Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 30

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r Dinner Dance in Diana Court Is Vesser Benefit Inâal invitations are out for the lage and gay dinner ,dance to be, given by the Vassar clubs of Chicago and the north shore, Saturday night, january :5. 'A committee -of north shore wom- be as been planning an ,elabor- aeprogram _ýof .entertainmient for the entire evening. The dance will be gîven arounti the leautiful Diana fountain in the court ofthe 'Michigan Square building. Tables for din'nier. arrangeti by Mrs. wick of Winnetka, wiIl be set arounti th acne fte or nih Vassar House restaurant. Vassal- Uouse, has be opeeyreeçr. ateti for the occasion. MIrs. Elmer Stevens, president of the Chicago Vassar club, anti Mrs. Arthur Wake- ley of Kenilworth, arecin charge of the whole affair. During the cocktail hour fromn 7:45 to 8:45, Sammy Williams. fainous coloredi crooner. will entertain at tbe piano, At 9 o'clock dancing will bc- gin. Charles Gaylord anti bis orches- tra, featureti at many debut parties this month. will furnish the dance miusic. Carlo Hatvary. Hungarian tenor andi musical conedy star, wil open the evening's entertainiment pro- irram. Hle will sing two groups of * songs fron t'he most fanions ligbt r perettas. He iiill sing two numbers. * in his native langiuage from "The Countess. Maritza," Mr, Hatvary was thé, original leati in tbe show in the .capit als of Europe. "Tania," the Russiant dan cer, spon- soreti by Miss Alicia, Pratt of Win- netica, %vill give four dance nunibers during the evening, assisteti by a small ballet. One is calleti a "Serpentine Dance,. -andi is nerformied iwith scarfs., Photo hy Balfour Ai'. and litrs. James W. Aider Of 9>31 Greclicood aveinie anniounice. lise sqç'nt of tiseir daughtei. Rffyti, to Walter Marx, so i f r. (Nd Ars. Walter. MarX of Kenil- zoorth. Miss Aider attepided Bi-iar- ciff ai Jriarcliff Vivior, N. Y, i<lid Vr. .Mar.î is a .qradt4te of Wil iils coi/cge. 71I1, beArothal zwlas mode kéiown iidisqlo open - house hi-Id hii tihe Aider hiome i ,> Chri*imas day. Darby-LippincoIt Troth Announced at Sunday Tea ýMr. anti Mrs. Raymiond J. -Darby of Winnetka, announced the 'engage- ment of their daughter, *Dorothy Anne, to Hall Lippincott, son of the Richard R. Lippincotts of Wilmette, at a tea given at their bone Suntiav afternoon. Miss Darby is a nietuber of the of Honor's Betrofhàl At the marriage last Saturday of Miss Charlotte Moody and' Frank WVilson Currier, the bride, wbile cut-, ting ber wedding: cake, announced the enggemntof ber-mait of honor, Miss Mïlireti Dan.ner,, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Danner of, Evanston, to ber brother, joseph. Campbell Moody, son of Ralph W.. Moody, andi the late:Mrs. Moody of WVilmette. Miss_ Danner was grati uateti from 'Northwestern unive rsity nli the class of '32, and is a Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sister of the former Miss M-oody. Mr. Moody graduated: from Washington and Jef- fersoni college ini '29 anti is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He is now residing. in Passaic, ,N. J., 'andi came en to be one of the ,usi;ierç at blis sister's wedtiing. Jane Copthorne Tells of Engagement a+ Tee MIr. andt Mrs. H. Norman CopthortnC of 1183 Asburv avenue. Huhbard Woodis, annouince the engagement of their dtighiter. Jane. to lDonalti Mac- donald, son of ',\r. anti MIrs. John Marshall Mactionaltil (f Chicago. The announicemnent %vas madie Sundav at a tea Mr. andi Mrs, Copthorne gave fromn 4 to 7 o'clock for frientis of the younîg couple.. Miss Copthiortie at- tended L.ake Forest c o 11 e g e -and Nortbwestern universitY a n di is a. iniber of Delta* Gammna s orority. Mfr. Nlacdionaldi was graduated at Lake Forest,. college with the class of '33 anti is a miember of Di Gamnina fraternity. Their Nvedding wvilt take place ini the spring. Betrothed J.ate titis sprin'y, or eari initihe, .slinllmert. M'iss i dred Donnecr of Ezaps!oii wiIf bec orne the bride of Jose plh Cuanpbel Moody of Passaic, N. J., farir/v' l of, Wiinette. 7heir betrothal was asss asnced duris..q 1fr. Moody's sistrr's wvedding. Stoddrd et Home Honors Newiyweds Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Stotidard, 524 Lake avenue. gave an informaI tea anti at homne, froin 4 o'clock until 7 lasi Sunday afternoon in honbr. of their'son anti his bride, MIr. anti Mrs. Robert M. Stodtiarti* of Nules. Center. - About eigbity-five ýfrïàinds of the family icame in to congraitulate the newlywetis. The bride is the former Miss' Mary Frances Youing of Wilniette. Uler niarriage to Mr. Stodîtard took place. on Deceui- ber 8. Op« Hou» Mr. andd Mn..OscarTownsend, 1337, aOM- Venue,' held. open: bouse -on Miïw Yent"s day. Enfer+amn Mlr. anti M rs. J. H. Weedoti, 1 10 Third street, enitertaineti at a 'Cock, tail party Christmas -eve anti at la *6seeing-the-new-year-in" party. Dorot/sy Ane Darby of Wùi-. netka- and Hall Lippincoit of Wil- nette arcenetgaged to bec,îsarried.ý the foriner's parents, Mfr. ai Mrs. Raymond J. Darby. osusounced at a lea Sunday. Gives Sleigh Ride jean joncs, daughter of Mrs. George Jones, 318 Oxford. rQad, Ken-, tlworth, was hosteim at'-slêigh party anti supper on New Year's day.

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