Cornmunity ilouse are open , each Monday from 10 to 5, and the public is aJways welcome. No charge is rnad& for the programs or for the use of the center's facilities. The pro-. gram s, unless otherwise specifitd, are given at 10:-30 o'clock. Mrs. Alexander Reichmann of Bar- rington, who bas made an intensive, study of bégonias, will be the speaker Monday, january 7. Her sub- ject will be tbe plant on which ,she; is considered an authority. Mrs.ý Reichmann has sixty-nine of the two hundred knowný varieties of beginia, whose blooming time cornes soon. She will. illustrate her talk by showing slides. Hostesses at this.meeting will be Mrs.. Reichmann,. Mrs. 'Robert Hammond, Garden center chairman, for the Barrington ,club, Mrs. Sidney George, and Miss Elizabeth Hlowland. The program the secondè Monday in January will be announced next week. January 21 Mrs. Robert Work of Barrington will talk on, garden literature, exhibiting a large col- lection of garden books, and the fol- îowing 'Monday Mrs. Sumner Meade of Barrington Will speàk, ber subject being "Simple Lessons in Color De- sigil i iithée-Garden."« Promise Auto Show to Be "Best Ever" Deviating sharply ini nearly every respect f rom ail preceding expositions of its kjnd, the thirty-fifth annual Chicago Automobile show will bc held at the Coliseuin during the week of january 26 to February 2. Besides representing an entirely ncw conception ini point of decorative and illuminating style, the forthcomi- ing show will dibplay cars differently aiid more effectively, lit addition, it will mn ark the first tinie that ýaIl makes of cars have been displayed at an- automobile show and, due- to the eiminatioli of special hotel dispIays whiclh have beeni held in the past, the entire show for the first timrie il; manv years will becheld entirvl ment. The schedule for other badge ex-' amnations follows: Cook-Thursday afternoon, janu- ary 3, 2 o'clock; Mrs, D. W. Rapp, 406 Park aveén e telephone. Wilmette 1609. Hostess-Friday afternoon, january 11 3:4.5 o'clock; Mrs. F. A.'Pollock, 1406' Washington -street; telephone Wilmette 1832. Star Finder, or Tree Finder ' or Bird. Finder-Wediiesday .afternoon, January 16, 3:30 o'clock;. Miss$N Brown, Central schlool., Laundress-Friday morning, janu- ary 4, 10:30 'clock; Mrs. J. W. Hum- phries, 255 Wood court; telephone, Wilmette. 3780. Mrs. A. J. Coburn wiIl start a class on the Artist or Craftsman badge ai- ter Ja;nuary Il1. Applicants will please notif%, their leaders. SPECIAL NOTICES i. rh le exainination for the Athiete ladge will be given by Miss Janet Broxvi ai 3:30 o'clock, Friday after-j 11001. jaýnuary 18, at Stolp- schooi. 2. Girl Scouts ready for the Bugler exam are requested to telephone Mrs. J . E. Stark, Wilniette 870, for appoint- ment. 3. Ail. Girl Scouts wishing to take examinations must secure cards from their leaders. Round STEÀ b21 C Steak lb. SPAKLE GELATI!< Dessert. . se.5 SULTÂNA RFi) Bean..... eau Sc VAN C*mps ' tO.MA4TO Soup. . 0.m . " ISOo.PS IOWA '10m ITO PU r«... DSuLK r. . TABILE Salt. . . Ul osa "'~* Se VIET, BOBDBN'S, WRITE BOUSE ij4 CARNATION EVAPOBATE» 0 MiIk.... 3ra D Yl TAVLOR'M SWEET Potatoes. ' I 10 Pork4&S.i.':5 FANCY»ALlIE ROME Rtc. e h.. e.Sc Tomai. Souce Sugr.. Kieuzer buveur on eu LD. 5 * *e e* CAMR5 Grapefrut..bOlc VEUTA L IL-.1O SOUP moy 00 0 a ANf Ru.0Boul le:10.E U wE"N'S IAXJ.J PEtEU ' Pj%1-0m. 1O egetabIes '0'l10e Corn 9* ..CAR O MINUTE TAPIOCA CRAPENUTS ý0 .0 e, e . e Baker's Chocoate::: 12e'Log abin Cslunwt I. 20e La Franc 16 1c and the structure, tbey went to see the holi day illuminations in Wilmette,I Kenilworth and Winnetka. Although it was a rainy evening and very slip-j pery, the Party of eighty-five was in hihSpiritS .n. went its way as thoughi the moon were shining and the walkiing fine. Syrup. vin 23e Powder £9c@ * * ~ LUS. I .S Y 0 0 D Se, T OR E