Pond's Creams :: 39c Milk of Magnesia itt 3 3c Cod Liver O :STANDARDIZED 59c Rem 49c New Large Tube J. . DR. Keeps breath pure one to two hour longer. TH BRUSH, r'S TOOTH (Economy) a'S DENTAL giant e tubes.. PASTE, r 1 Grove 29c Laxative . ......... With Hasel pmnt .. Nose Drops Vc im......... 3 6 e Vapex 75c5 •••T-ake m••o•es 'ou••r "••Hel When These Resedies C•si S• LitNe! Bisodol 7Sc .s.. a.. 47 - I -w 4c ZSc .Glyeerne Rose Watoe RIDGE AVE. 901 Ridge lRoad mette 316 400 Linden Avemme PHARMACY Phone Winmette 464 Il JANUARY 3, 1935 I