The Annual, Pequol M199 Inch Dou ble lied Sixe 63x 99 ich, $1,1,1 63x 108 inch, $1.25 72x 99 inch, $1 .25 Storev ide Sale. r1 Sheets 72xlO8 inch, $1.35 8 1 x108 inch, $1.45 90x 108 inch, $1 .65 I UVs I.ayett. Month at Lord's And .very requirement for babies up. ta three years of âge bas been specielly priqed. Mothers wIl quickly rec<ogniz te.ouf taàd- ihg values and supply their needs. Infants Hand-Made:Dess..9 Zephyr Wool Layette Sweaters, $1.29 Waw. H.udLeeeed Shawls et$ $119g Kleinert's Rubber Sh«in...... yd. 59c 59c Short-Sléeved Cotton Shirs. .. 35ç Bath an4d Dr.ssung Taible.... only $3.95 Phone' Orders Carefsd&y FiiIed I4ORD'S--Second F5007 BLACK Chiffon Hose.. 0f 2uThread Gossainer Sherýeas. -PEQUOT,,PILLOW CASES +2k36 inch. 32e 42x381/2 inch,35 45x36 inch, 35c 45x381/2 inch, 38e To te rh cs uté nour advertisements .Psd rnjrkOd . LOROur-irsl Floo die, dpiffldd i%3;Lob d on, a.corân; 01 qdd<on4 us o#pu. .O D' - irt lo LRD"Sm»,FOUNTAIN SQUARE- -FIE, PARKING--. Wuimfft 3700 JANUARY 3, 1935 31 . ý 1 pair