The pastor BlINDÂT SERVICES Churceh school ............... 9:45 a. in. Mornlng worslp . ...........Il a. nm. Luther league ............... 5 :30 P. m. The Woman's soclety ivill meet this afternoon (Thuruday). at the parsonage àt 2 oclock. The oMeiers for- the -en- suifig .year are: président, Mrs. J. H. H1opip; vice-president. lwIrs. Fvrank Hay-7 son; secretary, Mrs. William Melbye;. treaBoureri, Mrs. Swen Oison, missionary treasurer, Mrs., William,.Stants. As we begin the New Year ln our hearts there la a stronger determination' and a more ardent zeal to labôr under, the guidance of* God And carry on our mlsslonary work. We Invite ail the women to our mÙeetings.. Choir rehearsal Friday eve ning at At our service of woi-ship next Sunday morning the.Holy sacramieuit of the Holy Communion wvlll be aditinistered. . Be- gin the New Year by coming to the LodsTable! Confirmation class wil mneet oi1t 'ues- day afteruîoon,, Januàry 8, ait 3z:301 o'elock. Church council will mieet on TTuesday evening, January 8, at 8 o'elock. The Men's organization will nieet on~ Weflnesday evenlng, January 9. Thé conîniittee la hoping to be able to an- nounuce another fine dinner. Watch for the innouncements! An houu' spent in the House (if «od on the Sabbath Day wlll inake vu week more Joyous. Wilmette Baptist Minmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastnr "We break new seas todayý,- Our eager keels quest unaee(ustontiedl waters, Aund froju the vast unc-hqited %%aste ln front The mystie circles leaip To. greet our »r>ýws ivith . ,ightiest possibilities." The spirit of adventur'>us faith, grips this- church as we enter init.,tlhe New Year, and renewed loyalty to Christ, and IHis Kingdorn la being piedged âAý a growlng, company of Christian. coin- rades. With the deterrnlnatiîîn to con- serve the best of the old, we are equally determmned to be alert toi the new light and truth .God la sending te His wNorld, W. offer any wbo are unchurcbed a f ree and happy Christin fellowe;>ip). Who willI join us .in the "Quest et 0u, and relief problems,- January 23--Monthly *Book Tak-en informai chat on the books. we have been readlng that stir. idealisin, Inter- pret lite, or Inspire faith lu God and Man. January 30-.Young People's, Night- special .program developed by you-nger. membes of the congregation. Thé B. Y. P., U.. meetsat 6 o'clock Sunday evening for Its >New tr, under the direction of Keith Jones and a large group of officers and commit-, tees. AIl high school people are earfl- estly, urged'to. get into this enjoyable, give and take of opinion and conviction, others who are lInterested, are always welcomned by '*the High School Group. The minîster and his family ap - prÉeclate the countless expressions (If good. will and 'felilowship, both withiin and wlhout the c.hurch membership. 'May 1935 Bring Blessing to Yo>u and Yours" lu our gr-eeting to ail in the Master'. Name. First Con gregational, John G. Jflndley, minister "Sufficient F'luid Capital" will be the subject of the Rev. Mr'. Hindley's sermon at the il o'clock service on Sunday morti- ing. This will be the first of a new serlea, of sermons on "A Man's Religion" wvhieh Mr. Hlndley *111 preach during the snonth of January. The musical lrograni follows. Prelude: "Meditation"......Sturges Antheni: "The Heavens Are Telling" . . ...... -.Il..Haydn ,Quartet:'Jesus Qnly-.......ooi Postlude: "Pirale" frôini Second Symnphony"......Widor. icentral circle wlll nmeet with Mrs. F'rederick M. Bowes, 1140 <lreenwood av'enue, on Friday, J«iaiary 4. L'uncee wll1l be served at 12 :30. Abraicadabra m-111 h 1) 1 d its regutlr monthly meeting at the home if M .and Mrs. Jamies L. Surplle"s, 1041 Ashlanci a velnue, on Fridny evening, Jnuay4. (Cn Monday, Jlatuàr',% 7, the East End circle wvill- meet with, Mrs. H. E. HoldOe- WaY, 723 Forýest avenue. Luncheon will bie servd at 1 2:30. Assimting hoste.,4ses:. Mrs. H. C. Hall and Mrs. P. J. Brough- ton. The Ci-eseent cr ewIl mleet .ut théj The Sund ay school ivili ileet ai 9:45. Clauses for chlldren of the ages be- tween the Kindergarten and the hlgh .school. Visltors are welcome. The Kenilworth Young People's Sun- day Evenlng club will mneet at 6:30., A sup)pet wlll be served, foilowing bY a progralin. Fir st Pl1resbyteritan- Nlnth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, ninister, Our tÎornling worship is held at Il o'clock. the uminister wilI preach on the theme, "The ln 1vestment 'of- Days.", We cordib4lly Invite you to warmhip with us. The musical programn for the service is as follows: Prelude, "Duet," Mendel.s- sohn; Apthem, "Harki Hark, My Soul," Shelley: Solo, "Corne Ye Blessed," Scott,, Mr. EdWard OCtis; Postlude, ..Song Without Words," (Ni). 15) Mendelqsohn. Our Bible school is beld at 9 :30 Aoek litIail departnients. Our Adult Blible cùlasa meets for study at 10 ocok and we are studyinig ',The Lite eind Letters of Paul." We invite y0u. Junioi,,chtirok hwill care for the. cliil-' di-en during the. morning worshilb.setr ice. The Tuxis club, the hlgh sehool group of Young people,, 5 :30 o'cloek., Jane Lamprey will lead the meeting. The. Forum. the coilege and post-col-ý lege group o! young people *111l meet. ,et 5:30 n'eock. The Wilmette Sunday Evenýing elula presents its prograit at '7:-30 at the Con- gregational church. The Session will meet ut the cr' Monday evenlng< at 8 «ok Boy Scout Troop No, 5 wlll metet Mn day at the church. The, Womnan's society ýwill meet 'T'ues - day at the ehutrch. MNrs. R. H. Hiender- sone will conduct the devotionals. Mr P_ Samn Dennis will iead wlith the topfle, 'World Peace and Msifm. Lunch eoni will be served by Spoke 8, lips.IRussel Frei, chairmnan. Sewing will be in charge o! Spopkes 10 and 4, Mesdames, Rie and Gibson, chuirien. Ôur_îmd-week -service will ,he held Wedîîeeday evening at o'clock. We will continue oui' study of 'ýThe Sermon oh~ the Mount.'I We invite you te spent this bour with us. The choir wil . rehearse Friday eve- ning at th church. Girl Scout Troop No. 5 will méet s 'at- urday at the chut-eh. *The Scout troo0ps for boys and girls meet as fofloWS: Girl Scout T1roop 1-Thursday eve. nings, 7 :15'P. M. Girl Scout Troop 2=Thursdayrs, at 3,45 P. M. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays, at 3,:45 P. M. ]f9rownie-Wed»esdays, at 3 :30 P. M Boy Scout .Troop 3-Th.ursdaYS al; 7:30, P. M. ANational Girl Scout..Leaderi' r.tin- lng Course will be given *In the Girl Scout rooni or the Methodfist church on Monday Tuesday, Wednesdlay and Thursday evenings of next .week-Jan- u ray .7, 8, 9 and 10. Miss Allce Mulkey, a member of the national training staff, will be the instructor. Trhe classer, wîu be held from 7 :30 to 9 :30 o'clock. Regis- trationsà shouild, be made on Frlday of tbis week, between 5' and 6 Welock. Phone Mise Millie. Mae Humphries, Wiî- mette 2348. Ail -womerndmiyoung womien interested are Inviteol tii take ad va ntage of this 'unusual opportiiuîity. Ste A ugustine'.9s 'undav, Xanuary 6, wIl1 be the Festival of the EIpiphany,. celebrating the visit of the Wise Men fromn the East te the new-born Savicur. There will be .Holy Communion at 8A M. Church sihool and Bible' lasses at 9 :45, and Holy Commlnunion -With sernion at 1l. Next Sunday ýbeing the first Sunday of the mnonth, will be the Corixorate ('ona- mutiion Sunday for both the Moyçs' atu Gýirls' Communion leagues. The followîng îroba.tioner, will be terni.tlly adniitted to the Acolytes, (Juild ofSt. Atgustlne's -hturc-h at the. Altar at the elose. o! the Il A~ . L ervivees: IBern. Barrett, Jack Jennings, William. Jennings, Peter Stewat, a.nd Iawrencre Tower. The recte )r hum embershiji 'ards frr 1935 for the S<urilture Union, whereby nienibens read a short selection of the Bible each day throughout the y'ear, There are at lîresent 112 miember.s in the St. Auigustine's brunch. The. total miembership orf the Scripture Union' throughout the, vorld is about fine. ii- l1(in, the (oards heing. nrînited in <,VCI. forty languageês, "M'e ('hristinas services at -t. Augws- tine's were largelv attended. The spe- ciai Christniîas off ering so fi. amounits to alrmost $150; that of thê. îchilc1r'ei amouints to a bout $50). On Wedneaday, January 2, a new type of Midweek service, entitle&I "The Fsmir- ily Council of the Church," *111 b. la.unched. "How To EnJoy Reading the. Oldest Bible StWrle" le the. theme of the. pmstor's Informai talk. The. plans for the new serles willI b. presented for act- ton. Tnatlvely, the topica are. au fol- Iowa,: Jamary 9-Mgoel Miamions oe ment-the 11>11w-u p ofthe .atIrrlng -MeexSn4 ana ýatf7340> Ridge 0lvý"oes ak - , ~~~Gene*'aI Aid Sewing will b. iield at 10:30ebolvrRgsPak Dr. WllJett's aubject for Sunday, Jan- 'clock. Luncheon will b. aerved at noon uary 6, wili be "Our Father'u God." by the Third division. The business CHRiISTMAS GUESTS The. ehurch service la at Il o'clock. mneeting'atid prograni will b. iield at1 Mr. andi Mrs. William G. Weiss and, The Woen'a Gild wll mee 1:30 o'clock., Al womnen are lnvited. hi w hlrno hcg n The omens Guld ill eet on- Çhoir rehearsal was held on Monday terto hlrno hcg, n day morning, January 7, at 10 o'clock. nlght of thua week. The. next reiieara Mrs. Weiss's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Luncheon ilîl ho served. The work of wlll theirefore be Thuraday, January 10. W. etaadtelte' itr the guild 1,a for the benefit- of good .- causes lnu whilci the women of- the The WmnsFriuMsinr of Portsmouth, Ohio, werCrsts church and the, comffunlty are ln- ciety u wlli meet Thuraday, - anuary 10, guesti of the Thomas, Mintz family, tereated. Ail women in the community at 10:30 o'célock to do hoapitai aewlng 50 Crescent place.