Moore-Crawford. Wedding Takes Place ian. 19 * Ou ..Saturdai eveliig, [anti- ary 19, at 8 o'clock, Miss Dor- othy LraieMoore, ivilI he- corne the hride of Onintin j. P Crawford of River Forest. 'The cerenionv will take place at the borne of the brIde's'parentS. M.Nr. and Mrs. ('iraud Wallace Moore. 341 Sheridlan road, Wînnetka., j The service ivil1 he read by the Rev. Jolin Keenan of St. Francis Xavier churcb, >and, vill be fol- lo-e'd 1w a réception., Attending'tht bride will be 'Miss Dorothy Bichi of Wilmette and the bridegroomn's sister, Miss Lois Craw- ford. Serving Mr. Crawford as bett man will be Lewis, Concklin of Oak *Park.The iushrs will be lDonald Parhurçt f Wlmete ndJean Lat-' tan. Duringz tht reception Miss Laura Lou R eichmann and Miss Marion Ortseifen will pour. After tht ceremiony Mr. Crawford andhntyboideto iloxi. ew Otren. a_ hn his bride il Itave by mOtrlen and Silver Springs. flecernber was a busy tine for MNiss Miss E lizabeth Thayer. daughter of MIr. and Mrs. Harry S. Thayer of Colorado. Springs became the bride of Austin M. Zimmermaii.,s of Mr.ý andMrs. Edward A. Ziimiierman, of MVinîette, at a 'small home wedding' at 4:30: o'clocëk on the afternoniof Decemiber 26. at the honme of lier ulicle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. joseph WNool- iett, W9 Indiani Hill road. -l'lie Rev. Ernest Chave of the School of I)ivii- ity at the University of Chicago, read the. seevice by 'candlelight. ,There %vere no attensdanits.' Christmas de- corations were used entirelv. The bride was gowned in ' old blue taffeta andcarried a bouquet of gar- denias., Her aunit wore a -gowlu of black velvet with a corsage. of gar-. denias. The lridegroom's niother was in blue velvet, and bier flowers also were gardenias. After the tntddle of Jannary. the bride and bridegroom will be at horne at 109<) Merrili strect. Huhhbard WooduKs. Announce Engagemenf of Lois Nordburg At an openx house r, 30, Mr, and1 1l'ili the holidiaY seaison comes. .sno 11nOCelli'n tfrôni IlIr. and Airs., I I -'i1llu, S. ordlbuirqof Winnietkit. of thse engyagemen<nt o'f thsir daiuh- Lc.Iois. asnd John 4Alfred Crook of l?-zsion, t<'losi,' hdrothal is the i-I'iiiaioiof 41<'oheqi' rnsousc. ay. Decemi-. William S. of Wilmette wiII le hostess a a côllege and Northwesttrni univ.ersity. bridge tea for the bri de-to-be, and on and is a memiber of the Gamnma Phi the follomwinz day Mrs. Lyle Eikel- Beta sorority. Mr. Crook is a grad- bartier of Evanston mill entertain at uate of Lake Forest college and a a hankerchief shower. On December member of tht Phi Pi Epsilon 29, Miss Dorothv Cairns of Evanston fraternity. No date lias béen set for' gave a dinner partv: December 28. the wedding. Miss Marion Ortseifen of Kenil-worth was hostess at a linen shower: Mrs. Gordon McWVilliams of Wilmette gave a~ suoper bridge on December Bride-to-Se 23; Miss Dorothv Bichi was hostes Hutof.lo Musiciens The North Shore, Musicians club wUI.poet on Tuesday afternoon, janu- .e at Mayoe Country club witb Buhas hosteus. Misss Constance ConîTor. of MNr' and MIrs. Isaac B. Connt'or, be- camne tht bride of Sherman M. Goble, son of Mr. and Nlrs. Sherman Goble of Winneîtka, on Thiursday, Decem- ber 27. Rtv. J. W. F. Davies of, Waukegan performed 'themaag service in, tht Connor home, 615 Brier street, Kenilworth. before. the fire- place which was banked with greens and white chrysanthemis. The bride's gown wa of green silk crepe.; Her corsage bouoquet' consist-, Carlos Photo Mr. and .Mrs. Thedore Adams of Miss Rosalie Ada,,;; of .816 Wilniette announce the engagement Pourh sree isthejlacêeof iI- of their daughter, Rosalie, to William Fouthsree isthefiacéeof il- Merrit Rober<ts, son of Mr. and Mrs. hem» Merrit Robe rts of Chsicago, Merrit Roberts of Chicago. Miss ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theb- Adams attended Marywood academy dore Adawgs, announce beek.. and Nort hwestern university, and Mr. The, usddisag wili. prolsebiy take Roberts is studying law at the Uni- place w JUM* ~"r*ty <if Chfego Charlotte Moody Wears Mother's Dress. for Wedding Whlex Miss Charlotte 1o l dauig4ter of Ralph W1. Modv fJ 1235 Ashl 'and avenue. ami tfhe late Mrs. Moo(ly,'becatiie.tie 1-ride'(.fFraiik Wilson Currier of Boston, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Currier of Stoughton. XVis.. *Saturday evening, she wiore lier nmotlier's wedding golwn of: 1915). fashioned of ivory French Silk vvith insertions of valenciennes lace. It wvas designed in basque effect.,With fuli sleeves, and a * iide flounce on the bottoin of the skirt which had a short train. .Tht ivory, tulle veil was held to the hride's head by a rosepoint lace tiara' to which was attached a fingertip. v'eil which fell. over her. face. Uer bouquet Was an old-fashioned one of *White roses and Valley Mies., The býride's costume was- comp leted, hyN an, old.-fashioned Pearli brooch ibe- I.onging to ber great aunt., Miss Moody's only attendant Was, Miss .Mildred Danner of Evanston. %vho wore a chartreuse slipper satin dress in tunic style with drop-shoul- der effect, and trimmed in brown vel- v~et with. a velvet sas h. She carried talisman and Joanna Hill roses. Miss Katherine Ellis played, the wedding music. The bridtegroom's brother. George Currier of Evanston, was best 1 .man, and joseph C. Moody, brothet-rý of the bride, ushered., The Rev. James T. Venekla.sen of thet Wilmette Preshyterian, church performed tht mar.riage service. at 8 o'clock bfr an improvised altar. Its background was of: palms and large and small white pompon chrys- anthemunis. On each side stood a tali candelabrum, with: seven white tapers. Garlands of green fornied the aisle for the bridai party. White roses and other white flowers were Breakfast Miss Isobel (Sally) Zimmnerman, 219 Sixth street, was hostess at a six o'clock bretgkfast last Tudy' for twe,ýty-five gtus.,