club WIU Opèn New Year W1IIh Progrom of Lturs, Muic, end »f Eibtv Thé Woman's Cluib of Wil;- ýmette will. open the new year with an. al-day. meeting Wed- itesday January,9. The art de- partment, of wbicéh Mrs. ýGor- i don Hiannah ,is . chairman, bas charge Of the morning's pro-, gram. n h iisdprmrt "The Orient, Its Beauties. and Cus- toms" is the subject of a lecture toý j be given at 10:30 by 'W. F. Bannes, and at 12 o'clock Mr. Bamnes.vili show pietures of the Orient, illustrating bis 'i talk. H is collection of oriental ohjets d'art is considèred 'One of the finest in this country, and was collected by Mr. Barnes during a long residence in the Far East. His programn will be fotlowed by the serving of luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mns. Charles S. Mitchell will open,, the afternoon's prograin at 2 o'clock bv telling of "The Changing Picture. in Europe." Considered a keen stu- dent of politics, economics, and so- cial relationships, and a speaker of of Mrs. Mitchell: She fas,.sorne-. thing té say and she says it au- thoritatively and brilliantly." James Arthur Edmünds, baritonle, a resîdent of Evanston. will sing ont group of songa during the afternoon.' Re 'bas sung ini the >p rincipal music icenters of America, botb in opera and i concert. Music News criticized bis voice as follows: "He bas an extreme range, ich luscious fuilness in the Icower register. and very good die- Mrs. Charles S. Mitchell, ýappeaO ing Wednesday on the f'rogrotn the W'oman's Club of. Wilmeti ze4ii speak ou <"The Changing Pù ture 'in Eu*roPe." lier talk z411l given at 2 o'clock. Club Art Exhibft and' Tea Open to Public Carl Linden of Bensenville, M1., artist well known ail along tbe no shore, will bave about twenty of oils on display for the january. hibit sponsored by the art departm Wilmettè chapter, order of the Eastern Star, wit1 bold a public in- stallation of oficer$ at the Wilmette Masonic temple, Saturday évening. .1- - . O.Q ý .A.C Social Evpnt and Div.rSity Prograrm WilII F1CIubs . ,January Calendar. . j anuary ,at no ucioJUA. Louise Kipp, grand lecturer, w ill be Lrige artis and lectures -. nstalling officer, with C arl in varitus subjects are sched. Converse, grand .ecturer, mrsan * Ida M., Lyons, past miatron, chap- uled by.the Chicago College ýclub lain; Lillie M. Hoffman, past matron, for the- opening 'month of the organstYG~rge W Marbch aden er. New Year's daya Mildred Mulleti, soloisti; Ode to the -reI inbr.o1ftlénes.ýn* S Flag, Harry. X. Cole, past grand ag ubro ebr n patron; color bearer- Stephen Lee their families had dinier* at -the, Woodhead; 'bugler, Donad .Toeppen. duh, ltrI ngerine r i The officers to, be installed are, May louage for bridge and ini the *Woodhead, miatron;ý Orville D. Jo!les, Briyn Mawr roomi for ping-pong. patron; Myrtie M. Hopkins, associate matron, . Earl E. Orner, associate The club> is having a luncheffn patron; Grace M. Skelton, secretary; rgeptya123 Strdyo Alberta K. Orner, treasurer; Gertrude. dus week. Sunday, at 5 :30 é'clock. M1. Ackermann, ý a-ý counductress; Mr Charles- Dieter will show his very fine jonce E. Mcllrath, associate con- ,collection of colored motion pictures ductress; Dorothy L. Kuelzow, cbap- af A Century 'of The *club. lain; Mildred C. Cole marshal; Helen annhounlces this as "an opportunity to J. Cook, orgàtnist; tuella C N~ewton, 'rvie ad, rtl5izf jrur impres- Adah; Buda Jfaas, Ruth, Opai Long, siohiS of the World's Fair." A special Esther; Viola Feliman? Martha; Hal- supper will be served following the lie B. Smoot, Electa; Francis M. lecture, and' reservations, are to be McClinton, warder, and Harry J. uadc Friday. Harrison, sentinel. Caroline I. Con- "From Impressionismn to> Modemn verse will be. the instructress. Irene Art" will be the subject of at.alk, r~T. Anderson, sooisti and Clara J. ilustrated- by slides, to- be given of matrons and past patrons of &il- îng this ý topie o'f interest to ,al art, mette chapter wl serve as an escort. lyr vI eEmn iset s t Dorotby L. Kuelzow and August J. sistant professor at the Art institute be Kuelzow, are the retlning officers. 'ind instructor of art at the Uni- .After the installatiorn ceremonies versity of Chicago. Dinner wviIl be there will be dancing on the first served at 6:30, with Mr. Giesbert as floor. A cordial invitationis extchendiluest of honor. He 'bas exhbited -the public to attend both the in- bis paintings in Europe and Ainerica. stalatio anddancng.,He won the Master prize at the stalatin ad dacin. . Acaderny of Fine Arts, in Vienna, and' * the Logan prize at the Chicago Art institute. H. is instructors inclucled an Beilows, Andrç,. and Hawthorne. orth Mrs. Florence Word A talk and dem'nonstration :of fine bis oo-idn will be, the ex- W l Be89ai N.ighbors [ibrary Coffee House at 7:ý45 Frldayý rient evening, .January 11, by -Leonard The Mrs. Florence Ward, a favorite in Mounteney, wbo had charge of the witb Kenilworthi, will be the speaker at the Cuneo' Press echihit at A Century of. Don, flrst. after-the-holidavs morning session Progress. i lIoUun's bal on .Ridge hington avenues ning ti the finished product. He w7ili tell 'abo>ut the developmient of desigui in sterling silver f romi the sixteentb cen- tury to Uthe present day. Mr. Mason wili. bring.pieces of silven and show correct tablé settin- His prograni is at S8. flo in diner at 6:45 o'clock. In Lecfure-Recifal Madame Sturkow Ryder wiI lecture en the etudes of Schumann and Liszt this morning (Tbursday), at 10,30 o'clock at tbe borne of Mrs. Robert Zimmermann, 30.1 Greenleaf. avenu e. 0. of M. Hosfess Mrs. Martin Lynch, 1756 Washing- ton avenue, will have the meéting of the St. Francis Household, OrdoeOf Martba, on Monday afternn Jan- Üary 7, at 1:30 o'clock.