MAPLE $105(> TON DEL. Rubbish renioval, movlng, or trucking E. H;tglunid, 514 Birch Wlnnetka .2108 16LTN35-1 tp welln, atootie achneshop and PAVLIK BROS. PHONB KHNILWORTH 280-82o 16LTN25-26tp COAL Dir0et froiiithe Wilmington mine., $6.76, Egt $7, Lump $7.50, Poc. $8 Coke 811.59.ý Load lots. Phone Wilmf 1998. 16LTN33- H-ARDWOOD FOR FIREPLACES, per ton delivered. Kindling wood. GUST ANDERSON -.435 Ridge Rd. Wilîniette 16LTrN35- REDUCING AND SWEDISH MAS- -sage in YOUI' own home. Reaisonable rates. Miss Swenson, phone Sheidrake 8703. 38LTN35-Itp PALiITINO ANÎ PEcoRATINCI Paint, Paper 5 Rms., $34.50 CEILINGS CALC; $1 UP SANITAS ýAND' CANVASING WORK. SRin. wallpa.per cleaned, 75c; bathroom enamneled, $5 up; kitchen palnted, $6 Up. 5 rin. fIrs. washed, varnished, $8. Stucco finish, outslde Painting, porches $15. Windows, Soc. Refs. Free estimates. 'Nfateriais :ltwnishe. Melvin Skolnik WiI. 3413, 42LTN35-ltp1 QUALITY PAINTINMG AND7-) DECORATING We make Old. floors Ilke new with elec- tric machine. Neat, reliable and very reasonable on exterior and Interior work. We cover entire North Shore. Estimates cheerfully given. Fred Broberg Br. 1061 __________________ 42L.TN28-tfe ~NEW YEAR'S CLEAININLG AND DEC. 50% off. Antique walls wshd. and fitchd », $2.50; kit. ivshd., $2 up > bth., $1.50; pajher elud., 75c; ceil. cale., $1 up.. Excellent w(orkrnansblp., lours, WiI. 5034 42L35-I tp P-AINTING AND DECORATING PIRST CLASS WORK VERY REASONABLE PRICES C. W. ANDERSQN WILMETTE 4f)21 42LTN35-4tlp Njlt 8.07, RADIOSà ette ]RADIO HOSPITAL ý4tp) Prompt Manufacturers service ON $8PHILICO G. E. R. C. A. VICTOR 2636 W. Railroad Ave. 452. Evanston, 111. -4tp) GREENLEAF 4320 49LTN34-3tp P ourth and Linden Opposite lU' Ter. 68LTN25-tfic EXP]FRIENCEDHELPý WB. SPECIALIZE IN'HIGH GRLADE domestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to employers. -References In- vestigated. Under State supervision. Rc.inhar-t's 4Empi.Aency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 6SLTN28-tfc DOMESTIC HELP EXP. AN4D WELL RECOMMENDED No Charge to Employer Lindgiren Emp-i. Agency, Establlshed 25 years, 799 Elm St.. Wlnn. 1047 68LTN19-tfc Carlson'ys Empi.. Agency 804 ELM STREET WINNETKA 3328 JRELIABLE HELP Al domestie positions9 NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS 6SLTN1,8-tfc ACAPABLE, C L .A N WOMAN. Iwould like, day work Mon day, Tues- day, Wednesday, and Sundays. Care for cilîdren evenings. N. s. refs. Win- netka 1530. 68-LTN35-1 tp WHITE WOMAN WISHFIS DAY. _work of any kind. Good laundress, experienced on shirts, $3 per day. Also eatering, 50e per hr. Refs. . Ph. Wil- mette 3753.68LTN3 5-tp Gernnan, 29, good ni. s. ref. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 74S Elin St. Winnetka 3399 _________________ 68LTN35-itc. 1 A N DSRS T ORARY work by week, day or hour. Prepar- ing dinners. Phone.Willmette 2345, 68LTN35-1 tp EPPICI-ENT COLORED GIlD- sires generai housewom'k. Mill stay niglhts. North shore- referenve.s. Phone Greenleaf 5680. 08LTN3;--lp SITUATION WANTER>-MALu . EXPER. CHAUFFEUR AND) HiU8Iiý- nman, 12yér on n. s. -. 11 7 Reinhart's Eiiipl.. Agency ,48 'Elm S.Winnetka a399 69LTN35-1te ,EXPERIENCEL AAX WANTeS WiN- dow washing, homusec1ea ning, i lt.lng or what have you. N: Sh. r-efs. Edwin Hellstrom; Phone Wilmlette 2088. - ~ 60LTN35-Itp COMPETENT MAID FOR G NEÈRAÀL housework and laundry. 2 aduits, 2 childreni. Phone Glencoe 354. 71LT35-Itp YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Stay or, go homne nlghts. 2 In .famnily. $7 aweek. Phone Winnetka 102.5. 7L35-ltp GOOD ÈXPERIENCED. MAID FOR .generai housework. 2 tin family. Phone MVinmette 247. 7làTg5-ltp ýPACKARD 6-33- MAKE ME AN OFFER ON MY 7 PA8S. Packard, equipped with Pac.kard- Kelch heater, Lorraine spot. lIght and trunk Mith Waterproof cover and fitted with 4 bags. WiII sell car. or trunk sep- arately.. Excellent condition, J., D. Stinson, phone Winnetka 1713. 77LTN35-1i tp '34 CHEV. 4 DOOR'DE LUXE SEIDAN: 6 *ire Wheels, knee action, safety glsincluding $74.50 Zenith radàio. Coat $900, sel] $650. Cash or termes. 895,.12Lin- den Ave., Hubbard Woods. 77L3ý5-Itp 193I4 V 8 FOIÎD DeLUXE TUDOR SEDAN, USED 6 MONTHS $50() * . . Ternis (-an be arranged Edward, 917 Willow Winnetka 885 771,TN35--Ite FOR RENT--ROOMS NICELY FURN. WARM B OOM. ADJA- cent to bath, Instant Hot water, brfst. aind gar. if desired. Conv. to trani). Phone Wilinette 855. 82LTN35-Itp 1 OR 2 LOVELY ROOMS WITH BATH. especially desirable for elderly couple. Reasoniabie. Write B-34, Box 40, Wil- mette, 111, _ 8LTN35-lte 2 StYNNY BEDROOMS WITH CON- ,nevtlng b)àth: 2 blocks froni Indian Hill, station. Phone Wlnnetka 96. 82LTN35-ltc LARGE, LIGHT PU1tNISHD -ROOM for une or .two. $3.50 or $5 " 2 blocks fbmîi stations. 514 Birch St., Winnetka. 8-2LTN35-ltp LARGE FRONT ROOM NEAR BATH., Also very large, light romr with bath.. -close- to traisp. ICitchen privileges If rlesired. Winnetka 3844.. 82LS5-ltp WANTED TO RENT-ROONS WANTED - STUDENT REQUIRES roomr and breakfast near Country Day ý--choo1, for spring. Write B-60, Box 40, BOARD. AMD MOOM P1ee Wilmette 64 HOUSE 'ery Greenleat 3450 State or neProtes, OTN86-itp 71LT - MOHER'S HÈ s. 3 in family. Owi $5. R4ef. Phone Wl IUL ~1LTI ,IR IF0 R GEN .Aist with, c $7 per week. Phoi 711" ,ëreoes. Phone GlencX JITCHENETTZ A PTS., i FURN., i tanfuruin mde indngqq ~O ~fr giïow rentgi1s. Chetnut *and ek aul at 819 Oâli, Wlninetka 407. 24LdO-.tp MUSICAL UNmuUcnIN PIA>I*, VIOJN PAN ,jId& TRING Isutmumtby P r orimb atI yoa b...Rsa rjce. Write é . FORý «LE-AUTO&

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