Viktor, Barna of Paris and Sandor Glanez of -Budapest, internationally famous. table tennis stars,.will battît Jimmny McClure of; Indianapolis, anid Coleman Clark of Glencoe, leadini Anmerican 'players, in an international' series of matches January 8 in North- we stern university gymi. Barna, "ii as he is affectionately 4-5-. SJim, m ciumr i bis native land, bas cari eworld's championship fbr C , lark is a ranking national player and has been seen in action many times in the vicinity of Évanston,' particularly when he staged an ex- hibition match at the inaugural North Shore Table Tennis tournament a year ago. McClure, an Indiananapolis lad, bas proved the sensation of thC gaine during the last year. He won state, Ohio gtate and southern. Dur- ing the national meet hie wade< through ail opposition and lost only three games during the entire meet. In t he Michigan state mecet he broke ail records by winning every1 match without the lost of a sinigle game., Barna. and Glanez are coming to the United States to participate in a number of, intérnational matches witl ranking Anierican playeërs. They ar- rived'in New York M onday on the Die de France and their tour will take theni throuigh 20 eastern and:middle. western cities.. At the end, of 'eacli international battie .the two0 foreign- ers, will stage an exhibi :tion bout, and as the Hingarian is the, only man -in two years to down thé Parisian, it seems certain that there will be nô love Iost when these two paddle- strokers mix. In referring to Amnerica's chances in the international matches, Ivor Montagu of London, president of the Internaional Table' tennis federa- tion stated: "It is flot likely thlat any of your boys wiIl win anything against flarna. Your champion may take an occasional game froni Glanez, par- ticularly sustained hitters. Steady pluggers will neyer beat bum. He bas everything, but* particularly ability to polish off 'pushers.' You will finid that these gentlemen are real sp orts- men and that Barna is. a real credit to the game. Tickets on sale at the university *'A picture without bokum !" That is how HollywoMc-bard-boiled, hokum-ridden Hollywood - cléscribed "As thte à-rth Turns," the new Warner Brothers' picture of American country life, which cornes te the Winnetka Community theater Friday and Satur- day, January 4 and 5. "As the Earth Turns," based on the reniarkable niovel by Gladys Hasty i Matches J iii Be Northwestern Gym. this production including Herb;ert shall, Mrs. Patrick Campbelli,1 beth Alla,, and Hugh Wihiamis. ,uL- for .ar- iza- MMCES FOURt CHANGES Henry Hull makes four distinct changes, in makeé-up in "Great Ekpec- tations,"# the Charles Dickens' dramna. Here's a weelc of delight at the Varsity theater: today (Thursday) I ek' Bad Boy"; F~riday, Saturday and Sunday, "The Merry e Widow," f e a- turing Jean- etteMcDon-, rice Chevalier; TuesdayD c. cember 7 and 8, "What Ev- ery Woman Knows," star- ring Helen Hayes in, a sly, L ~humnan fan- ttasy, wonderfùlly real; Wednesday, eDecember 9, Dick Powell; in i "Happi- ness Aed»so tuneful 'and pepy that the audience will be humniing the melodies for days afterward. Today the Varsity offers the Iast Chance for itspatrons tosce.."Peck's Bad Boy,' effective- screenization of the well-known story. jackie Cooper's the "bad boy," and Thomas Meighan is Mr. Peck. The 'theater will open its doors at 12:30 o'clock for the matinee. *"The Merry Widow" is ait operetta that hits a new higli in lavisli magni- ficence. J e a n e t t e MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier deserve high hon- ors for their performances. The cos- tumes of the eighties, and ensembles of dancers in the waltz will be espe- cially pleaslng. Perfection of production, flawless Performances and inspired direction feature "What Every Woman Knoiws" the film version of the James M. Bar- rie, play. Helen Hayes heada a great cast including Brian Aherne. Madge Evans, Dudley Digges, Donald Crisp, David Torrence and Lucille Watson. Peppy and tureful. That deScribes ".Happiness Ahead;," the story about a. wealthy miss and a window washer. Josephine Hutchinson (right off the~ stage) and Dick Powell are the two.. Story and tunesare both fine. Opm Dagy ai 1:85 T~dy(Th%"s) O0" Day Only A Grand Pictur for the WLok Fauuly 'PECKOS RAD BOYI WIth .PACKIS COOPER.