And reSev.» h prop«eral ». in CASH.or LordsM e-, chandi». cef fcêtem& Sterling Solver Jewelry Spectale Frimes Chains - usman~y eshers UmNED5 U. S. GOMWRMENT W. P. ULLRICH WeII&. iowu EV1U*M, Jpwobr, APPRAISER LORD'S-Firist Pt,.7 *Pupils participating ini the prôgram were as follows: jean Steiner, Mari-. lyn Moberg, Frances Hamiton, Dor- cas ,Waters, Bethal Watsonn Hope Everham, Marcia Stapp, Marion Didier, Barbara Hammett, Mary, jean Traylor, -Bernice ,Herbon, :.Nancy Stapp, Joan'Blakeney, Elizabeth Hull, Virginia Todd,.Marjorie Mintz, Betty Bonnet, Betty Todd,, Lucy Jorjo ria n, Virginla. Corrigan, Araxe )orjorian, and Anna Grace Jorjorian. Dr. ýand Mrs. Augustus Hollandà. entertained at a bridge supper Friday at their borne, 107 Robsat roadl, Ken-- ilworth.. scouts of Winnetka Troops 16, 18, 19 and 20, which nieet at Community House, held a fathers' and sons' out- ing at the Izaalc Walton cabin near Wheceling. The progiatn consisted of gaines and ini the afternoon there was a real camp f eed of "Mulligan " cookced by some of the scout :fathers. In the' evening the camp fire ceremoniles wer e held around the fireplace at which time everyone participated in, stunts and, WIN RED CROSS AWARD '0f initerestto ail people who are ac-' quainted withCamp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan is the announcenient coming front Capt. Fred C. Milis. national director of health -and sàfetyl that--Catno Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan bas earned -for 19.34 the Red Cross banner for waterfront Progranl and proficiencv. FollowinL' is a quiotation froni Captain M1~ S"Tt is . witj pleasure that T advise you that tbe splendidi waterÇront Pro- grami and layout of your camp has won for the North Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of America, for the third time, the Red Cross banner for water oroficiencvr. Sincere congratulations., The trophy will be sent fonwardl to you withf n the nlext few days." The fact that Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan basç earned this banner for the third tume is sionificant. The recsuirements for Scout parents to know that their own Scout Canin conducts a waterfront rirograni which is worthy of recogni- tion by thie American Red Cross. be- cause of its high type of advance- ,ment program and safetv features. Special conimendation i5 due Mr. Frank ("Dick») Wichman and his staff that assisted bum in the opera- tion of the camp swirnming and water- front prograni in 1934. by north shore Boy Scouts reveals that, 62 different merit badlges were earned during 19.34. The total number of merit badges earned is 919, being sev- eral more than the total for 1933.' Merit badges are* given scouts Iii recognition of. their. havinig achieved certain 01)-. jectives and.-having. met certain n e- quirements in various.subjects pertain- ing to scout activities. Most, popular mnenti* badges 1arte a: follows: pens. onal health-71, public healtb*,-ýI,, first aid*-50. firemianship -49 cooking"--46, swimmin*g*--4Op p- oneering*--739,, woodwork-36. camp- ing* - 31., athletics* - 27,- pathfind- ing*-ýý27,' carpentry-27, life s aving* -27, woodcarving-23, electricity-22. reading--21. cano eing-18, reptile studv -18, rowing-18, scholarship -1. cvics*Ï~7, automýobiling-13, safety*.- 12, cycling - 13, leatbercraff-1O, bee- keéeping--9, prining-9. booktinding- 7, conservation-7, inusic-7, anigling-- 6. farn home and its planning--6, first aid to aMimais-G6. pottery-5. Other menit badges earned in lesser number were: animal industry, archi-, tecttlre, art, astronomy, aviation, bas-' ketny, bugling, cbemistry, dairying. farm layout, forestry. journalism, 'ma- cbinery, marksmansbip, masonry, metal- wonk, painting, pbotograpby, physical development, pigeon raising, salesman- sbip, seamansbip, sheep farming, signal - ing, stamp collecting and woodturning. Thinty-foun of the foregoing menit badges were earned by second clasý. scouts. *Denotes neit badges requireci f-r IEagle Scout rank. Walter J. Millard to' Addlress Chicago ýForum-. "éHow Can C hicago Endý Political ]Racketeering?"e will -be discussed byv Walter J. Millard of the National Municipal league at the Chicago Forum Sunday afternoon, Januany 6. Accordinito T TII~.~r iî:. Alimer Coe &!Company 1645 Orringtoo Ave., Evauston Tr" rSterin uC'hic.g answered the. requeits of civic organ- uary , wiKI services <aiy at 10a.. m., izatioin to help iu the Christmas Pro- 3 p. m., 6:30 p. m., and 8 p, mu. Thé, gramu of service to the. communities. closing exencises on january 15 wil Types of services reudened încluded be in charge . of Rev. R.D. Goggins, delivery of baskets of food, distribut- O.iP., who succeede Rev. W. A. ing clothing, loigatrcide Marchant, O.P., as director of the and distributhsg toys.ý shrine., A Word of Greeting from Aimer Coe & Company