of t his Iti1 The.Chicago suburban building survey for -November, 1934, shows three gains.'- a gain of 296 per cent over November, 1933 and'a gain of 49 per cent over October4 11934, wýhile the total of the. eleveni months of 1934 represents. a gain of 68 per cent over the- saine period of last year. This information is made publi c by Straus -Securities corporation. The, November, 1934 figure iW $801,453, wýhich is roughly $200,»MO moethan any,,other monthof thé year,. excepting Septemiber which was- $1,436,609, an exceptional total coin-. pletely out.ý of une wvith the other months and caused by the, simultan- ëous inauguration of several large projects in Calumet City and. Lake Forest, reported in detail ini this sur- TAX WARRANWM I UMIS"ladl vflai ~WBondé EyrVauE Camp &- FsiI, las. STOCKS AND BONDS 89 . la 8.11. st. Andoyer 2494 I ITCAG gag.ImBs.op resioem apartments and offi< buildings. INC. 1 N. La Sali. St, Chicago TEL E-PH hai aga October times as last year r ot thïs year wa.s thrncroiu in greater than it was ini and almost exactly four great as in November of sig dûinFor: Y.ar The improv ement in, the entire year .tbi.s- far as compared* with,. the sainie per.iod of 1933 is indicated by figures of $6,426,780, for the eleven. niontbs of 1 934' .' and onl $3,814,994 for the élevée. mouths of 1933. Al- ready, with figures for one, month* still to comie,; 1934 bas exceeded the entire year -of 19343- by more than one-half of last year's total. Lake ý Forest. with its total of $451,000, is responsible largely for the- bige increase in building in No.. vember. Without this large suni front the nortb shore çity of wealtb and society there would bave been a con- ~siera1ealliaig ofof inew building, in the suburban région as compared to that of October. Omitting tbis fig- ure,~ however, tbere would still have been a 60 per cent gain over Novent- ber, 1933. Build New High School W. O. Paape, building and bealth comimissioner of Lake Forest, writes fully on the building situation in that community. The total of $453,O0 wbicb he reports, consists of the estimateci cost of $418,86, for the &- struction of an interlocing steel Op breakwater in front of the .city water De works and for the installation'-of, a 20-incli water main wbich will extend into Onwentsia road from Green Bay road and into the Nortbmoor sub- division. The contract amouning to $2,418 for the. consetructl4in of the Auto uses or Income Properties Chicago and Suburbs ONE CENTRAL '1855 '1 breakwater was let to the iSudahl- IMelling company of Evanston andi materials to cost $6,243 will be fur- nisbed by 'the Kalman Steel corpor- ation, a subsidiary of the Bethlehemn Steel corporation. The contract for the, water main was awarded -to 2J. L. Frye of Lake Forest and involves laborÉ costs amounting toé $3,675 an<l materials to be purchased from J.. B. Clow and, Sons for -$12,-797. A part at least. of this. new construction will appear in Iater.building reports froni Lake Forest, says Mr. Paape, and the figures' are, not included lun his Novemiber building repor t., The communitie 's, besides Lake' Forest, which in their Novemtber re- turns -are outstanding by Ireason ,of large. figures 'are Chicago Heights with $55250 and. River Forest with $29,640. Excepting these three there are 'neither large arnounts itor sub-, stantial gains. Attention may be called to the fact that there is some building going on 'throitghorn the entire taburbanr re- gion, a fact which was flot truc some months past when many communities were compelled to report "No per- mits." In some places, however, the amounts issued are still small. It is difficult to sec that there is any territorial advantage at the pres-; ent tume in regard to building con- struction. The figures froni the fifty- three communities, reporting to this survey are welI distrilhuted as. to FHA Loans Finance Display Equipment Fruit and vegetable racks, bins and counters display merchandise in stores to better advantage and keep- il cleaner and more sanitary than pil- ing il on the floor, or on the walk in front of the store. Sànitary display equipment, if built iii, may be installed under modernization loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration. -Antiques 1-1.. LI N DWALL' ESTASUStUi**iý83 808 Ook St., Winnetko 14S, A Attics LasîUy Con verted to Useful Rooms The often overlooked sp ace iu the attic gives the home owner tntold ôpportunities for enhancing, the value of hsbueas part, of a nîod- ernization 'prograffi in liue with the Federal H.o u s i n g Administration'ts Better Housingt movement. The space,.in an unfinished attic hasý a number of distinctions. Thc finished, roomsà of ahouse usually are essential and have a certain set function to perform, such as the dininig roorn, living room, bath' rom, bedroonis and the kitchen. Each must be furnisbed in a more Or less 'standard way accordiug to the use made of it. The day by day re- quireinents of a family usually are fully met hy 4h...e roonis. But tbe attic is different. It ma,. be finisbed, if, need be, to provide additional bedroonis, or to serve as storage space. If the space' if' offer,', though, is not needed for these pur-, poses, it cati be used for som>e kindl or rooni to please the fancy of some member of the hotisehold or to meet a special need. Or it may. 1w parti- tioned off to serve several Ipurpo(S(S. Sewng Room Pçessible 'De DUUit. ti the b)oys. iere2 -thé, As no standards have been seet '111 for rooms of this kind, as lbas beieti done for most of the other rooms in a bomse, formality and originality -n he called intb play. No matter> how uncouventional the furnis hings or, finish of the rooms ini an. attic, may be, the fact that tbey seini set apart froni the rest of the blouse ;11 a reaini of their own, tuakes theni seeni very mucb in good taste. hind the .rousing rrogram are ar- ranging exhibits showing what they can do to improve the home, and, at the sainie tume, the easy 'financial ar-w rangements cati be explained by a: