eyes of ail nations; and ail the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of Our Cod"' (Isaiahi 52:10). Among the citations which comprised the ýlesson-sermnOf was the followiihg f roni the Bible: "Iour ever, O. Lord, Tby word is settled in. heaven,. ., how love 1 Tii3 law,! it is my nmédita- tion ail the day 1 have refrained my feet'f rom every evii way. that 1 might, keep Thy. word. . . 'hy word is a lamp unto My feet, and a. ight unto iny patb" ,Psàlms 119.89, 97, 101, 105). The lesson-.sernin also included the' foillowing passages froni- the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health. with Key to 'the Scriptures' by Mary BaErddy: "If God,.the A11ilal, be the çreator of the spiritual universe, including.men, then everythingentitled to a classification as truth, or Science, mus t be coniprised in a knowledge. or understanding of God, for there can be nothing beyond illimitable divinity" (p.' 127). Rotarians Plan Big Recovery Exposition Plans are beîng mnade among meni- bers of Rotary in the Chicago area for participation in the three-day Rotary Business Recovery exposition to be held ini the Sherman liotel, Chicago, january 15 to 18. Mutch interest -is being shown by norh hore Rrtarians ni ithis second mectropolitt aréa, anda a large nuruuvr of.tickets are being .distributed here. -More than 150 inembers of the Chi- cçago»Rotary club, the sponsoring club, have already signed for space ini the sýhow ýwhich will feature industrial and educational displays of'.merchandise and bervice offered by the -nimbers in :their daily' work. Rtarains representing a comprehen- sîive cross-section of Chicago business, will demonstrate wbat energetic and far-sighted business mnen have donc to- Mrs., George W. Short of Deliniar, Md., wvas the guest of ber sister and family, the Robert Lee Megow,%ens of 197 Oxford road, Keniilwortb. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, Jr., 610 Washington ave nue, .entertained six. Aeen friends an(l relatives at dinner Christmas, day.. V»neh Lul 806 Dempst.f Sre.t, vemsU pbai" University M76 Qu"et aumv 1709 Darrow Avoenue, 1Evumton Phone Univerhity 4620 1014 Davis Street. Evas«. Pkour Univeruity e0112 ~ve~ 00"