Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jan 1935, p. 12

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ýst m amager. Municipal FEmployés Socety; Mrs. W. W. .Raniey, ichairman, Nomn- inations and Elections of. tbe Illinois Leagueof Women, Voters, and, it is hoped, Horace G. Lindbeimer, Demno-' cratic ward commîütteenian in the fiftb ward and assistant county treasuret. Mrs. Louise Leohard Wnigbt, chairman of the Forum, and just back f rom sev-> oral mnonths in Berlin,- Lonldon,.'Russia and, Geneva, will preside. OUTSCORE OPPONENTS Nortbwestern's basketball1 teani ont- scored its first. five opponen ts of the season by 50 points. The Wildcat cagers piied up 194 points tô> their opponents' 144 points. The biggest unargin ,was against Carleton, who Nortbwestern defeated 48 to 33. The closst wargin was the, nepoint- - vctory over Notre Darne. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Kenyon of Lake Forest, forrnerly of Wiimette, entertained at a luncheon iast Sunday. Among those who wîil participate are Olive Hartsborne, Dorotby Klein, Eleanor Murdock, Marion Gourley,- and Edith "Campbelli of Winnetka, Marjorie Cable -of Glencoe, Jean Mc- Kenna of Hubbard ýWoods, Joan Hardy of Lake Fortet Bessie Mc-* Fadzean of Evanston, and Heatherbel McPberson,: formerly of Hubbard Woods.. The 'piano accompanirnents will be played by Mrs. Ornîe R. Smnitb of 'Glencoe. Four of tbe,"stars" of the, per- formance -are. to be Heatberbeli Mc- Phierson, .Marion Gourley, Joan Hardy, and Bessie M c Fadzeéanm Marion Will do several Scotch dances andi also a Russian, one, wbicb -will be given to tbe music of Brahms' "Huni- g arian Dance No. ."' Talented. Heatherbeli McPberson, who scored sucb a hit ini the recital given last spring,, will give' another group of songi fand dances, ~icding "With, .My Hat on tht -Side of My Head." Heatherheli bas a wholesome and happy personality. She is natural and, unaffected, and wins ber audience cornpietely with her charming. voice and excellent dancing. She has ap- peared publicly iii severai cbarity per- formiances and recently sang over the radio i n one of Quin Ryail's amnateur night programs. Botb Bessie Mc- Fadzean and M~arion Gourley gave the of talent and Stage poise. Jane Sowers, daughter of Dr. and Afrs. Alva Sowers of 537 Abbotsford toad, Keuilworth, recentIy, returned frorn Illinois Masonic hospital. wvhere' she underwent an appendectomy, and is now up and about. 0o Elizabeth Stover, 1044 Ashland ave- nue,, visited ber grandrnother, Mrs. Henry Allen of Troy, Ohio, over By 'Jolni- S. Clark (Cook County 4ssessor) As assessor of Cook coÙIttY 0One Of mny deepest concerns is to make a per- sonal .property,,assessment uniformn and fair to ail. AssessÉment of real estate has its prob- Iemsbut they are trivial in cofipair4son with tbe assessnent of proa rp perty., The personal property tax for the a verage man' and womian is -their only direct contact with their ýgovern- meënts, and the riostf requent criticism. of assessments b'as been that the' tax burden bears most heaviiy on the stmall owner. of use, i urough te geral -use ot this guide to value, unifortnity cati be achleved, and 1 earnestly urged tig every housebolder in the county i this guide into consideration in illiîing out bis personal property ,sçledl« Need Ubiformity., Frorn my contacts, through'the, vcars. with the people of: Cook countY. 1 arn firrn in the belief that every goodcii zen wiil be eager to recognize hisý dutv toý the. goverfment by paying, a tax. provided.be is convincedtbat thle sc. ment on wbhich tbe tax is basedl is uni- form.. fair and witbout discriminaàtionti 1 arn equaliy.certain that lack of uni-, formity is the sutest road to Aissatis- faction ýand doWnrigbt refutsai Î' 'So far as is. in my power to prev nt, recognize any and ail tax bis. tbat criticisrn shall not apply to the ____________ assessmnent of Cook county citizens.I must and will obey the law in the H 2A L TII CENTER assessment of ail property, but it willIN bc my constant endeavor to obey the N W iaw in a spirit of f airness to the littie fellow against wb9rf the great bulk of the tax bills un, the average mnn The ftext Infant Wetfare clinic \wili wboe vsibe ea1i~7ndinded usbe held Wednesday afternoon. .1 di- oniy %vealtlu, is composed of househiold uary 9, 4rom 2 to 4 ocok goods and a f ew personal eftects.- It bas been and is my firm conviction 'l'The ext C:hest. ciinic wilI. hc lii that in ail faimness housthold furniture Monday afternoon, January 21. irf in and simlar belongings shouid 1b e ex- 1 to .4 o'clock. Dr. Jules Novak. m empt from assessrnent and taxation~ up icai director of the Chicago 'IiITulr- noa easonable minimum. Thccuiuosis Itistittute, is, iiichargv ni thiý stitution and the laws of the state,cin. however, do flot permit sucli exemption and my oath of office bincis me to obey Tht l)éntai clinic wili be heid îe- tac law. day morning, januuary 8. f rom i to a change towarcl which, witli others, J amn bending fmy energies, my deepest concern is to make an assessment whichi will be as f*ir and just to the man of littît means as to the corporation or individual of great wealth. As a matter of fact the assessmret of houschold f urniture, the principal possession of the great mai ority of tht people, bas its own peculiar problerns. T1he assessor may exercise bis judft- j12 o'clock. t Nortbwestern Cagers to Meet Wisconsi Monday %Torthmwestern's,- undefeated basket- býal tearn interrupted the holiday vara- tionperiodwitb a New Year's v game. with Butler at Patten, gyll-. nasmum. It was the final tuning nIll contest for the Wildcats before open- ing their Big Ten scbeduie witb WVis- consin, at Madison Monday, jaima'ry The Wildcats were particularly de- SANDWIHES LIGHT LUNCHES, ,JULIA'KINýG CANDIES., m4 SM"u hcm.rt (apposite Teotro) Wilntt. 5Mu to exce..Ut best bal l andiers on. the squad anda to ecee 40percent for the first year also possesses a good shot. Jess Mc- after purchase, 10 per cent for echC Anaily, 6 foot 5 inch sophornore frofli of the second and third yeàrs of owR-, Greencastle, Indiana, has taken over ership, and 5 per cent for each. of the the center duties in able, fashioâ. next five years, with the provision Thé Wildcats have two fine guards that the owner's final valuation should i nthé etran I awaadDk flot be less thani the fair. cash value at Vance, so;phornore.. Tht latter, Who a volutitary sale. hails f rom Loganspont, Ind., is 6 feet *On this basis the large depreciation 3 inches tai!.

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