Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 36

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Patron List Is Announced. for Holyoke Benefit Patrons. and patronesses are announced 'this wekfor. the Chicago Mount Holyoke club' beriefit on Monday evening, 'january, 28. Thbe club is spon- Soring the opening performance of the oera, "Bonis Godounioif," at. 'the Auditorium, and has taken a block of seats té raise ninyfor the atinual budget of the. Chicago scbolarsbip fund.. The scholarsbip is awarded each year to. an outstanding -f resb- mian from the Chicago area. The part of Bonis will be sung by Chaliapin. who i. to be supporte4 by an all-Russian cast, the saine which played at the Stadium ini New York hast year. Mrs. George F'. $paulding of Glen- coe is president of the Chicago Holy- oke club. The arrangements for the benefit are under the direction, of Mrs. Spaulding, Miss Dorothy Heïnke of Chicago, formerly of Winnetka, the chairman, and Miss Julia Drake, chainnian of-the ticket committee. $roup To. Tell Wisconsin Maurice Seymnour elarried on. December 19, at the Irlr L. Hart home in Wilmette, is thiè formewr Thelra Martineau of llet Rock, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. William:li hav'e rhosen 201 FEast *flalwarc Place. Cilicagoi for their ho me. to Menu Clara Lai The regular meeting of Shore. Catholic Woman's leï beld Tuesday, Jaiiuary 8,, ai at the Winnetka Woman's bring"to memfbers and gueî, ta!'k by Miss Clara E, . Lau travcler, author, and rad er.. Miss Laughlin's autc "Traveling Tbrougb Lif e,"i Iy reviewed. by. Mrs. Sidin president of the league. This, is neciprocity day'ai tbe présidents of other clul as other guests baving bei attend the Meeting. ýThe.h, thesocial hour and tea to. be Mrs., Jacob L. Crane and man Denzel of Highland P The next book review by1 will, be given Wednesday, J at the borne of 'Mrs. Robert 930, Wasbington street, Eva New Trier Senior Bc .Hosfs af Holiday C[ A group of senior boyý Trier Higb %chool enterta dance ast Wednesday nig North Shore hotel in Evan hosts are a-s follows: Rol Bishop, Alan Donald Cam ighlin, the North agile, to he ,t 2 o'clock, - club, will tfs.a.travel Alumnae of Russian Court-Yard Me.mories Haàrriet (oodwin Deuss, re-ý ghlin. not *ed centIv returned froni ten years hio lectur- i eri n ocwweehr Dbiography, ii.Bnln wad MscIof .werener was recent- hushand asedofheItr ney Beecb ,- national News Service, will ad-_ dress the Universitv, of Wiscoi- Lt the club, sin Alumnae, club of Chicago. on abs as wel i inite the subject, "Russian Court-Yard iostesses at 'MemÛonies,"" Saturday, januiarv folow will 5, at, 12:45 in thé Top o' the Ré- Mrs. Her- puiblicTea room, 209 south State 'ark. '-,sre. Ms of. letd Mrs. Beech sre. Ms of hetd Fanuany 16, president. ivili preside, and F<ditli t J. Jamnes, Stonerillilihead the hospitality anston. committee. Mrs. ~Deu3s, who is a graduateof the University of Wisconsin, sbared many OYS of ber busband's expeniences and con-,' tacts in EEurope. She speaks Germani lance fluently, and served as Moscow cor- respondent one year for tbe London ýs at New Daily Express. While ini Russia she ined at a and bier husband saw the inauguration ffht at the of tbe five-year plan .and three years iston. Tbe of its operation. Mn. Deuss spent each, bert Blair sumrner hiking witb a knapsack, and eron, _Wil- sleepinin ii aystacks. ugoing wbere he Mr. and Mns. Paul H. Davis of Ken- Contract Séries f'o AUl ilworth, -Mr. and Mns. Burt J. Den- man, Mr. and Mns. Lauren J. Drake, Mrs. Walter R. Knupfer of Wilmette,, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gilkey, Mrs. chairmani of tbe new-year series of Mary McCausland, Dr. and Mrs. contnact bridge tessons under auspices Franklin C. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. of the wvays and. means cornmittee of C. Kingman Perkins,, Mrs. Stephent the Woman s Club of Wilmette, bas van R. Trowbnidge, and, Dr. and Mrs. secured a return engagement of Franîk Gordon Chalmens. E. Bourget in another sucb series at Miss Drake bas servitig on ber the clubhouse and open to non-members ticket commnittee: Mrs. Spaulding and as well as inembers. A conwlimentanv wnston, in honon of Mr. Hosti $0 FfT et SnaddOn Of Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Morrison, 306 9 Of Camp Omoha for -Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, were rho have attendOd smp host to fifty guests at a New Year's euF -pneu w!«'uest$. -Eve pmty., uer,. Mitcbellh Hutchinson, William Wesley jenkins, William Gib Mc- Fadzean, Richard Wellington Uc- Lanen, DonaldHenry Millett, Robent John Nickel, Noel Byron Simpson, Charles George -Taylor, and Pauil Lockwood Wright. I. Presideni', Mri. George. SpoukUing, umhose J>me is in Glencoe, s president of the Chicago Mont Holyoke club w/uch1 is sp>onso ring as a scholar- ship benefit, the Eqening perform-' aneof the operai ""BoiGo,- Ao»no if," 'Wmt. te Auditoeiump January 28. Erivan, off. the beaten track, proceect- ing by automobile and borseback. While in the Chicago area she is visiting at tbe bomne of Prof. and Mrs. Leon G6. Kranz in Evanston, but ber lect ure tour will take ber Into Wisconi- sin and Obio and keep.hber in tbe middle west until1 spninig. Mn. Deuss. is in N'ew York completing work on a book soon to be publÎsbed, and their small daugbter, jean, is living with tbe Kranzes and attending tbe Onringtoti Cocktail Party Mn. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 257 Kenilwoýrth. avenue,' Kenilworth, en-. tertaitned at a, cocktail party Satunday, December2.

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