.Arnold Bakkemo of 1031 W'lowu road, Winnetka, aninounces thte en- gagerneit of hi& sister, G ladys L o, to dlvin .O.-Seekafri, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. F. Seeva fer of 1620) Cen tral avenue, Wiliiiette. Tite îedding -will probablv fake place in the spring. Bot h 3Of peo ple are graditates Of Netc Trier Higis school, and 31r. Seeha fer is a receit grcduate tof Northîweisterii TOAI LDDRESS'ROTARIANS' lim me speaKer ai me meeig orriitei Wihiiette Rotary Club, to be lil at the Shaw.%nee Country- clubi on W~ed- nesday. January 9. Lutîcheoit vill be scrved at 12:15. The Cooke brothers, Dick and Don- ald, sons of tbe T. G. Cookes, 355 Kenlworth avenue, Kenilworth, are returning this week' to their studies. Dick is a senior at Lehigh university and Donald a senior at Mercersburg PONTIAC MOROIt MPANY, PONTIACp MICH. Dfraien .1 G orerai Meoera DEALER ADVBRTISÉENT, for the Iast two years. A double- heailer will bc played with the Chi- cago school Saturday night January. 12., New Trier will resune, Suburbai league comfpetition, against Evanston. on january 15. The heavies, 'coached, by' Clyde Grater of the New Trier faculty, will start practice -for the Lane game, when school reopens next Monday. The ightwveights, coached b3-ý W. L. "4Duke"* Chiids, head of the boys' ath- leic department at New Trier, ai-, ready have Field threepractices dur- ing the vacation. period.and will1 1praç-, tice again Saturday of this week. FaIllti toSlump After winning three. early season gaines New Trier's heavyvweights fel- it0 a slump.. Their record nom- stands at three Victories and, ive de- feats, three of the defeats having been admini.stered by Suburban league schools-Oak Park, Proviso and* VW.ukegan. Another suIbtWban teain, HinsdaIe, won a two-point vic- tory over New Trier, and Senn also wbîpped the north shore boys. 'Ne.%% Trier mon from Darrington, the *Hvde Park team of Chicago, and the. Lights Going Strong 'l'le record of the New Trier liglits lias leen irnpressive. Tbey have Iost 01113ý- to Oak Park and the alumni, whjle %winning f rom Barrington, Hirisdale, Hyde Park, Senti, Vauke- gan and Proviso. Following is a summrary of thie Nem- Trier 31, Barrlngton22 Iflnsd1jle 27, New Trier 25 New Trier 32, Alunini 27 New Trier 27, Hyde Park 25r, -enn 28, New Trier 17 W'aukegan 29, New Trier 28 Proviso 40, New Trier 31 Oak Park 42. New Trier 34 LlghtWelghts New Trier 39, Barrington 20 .New Trier 24, HlInsdale 13: Alurnni 26. New Trier 22 New Trier 35. Hyde Park 25 New Trier 31, Serin 22 New Trier 35, Waukegan 23, New Trier 35, Proviso 29 Oak Park 32, New Trier 23 Il urmer -Servi..- AL.L M A K ES WIn'ka375DaoeUgu OLIVIER -HANSEN I 0< 'g