freshman anid varsity mains. Thtis year Varu&ty Frosb tbemet if b exepioaly xcttmg Hli.mîîton, Hahn. F a n e r, Goddard, f or it Will mark the clositng chapter in Rolinger. Jeweil. Stembrldge, Happ, a fudwbch asben famngsîCe ohlmeyer, H e r- Zèhr,'Anderson early f ail. 80-yard flreast Itai sareo Nvebr. 10 when Horn., Horsohke Shaptro.:Brlgge- te arity squad 'upheld its honor olneBO rdFeSte the vas RollngêiHrtmil- Faner, Happ,, An-, by defeating the freshmnen, 47 to, 37. ton; Kohime r deruon, Goddard Twr weks ate t le fôshaveged440-Toril ree Style Twoweks atr te roh venedKaufman,Herrldge D1etz, OgIlby themnselves by inosingout the' varsi ty 10-Tard. Praê. Style by a score of 43 to.41. Enthused bv IfHahn,,Jewell,' StemIjrlIdkge. aner, titis victory the irosh spiasbed 'water in 1KohlmeYer Goddard the faces of the varsity meuiand wonIHri, ogt Nrh rrngton on Detember 13 by the score Of 46] borough ~ Free Style to3.Jewell, Hahn Ogilby, Dit Vawity, SeekàaRevmege300-Tard Mdly lay Hallenbeck. Horn, Zehr. 8 h a p 1 r o, Starting at 8:35, o'clock. on january. 1 Rollinger, Mmler. Happ, T er r 11, ,j., this, feud is. brouidit to, a: close in Hoischke, H a h n Brlgg,, Ptembridge the Shawnee Country club pool. AI- thougli the frosh enter this meet with an edge of two wins to one for the varsity, the latter ar~e -detiermineri that the f rosh shiail flot repeat. T'his. phienomenal performance, by the ireshman is the resuit of excellent swining by many stars of this section Of the country led by Danny Zehir who is the holder of many records ini the back>troke events. Several years ago Onie L)îck Hinch, a former Northwest- eru wi mr set a National Collegiate Athlctic association record of 1:-39 6/'10 WeCûtids1 for the 160-yard backstroke *event.- Up tintil this fait, that bias been the reco rd. However, Danny Zehir set elivious eyes upon the record andi, two ni(aths after school started this fait, lie smnashed it to set the extremelv f ast titie of 1 :37. But that flashy swvinimer was not satisfied with that perform- ance, so hie wvent out and establishiet a .new %vorld's record for the 150-yard l)ackstroke at 1 :3. New Trier Star Compotes T ite ýfreshmnh also boast two othèr stars, who are well known to nortit shore people and products of nearby highi schoois. These men are ini the dashi andt relay events, ini which they were champions during- their highi school F p p p p p 9. 9.9. p DDGE .and PLYM*WJITII and D00GE TRUCKS are aow ou display la. our New Showroom Wlich -metropoitan Papers for. Fürther A nnoncementa SIIORE LINE "MOTORS. lime. D@gPyoutm Soles-Service. 666 Ceumier Streetf WIm..*ka 1773 Il _____________________________________ 6 wL? New-DiffeTent--Deliciousl HYGRADE WestY Virginia Ham cornes to you- Ready for Your, Table Slice and serve cold or thor- andi outstanding stars one may naturally GIVE PARTY The North Shore Baha'i Youth group gave a party Saturday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hannen,' 536 Sheridan road,, Wilmette. Gamnes. were played1 and there was dancing, followýed by refreshment s. KENILWOETI Eenilworth Market 50,5 Park Drive Wagner-Borre Mar ket, 521 Park Drive Voit: & LAKE FORIEST ('onbrmunlty Service Groery treet & 'Market ImStrE iR1ket, LA KE.BLTFF' Lakte Bluff Market 112SoantfiAvenue i 114 MI Imm ffll."ýKiII& LILiq1bll MQ